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Multiple part boss fights

Some legend of Zelda bosses have stages and its a theme that seems to be creeping into the series more and more as time goes on.

For example; the fight with Ganondorf in Twilight Princess had four stages (Puppet Zelda, Beast Ganon, Horseback and one on one). Bellum in Phantom Hourglass had a similar set up as did Debbie (Ghirahim) in his final stand in SS....

Do you like these multiple part boss fights in Zelda and which has been your favourite?


Feb 16, 2015
They're okay, they've been around for a long time. OoT with Ganondorf and Ganon, MM with the Majora stages, WW with the puppet Ganon, TP with the last battle. They're just kind of expected as an end battle now to me.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
I like them, they tend to be a bit frustrating, but you will have that with multi-phase battles, as each stage takes a lil trial and error. Old 16 bit days didnt give you a check point at every stage of the battle, so nowa days they dont bother me at all, cuz they take it easy on you.

As far as Zelda goes, I would have too say that the one you mentioned with Twilight Princess is my favorite, followed closely by Vaati in Minish Cap.
Mar 22, 2015
I like them, a varied fight seems more fitting for the final battle and tends to feel more satisfying.
Jan 30, 2015
under the moon
Multi-part fights are fun. It pretty much tests your abilities to figure out what to do for each situations and how to adapt to it. Plus, it'd get boring pretty fast if I have to fight a boss that takes a long time to kill but only has one part. Those situations are more of a "how long can you last" thing. Multi-part boss fights helps keep the fights fresh, challenging, and exciting.


The lazy Chaos Bringer
Mar 25, 2015
I enjoy them as the final boss. I'd get bored with them though if every boss I fought through the game had multiple forms I had to fight through though. But as the final challenge they are nice.


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
I really enjoy the multi part battles, especially when it comes down to the final boss. I think Twilight Princess showcased a good variety of both surroundings and fighting techniques needed to defeat the many faces of Ganondorf. I can see how battles like these would tend to get boring if used repeatedly, but once or twice throughout the game adds a nice challenge.

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
I feel like it makes it more challenging and nerve-racking for the player. I do enjoy the multiple part boss fights, but I feel like that should be reserved the final boss because I feel like overusing that mechanic with dungeon bosses makes it tedious and annoying.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
I dislike multiple part bosses in scenarios where you wouldn't realize it was a multipart fight, i literally hate it like that. Way back when in the 2nd spyro game the final boss was a multipart but you weren't told about it so i'd go all out on that first part never knowing i'd need to conserve some health for the 2nd and third parts. Granted that's Spyro not Zelda but my point still stands. If i get multipart fights and i don't know about it , they suck but apart from that they are a challenge because they often test your versatility and adaptability

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