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Game Thread MS Paint Mafia U-Pick Edition [Day 5]

May 30, 2023
Nevermind, I see you in vote counts now. Was thinking for a minute that since you aren't on the player lists that you might just show up as a bonus vote altogether but that idea is already bust.
Jun 25, 2023
@lain I questioned killjoy about his targets, abilities, and flavor because I suspected he might have been involved with Amber's death, either as a doc that only delays death for so long or as a delayed killer feigning doc to avoid trackers. I'd still like a flavor claim from KJ.
oh i see i forgot he hadn’t made both claims in the same post.

Also Lain, are you the floating bonus vote?


Jan 19, 2018
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Vote Count:
(3) - HHH, KoD Bonus Votes
Exlight (1) - Killjoy
KoD (1) - Bonus Votes
Not Voting - Minish, Exlight, Rubik
Jun 25, 2023
is a "necro" like a common role or something? people were talking about it as if it would make ex more suspicious if he seemed like one but i couldn't find anything about it from google.
Jun 25, 2023
i looked back at when amber was killed and killjoy was the first to post after. he posted this about 6 minutes after rag's post announcing her death.
What the-?
How the-?
Why the-?
Hmm. From everything we got now, especially recent claims by Ex, I'd say he and/or his zombie/cyborg army may have something to do with this.

it seems a bit artificial to me. immediately putting the blame on someone else, when i dont really see a reason to suspect ex in particular. and the surprised-seeming reaction. i think i might agree with @HangryHangryHippo 's idea that kj was involved in amber's death.

this + the miller claim + the exlight hammer thing is enough for me i think.

vote: killjoy


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
cyborg is a chat with them while they're alive, zombify is a chat with them after they're dead
I already said I do not know if there's more to it, but I've been playing in case there was, which is why I been trying to zombify scumleans and cyborgfy townleans
So you're either not telling us something or claiming that your role has some requirement to transform for more stuff.

His claim seems a bit shifty with him saying he would invest as 3rd party or mafia. When we already have a miller claim
I claimed my Dr role is similar flavor wise to miller. I feel safer pointing that out now with the only claimed flavor cop dead. Nothing againstOG
Rubik n1 and Amber n2? Rubik said he wouldn't mind dying and also claimed miller so likely wasn't going to be a target. And Amber hadn't made much of an impact to be that town read by him. She hadn't even voted any and HHH had started to throw a bit of suspicion on her during the night.
Rubik: He said he'd rather die than be investigated and that he thinks/thought his role looks/looked fun. As for him being my N1 choice, I didn't have anything else to go off of especially with having to cover my own hide from KoD and later (even harder) OGS.
As for Asfynity, I had just got internet working and seen that there was an extension and made a last second decision.

There's probably something else I wanted to poke with a stick like a 6 y/o looking at a fire ant mound but, I'm gonna drink my coffee.

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