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My prediction(s) on botw2 - hear me out

Dec 9, 2009
My title predictions:

The Legend of Zelda:…

A Link to the Future
A Link to the Present
Breath of the Past

If it is neither of those, i think the title will have to do with time or having to do with the power Link gains that causes his arm and hand to look like it was made from sheikah tech.

There was time travel in Age of Calamity from the new champions and terrako..I think there may be time travel in this new game. Link in the new clip we saw looks awfully like the link on the scroll when we are told the history of calamity, and if you ever bought the special/master edition of BOTW, you get a physical copy of it as well. The hair and the clothes specifically.

That being said.. I think it’s possible that we are actually going to be playing as the Link from the history of the calamity or maybe Link has to act like he is the same Link. Maybe we play as both Links and the game will have us hop in between different time periods as different Links. Maybe just one link, and we are playing some or all of the game in the past… or the future.

I think the Link we currently know right now and Zelda wake up Ganondorfs humanoid form in the catacombs of hyrule, as we saw in the first announcement. Link attempts to fight Ganondorf, and Ganondorf ends up destroying the master sword..which is why it looks like it was destroyed in the recent delay announcement, and one of the goals in the game is to restore it. I think a part of restoring it has to do with traveling through time.

I believe that spell that supposedly sealed Ganondorf is connected to why Links hand looks like it harnessed some sort of power. I think once Ganondorf breaks that seal and awakens, whatever power or entity that was will possess Link. If it’s a speaking entity, I believe it will be the games “guide”, like Navi, Tatl, Midna, Fi, or Tetras necklace. I think it will communicate with us also provide the ability to morph links arm into different weapons, items etc and it’s definitely going to be an important part of the game.

Also, this may be getting too dark but I have a feeling that Impa is going to be killed off and it’s going to be sad.

Thoughts? Anything to add?
I get the feeling the game may have some focus on the dead, but I doubt it takes place in the past. Sheikah tech doesn't seem to be nearly at the forefront, either, and the theme seems to be more magic-over-technology this time around.

But I will note that the glowing green aesthetic of the hand and related magic seems to match the green wisps that float around the ghosts of the Champions and King Rhoam in BotW. Whether or not the spirits of the dead will play a role I cannot say, of course. But it would alleviate a need for time travel if the hand somehow communicated or harnessed the dead. Maybe it would also do a better job at showing how much life was lost during the Calamity that didn't seem as catastrophic 100 years later?

I feel mildly confident that the "Ganoncorpse" as people call it, is somehow gonna be brought to the Shrine of Resurrection, or that would be some sort of end goal for that physical body being unearthed.

You can't really predict an entire plotline, especially with a series as finnicky as Zelda, but you can look for patterns with certain elements, and that's probably the most you can do for now. We'll all get our answers eventually.
Dec 9, 2009
I get the feeling the game may have some focus on the dead, but I doubt it takes place in the past. Sheikah tech doesn't seem to be nearly at the forefront, either, and the theme seems to be more magic-over-technology this time around.

But I will note that the glowing green aesthetic of the hand and related magic seems to match the green wisps that float around the ghosts of the Champions and King Rhoam in BotW. Whether or not the spirits of the dead will play a role I cannot say, of course. But it would alleviate a need for time travel if the hand somehow communicated or harnessed the dead. Maybe it would also do a better job at showing how much life was lost during the Calamity that didn't seem as catastrophic 100 years later?

I feel mildly confident that the "Ganoncorpse" as people call it, is somehow gonna be brought to the Shrine of Resurrection, or that would be some sort of end goal for that physical body being unearthed.

You can't really predict an entire plotline, especially with a series as finnicky as Zelda, but you can look for patterns with certain elements, and that's probably the most you can do for now. We'll all get our answers eventually.

I like how you notice the green Wisps and kind of connected the dots to those who are dead.

hopefully we don’t see green wisps around Impa…
Nov 30, 2021
Zelda titles usually revolve around the game's central gimmick, which looks like its going to be the hand in BOTW2 but honestly it could be anything.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Unless that whole “story spoiler” was to throw us off their track.

I'm still convinced it's more about a lack of depth in the game's plot. The BotW sequel spawned out of the cancelled story add-on for the first game after realizing they could charge people full price for it instead of just $20 deciding they had "too many ideas" to fit them into just an expansion.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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Everybody seems to be latching onto the idea of there being a past Link/ future Link thing going on here. Personally I never got that watching the trailers, I'm not sure why so many people are obsessed with the theory. I think that if there were giant floating islands during the 10,000yr calamity it would've been mentioned on the tapestry, or in some sort of tome/legend. This could work if we were changing the past but I THINK WE'VE DONE THAT ENOUGH NINTY. Perhaps the game includes some sort of small time jump, like an oot scenario? Anyway, I agree with the idea that restoring the master sword will be a major point of the game, possibly dungeon incentive. It hearkens back to the sacred flames of ss (and yes I think fi will be making an appearance in some capacity I would bet money on it).
As for the title, I feel like it would be an homage title like "A Link to the (insert obligatory trailer detail)" I'd like if they did something more original, though.
I really think the "past Link" is just BotW Link donning historical attire. I'm still kind of thinking about BotW2 potentially unravelling the backstory of BotW from a different angle, and the whole prophecy about "the answer to defeating Calamity Ganon being underground" not ending up being about the Divine Beasts as believed in BotW, and instead referred to something that predated them. The hand might be a part of it, but we have all beeninterested in the Zonai and the green and the glyphs in Faron, so I'm thinking the attire may be linked to them and since BotW Zelda had to don special attire in order to pray to Hylia, I really don't think it's weird that Link would have his own sort of special attire for his trials with the Zonai.

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