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My Little Pony?

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and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
Okay guys, this thread has gone off topic a little too much. Let's just calm down a bit and try to get back to the original discussion before it was derailed into what we have here now before anyone else gets into some trouble.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Okay so My Little Pony has its own little internet fan base and I am fine with that. But I want to know what the big fascination a bunch of teenage+ people have with a children's cartoon aimed at girls in-between the ages of 5 and 10. I'm certain that there are some "Bronies" out there that are willing to fill me in.

I have also been wondering this exact same thing. I, sadly, do not have an answer to this question either. Can somebody tell us what's with the whole My Little Pony fad?

Simply put, My Little Pony is a show that targets an audience of every age. It's not so childish that adults can't watch it, and nor is it completely girly, which I'll admit surprised me. The characters all have traits which define them. The viewer might relate to one of them better than the other, and each episode tests them in different ways, all of which produce a lesson at the end of it. I best describe the pacing as moderate; even if a silly part takes its course, then a more serious character is quick to even it out again.

MLP: FiM also has obscure suggestions of other well-known movies or TV shows, such as Star Trek and others which elude me. This gives grown-ups something to keep an eye out for, and anyone interested by reading this fact something to expect.
Feb 5, 2011
Thank you Djinn.

Really, my advice for all of you is to just sit down and watch an episode or two. If you dislike it for legitimate reasons, fine. If it ends up entertaining you, then that's fine too. We all have opinions on something and if we want to change ones opinion, we should do it without making the other person feel bad or be insulted as well as state legitimate reasons.


Angel of Darkness
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ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Isn't it old already? I mean I remember when I was a kid (a long time ago) I saw My Little Pony everywhere. I am not insulting anybody or considering it stupid or whatever because we all have the right to say what is on our mind as long as we keep it decent and mature. But my question to the MLP fans here is: Was this a show a long time ago or is it a new show? And by this 'again' I mean I saw it as a kid in the 80's in the stores and all. You know, those little dolls every (especially girls) wanted to have


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Isn't it old already? I mean I remember when I was a kid (a long time ago) I saw My Little Pony everywhere. I am not insulting anybody or considering it stupid or whatever because we all have the right to say what is on our mind as long as we keep it decent and mature. But my question to the MLP fans here is: Was this a show a long time ago or is it a new show? And by this 'again' I mean I saw it as a kid in the 80's in the stores and all. You know, those little dolls every (especially girls) wanted to have

Both. There was a show in the '80s, and based on the dolls you saw as a kid. It's not something I'd want to watch, personally, because it doesn't seem to carry the same charm as the modern series. Here's why:


But this is a clip from the first episode of the modern show:


As you can see, My Little Pony changed drastically when Lauren Faust--producer of the new series--produced this vision and instilled it with the Friendship of Magic.
Nov 7, 2011
I refuse to indulge in such community on the grounds that at 10 years of a age I would have been punched for so much as mentioning My Little Pony. I'm now 19. To call myself a 'brony' and not receive immediate physical punishment would be too much for my brain to handle. I would probably end up punching myself, following up with a swift jab to the ribs for not genuinely feeling sorry about it.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
People again try to calm down okay? This should NOT be going on about if you like or dislike MLP and if it is for kids or not. Just try to be more mature here and at least try to respect each other's opinion. If you don't like MLP it is the best to avoid collisions with the people who like it. I expect you from now on to act more mature and be wise. Don't reply if you feel it is going to get out of hand. There shouldn't be a reason for all this to get out of hand.
Now let this be the last warning or else this thread will be locked. Now allon-sy
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