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Game Thread MS Paint Mafia U-Pick Edition [Day 5]


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
Final Votecount
Minish - 2.1 (Lain, Kod, Bonus Votes)
Not Voting - Minish

Minish has been lynched. She was Halloween, the town aligned Holiday

Welcome to MS Paint UPick Mafia! You are Halloween, the Town Aligned Holiday


You might have historical roots in pagan celebrations or harvest festivals or satanic rituals or something else i'm not really sure but these days you're mostly about giving candy to children and dressing up in costumes and watching scary movies and maybe doing the occasional prank.

Treat [Passive] - Any player that visits you at night will receive a treat, increasing the value of their vote slightly the next day.

Masquerade [Active] - Once per night you can target a player to gain a mask depicting their role. You can also target a player to give them one of the masks in your possession. (Both halves of this role can be used each night) You start with a mask depicting your role. Players who have a mask depicting a role other than their own will be given the option to put it on, which they'll be told will have unknown consequences.

Trick [Active] - Once per game, you can activate this ability to have everyone wearing a mask swap roles with the player who's mask they're wearing.

Somewhere, in a small library, a forgotten copy of microsoft word smiles in wingdings

Lain was the mafia aligned copy of microsoft word 2003 running on a forgotten desktop computer sitting in the broom closet of a public library.

Welcome ot MS Paint Upick Mafia! You are the mafia aligned copy of microsoft word 2003 running on a forgotten desktop computer sitting in the broom closet of a public library.


While once you helped people process word documents in a fun and helpful way, now you have been left to languish in the shadows of an underused institution, waiting for the day someone will either find use in you or put you out of your misery.


Forgotten [Passive] - You don't appear on the list of active players or on the list of players who aren't voting. Additionally, the first time you are voted each day it won't be counted.

Helpful Assistant [Active] - Once per night you can call on your helpful word processing assistant to get some advice on how to proceed. You may ask me one question and I will answer it truthfully but not necessarily usefully.

and the enjoys reading so it does that, possibly in that same library, but oblivious to the software or even the broom closet's existence.

KoD was self aligned

You are now self aligned.



True Absence [Passive] - In the absence of nothing, there is everything. You have access to most of the design file.

You Just Want to Read [Passive] - You win the game as long as you are alive when it ends.

Lain, KoD, and Killjoy have won the game, Congratulations!

Everyone else has lost, Better Luck Next Time!

Thank you for playing everyone, i hope you enjoyed the game. I'll post the design file and night actions shortly, feel free to ask any questions or make any comments/criticisms that you'd like. Channels will be opened on the discord shortly. If you'd like to be added to exlight's zombie chat on the forums let me know. 1 on 1 conversations between me and other players will remain private, though they're free to disclose them if they want to.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
Welcome to MS Paint UPick Mafia! You are Taylor Swift, Town Aligned Musician


You are a famous musician who has a lot of fans and a lot of haters. You've been in this business for a long time and you don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

Breakup Song [Active] - Write a breakup song about target player. They will be unable to post in any private chats they are in for the duration of the following day.

Private Jet [Active] - Fly to visit another player on your private jet. You will be able to talk to them outside the thread for the duration of the following day. Before the day ends, they may choose to become a swiftie, but will not be told what becoming a swiftie entails.

Swiftie Nation [Passive] - You and your swifties may communicate outside the thread with each other at any time. If you would ever be killed at night, the kill will be redirected to a random non-mafia swiftie instead.

Welcome to MS Paint UPick Mafia! You are R.J. MacReady, Town Aligned Alien Hunter


You were employed as a helicopter pilot for a research station in antarctica, which was an alright gig until some sort of ancient alien creature was unearthed from the ice and began systematically killing and replacing all of your coworkers, which was less alright.

You have the following abilities:

The Thing [Passive] - An alien lifeform you've come to refer to simply as "the thing" is on the loose. It has the ability to perfectly mimic anything it comes into contact with, and thus anybody here could secretly be the thing, and somebody surely is. The thing is also particularly tenacious, and if any piece of it escapes death it can reform anew. If the thing is lynched, it will escape and mimic a random player on its wagon, and if its killed it will mimic a random player that targeted it that night.

Blood Test [Active] - Target a player at night to check whether they are human. The thing will never appear as human, though other non-human characters may also exist in the setting.

Scotch [Active] - Take a swig of your favourite J&B brand scotch whisky. The following day the value of your vote will randomly change to be worth either a little less or a little more.

Blow it all to hell [Passive] - If you and the thing are ever the only two players remaining, you automatically activate this ability to kill every living player, resulting in a town victory.

Welcome to MS Paint Upick Mafia! You are Skulduggery Pleasant, the Town Aligned Elementalist.


You have a cool name and are very well dressed and are friends with people who also have cool names and may or may not be very well dressed i didn't see any pictures of them. You are also a skeleton and a very old mage that is good at what you do. You save the world and stuff.

Elemental Cantrip [Active] - Choose one of four elements and target a player to accomplish the following:

Fire - Increases the value of the votes against the target the next day by 0.5, up to a 1.5 bonus.
Earth - Delays any killing actions used on the target for one night, but can't be used on the same target two nights in a row.
Water - Cuts the value of target's vote in half for one day.
Air - Prevents the target's actions from being interfered with on the night its used.

Exceptional Insight [Passive] - Whenever you target a player with one of your abilities, you'll learn the name of one of their abilities.

Welcome to MS Paint Mafia U-Pick! You are the town aligned dying light of a sunset on the horizon of a fading memory, the kind of memory you can only grasp at and never fully recall


This is the part where i'm supposed to write a short description of your character but thats a pretty abstract concept so i'll just leave you with the art


Setting Sun [Passive] - Your vote is worth double if cast in the 12 hours before deadline.

Grasp at Memories [Active] - Target a player at night to gain a fuzzy image of their character.

But that isn't all you are, you are also:

The Thing, Self aligned Alien Shapeshifter


Survive at All Costs [Passive] - If winning with your default role ever becomes impossible, you gain a survivor wincon.

Steal Form [Passive] - Whenever you hammer or kill a player, you can choose to exchange your base role (dying light of a sunset) with a copy of theirs. This will not change your alignment. They will retain their original role. You must choose to activate this ability before the flip occurs.

Perfect Copy [Passive] - you will only appear town if investigated. You will flip as town.

Welcome to MS Paint UPick Mafia! You are Nichol Bolas, the Self Aligned Elder Dragon who has escaped his forever prison, regained his spark, and went on to become empowered in a bid for Godhood beyond what had been imagined before.


Things were looking grim for you for a while, as you apparently lost your spark and got stuck in a forever prison. Thankfully, you escaped it (it wasn't that much of a forever prison i guess), regained your spark, and went on to become empowered in a bid for godhood beyond what had previously been imagined. Now that unlimited power is at your grasp, you can finally settle in and spend your time reading good books like you always wanted.

Godhood beyond what has been imagined before [Passive] - You are immune to all targeted abilities.

Read them like a book [Active] - Gain one of target player's abilities at random. The ability may be modified when you gain it.

You Just Want to Read [Passive] - You win the game as long as you are alive when it ends.

Welcome to MS Paint UPick Mafia! You are Halloween, the Town Aligned Holiday


You might have historical roots in pagan celebrations or harvest festivals or satanic rituals or something else i'm not really sure but these days you're mostly about giving candy to children and dressing up in costumes and watching scary movies and maybe doing the occasional prank.

Treat [Passive] - Any player that visits you at night will receive a treat, increasing the value of their vote slightly the next day.

Masquerade [Active] - Once per night you can target a player to gain a mask depicting their role. You can also target a player to give them one of the masks in your possession. (Both halves of this role can be used each night) You start with a mask depicting your role. Players who have a mask depicting a role other than their own will be given the option to put it on, which they'll be told will have unknown consequences.

Trick [Active] - Once per game, you can activate this ability to have everyone wearing a mask swap roles with the player who's mask they're wearing.

Welcome to MS Paint Mafia U-Pick! You are Rupert, the town aligned Red Panda Cyborg Zombie with a Greatsword.


You are a red panda named rupert and also you are a cyborg and also you are a zombie and also you have a greatsword. You enjoy hanging from trees and drinking tea.


Zombie Scourge [Active] Once per night you can bite another player, infecting them with the zombification virus. They'll be told they've been infected with a mysterious disease and that it could have unknown effects. When they die they'll become a zombie, which will allow them to communicate with you and other zombies privately, but will otherwise remain dead.

Cyborg Army [Active] Once per night you can modify another player into a cyborg. Cyborgs will all be able to talk to each other privately at any time.

Great Sword [Passive] You have a great sword. It is so great that anyone who kills you will take it for themselves, gaining this ability.

Welcome to MS Paint Mafia U-Pick! You are the town aligned small sphere comprised of the the following layers: a lime sized core of balled up squares of lightweight aluminum foil over which a crust of overlapping rubber bands resides. A layer of plaster encapsulates the bands. Upon the plaster are ultra thin gold wires encircling the orb creating a horizontal and vertical intersection at the center of it's face as you look straight at it. They continue in one degree increments going down from the vertical line until they reach the horizontal, creating four segments on the orb - two lined and two not. Over this are two jet black patches of leather, interconnecting and laced in a standard baseball pattern with silver threads. Embossed in neon orange on one patch is the phrase "what is life?" while the other patch answers in blood red "suffering".


Your name is long enough so this sentence is all you get for a description.


Collapse [Passive] - At the end of every phase your outermost layers will shed away, causing you to lose certain abilities and gain new ones.

Grim Existentialism [Active, 1-Shot] - This ability can be activated once during the day to fill your target with existential dread. They will be told that something bad will happen to them soon.
You have collapsed. Now you are the town aligned small sphere comprised of the the following layers: a lime sized core of balled up squares of lightweight aluminum foil over which a crust of overlapping rubber bands resides. A layer of plaster encapsulates the bands. Upon the plaster are ultra thin gold wires encircling the orb creating a horizontal and vertical intersection at the center of it's face as you look straight at it. They continue in one degree increments going down from the vertical line until they reach the horizontal, creating four segments on the orb - two lined and two not. Over this are two jet black patches of leather, interconnecting and laced in a standard baseball pattern with silver threads.



Collapse [Passive] - At the end of every phase your outermost layers will shed away, causing you to lose certain abilities and gain new ones.

Batter Up [Active, 1-Shot] - Target a player to hurl yourself at them. They'll be given the opportunity to redirect you to another player of your choice. you'll be able to talk with that player for the duration of the next day.
You have collapsed. Now you are the town aligned small sphere comprised of the the following layers: a lime sized core of balled up squares of lightweight aluminum foil over which a crust of overlapping rubber bands resides. A layer of plaster encapsulates the bands. Upon the plaster are ultra thin gold wires encircling the orb creating a horizontal and vertical intersection at the center of it's face as you look straight at it. They continue in one degree increments going down from the vertical line until they reach the horizontal, creating four segments on the orb - two lined and two not.



Collapse [Passive] - At the end of every phase your outermost layers will shed away, causing you to lose certain abilities and gain new ones.

Purity of Gold [Passive] - Both you and the player holding you are immune to bonus votes.
You have collapsed. Now you are the town aligned small sphere comprised of the the following layers: a lime sized core of balled up squares of lightweight aluminum foil over which a crust of overlapping rubber bands resides. A layer of plaster encapsulates the bands.



Collapse [Passive] - At the end of every phase your outermost layers will shed away, causing you to lose certain abilities and gain new ones.

Plaster [Active, 1-shot] Plaster your target, causing their non-factional abilities to become randomly redirected.
You have collapsed. You are now the town aligned small sphere comprised of the the following layers: a lime sized core of balled up squares of lightweight aluminum foil over which a crust of overlapping rubber bands resides.



Collapse [Passive] - At the end of every phase your outermost layers will shed away, causing you to lose certain abilities and gain new ones.

Bouncy [Passive] - Every time you move your vote today it will be worth 0.1 more, up to 1 more.
You have collapsed. You are now the town aligned small sphere comprised of the the following layers: a lime sized core of balled up squares of lightweight aluminum foil



Collapse [Passive] - At the end of every phase your outermost layers will shed away, causing you to lose certain abilities and gain new ones.

Metallic [Passive] - You are immune to killing actions.
You have collapsed. You are now the town aligned nothing at all.


A deeper Darkness [Active, Night Ability] - You are now nothing. If you activate this ability, you could attempt to collapse even further, if such a thing were possible who could say what would come of it?

You have collapsed. You are now town aligned.



True Absence [Passive] - In the absence of anything, there is everything. You have access to most of the design file.

Welcome ot MS Paint Upick Mafia! You are the mafia aligned copy of microsoft word 2003 running on a forgotten desktop computer sitting in the broom closet of a public library.


While once you helped people process word documents in a fun and helpful way, now you have been left to languish in the shadows of an underused institution, waiting for the day someone will either find use in you or put you out of your misery.


Forgotten [Passive] - You don't appear on the list of active players or on the list of players who aren't voting. Additionally, the first time you are voted each day it won't be counted.

Helpful Assistant [Active] - Once per night you can call on your helpful word processing assistant to get some advice on how to proceed. You may ask me one question and I will answer it truthfully but not necessarily usefully.

Your partner is Killjoy who you can communicate with privately outside the thread at any time. You can do this via any method you want, but I'd appreciate if you include me in your communications. A discord channel will be set up for you if you both join the discord.

Welcome to MSPaint Mafia U-Pick! You are Master Kohga, the Mafia Aligned Leader of the Yiga Clan


You lead the Yiga Clan, which is seemingly some sort of clan of ninjas devoted to making sure ganon comes back or something i only played the first game and didn't pay too much attention to the story. What i do know is that you like bananas and can throw rocks at people.

Gather Rocks [Passive] - Gathers 1 rock passively at the start of every day, rocks that are unused during the day carry over to the next

Throw Rock [Active] - Throws a rock at the target. The rock will count as an extra vote except for the purposes of determining majority. The rock can be moved from one player to another during the day.

Boulder Crush [1-shot, Active] - If you have at least 2 rocks, you can consume both of them to kill target player during the day. This won't end the day. This ability can only be used once per game.

Mighty Banana [1-shot, Active] - Snack on a mighty banana. You will be told which abilities would affect you at night and will be allowed to choose which resolve against you.. If you don't choose in time, I'll choose for you. You additionally generate 2 extra rocks the following day. This ability can only be used once per game.

Your partner is lain, who you can communicate with privately outside the thread at any time. You can do this via any method you want, but I'd appreciate if you include me in your communications. A discord channel will be set up for you if you both join the discord.

Welcome to MS Paint Mafia U-Pick! You are, unfortunately, King of Dominaria, the town aligned All-Around Disagreeable Fellow


You routinely do things that seem to upset others and take pride in this fact. Your hobbies include abusing your employees and drinking yourself into a ditch.


Hated [Passive] - All votes against you are worth 50% extra. All investigations into you will turn up incriminating results. Protective actions will fail to affect you.

Hard to get Rid of [Passive] - When you die you'll continue being able to participate in the game, but your vote won't count towards reaching or calculating majority.

Wall of Text [Active] - You may target a player each night to send them a private message as long as that message contains at least 2000 words.

HHH uses grim existentialism on exlight
Killjoy throws rock at KoD
Killjoy moves rock to minish

Exlight bites OG
Rubik sends message to exlight
KoD reads numbers, gains batterup
Asfinyti glimpses OG
Jamie air cantrips KJ
Minish makes a mask of exlight
OG blood tests rubik
KJ eats a mighty banana
HHH uses batterup on exlight, who redirects him to KoD
Lain asks "what can OGS's role do that others can not?" and gets "OGS' role provides an alternative win condition for town, and is the only one to do that. They're also the only role that can decrease their own vote's value." as a response.
Lain kills Jamie

KoD uses batterup on exlight
Killjoy throws rock at Asfinyti

KoD reads asfinyti, gains glimpse
Asfinyti glimpses OG
HHH plasters ex
Ex bites lain (redirected to lain), and cyborgs killjoy (redirected to HHH)
Minish makes a mask of rubik and gives exlight her own mask
Lain asks "who other than me and killjoy can prevent a nightkill?" and gets "Players who can prevent nightkills other than you and killjoy are KoD, HHH, Jamie, and sort of rubik" as a response
Killjoy Kills KoD

Killjoy throws rock at ex
KoD uses batterup on asfinyti
Killjoy kills asfinyti and becomes the thing
KJ moves rock to ex
KJ moves rock to KoD

Rubik sends wall of text to KoD (fails)
Minish Takes KoD's Mask (fails)
Minish Activates trick (does nothing)
KoD glimpses Minish
KoD reads minish, gains treat
Lain kills Rubik
Lain asks "who out of the remaining players count as "threats to the mafia" for the purpose of mafia's win condition?" and gets "Minish, HHH, and Exlight" as a response.

KoD reads HHH, gets A Deeper Darkness
KoD glimpses Minish
Lain kills HHH
Lain asks "what is KoD's win condition?" gets "KoD wins if he is alive when the game ends."
Minish takes HHH's mask.
Rubik spams KoD (fails)

KoD activates A Deeper Darkness






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aka amber
Jun 25, 2020
ggs friends, was fun
i would absolutely have tried to backstab town had i been given a chance

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