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Breath of the Wild Mother of all battles (for me)

Dec 12, 2019
Okay , so I am in Lanayru Road (east gate ), somehow I made it here and I come across ( 1st time) a half horse-half demon kinda thing.
I must have died a zillion times here . I have used it all ( from bomb arrows to guardian sword, including Bruce Lee like back flips), but this thing is whipping my behind each and every time. It even seeks me out and snows me down with ice missiles ...I have guardian shield ON, soldiers armour ON, but this thing is getting the bejeepers out of me.

I have only done (till now): Great Plateau, duelling peaks region and Necluda .....and just east of Mount Lanayru (where I met a Blue dragon for the 1st time in my life)
so regions are limited to me. I am looking for a snow arrow , which I do not have in my inventory(0).......

I wouldn't mind at all to act like a super- wimp and take this thing down.....any clear hints on how to get this monstrocity licking my feet :) ( which I am basically doing now to him)

Thx. all !
The enemy you're describing is a Lynel, the toughest enemies in the game.

Even in post game I avoid them. Just go a different way and don't engage him. There's no need to fight him and fighting him will only result in breaking weapons you'll need later.

Go and do some shrines, get some hearts and some stamina and upgrade your armour and get good weapons and come back when you've finished the game and kill him if you want.

They're too much hassle and not worth the effort most of the time.

Azure Sage

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That's a Lynel. They are arguably one of the strongest enemies in the game. Much like boss monsters such as stone tlus and hinox, they're found all over the world. At your current stage, it would be very difficult to defeat one. I had a similar experience first time I played; got my butt kicked by that same lynel. There's nothing compelling you to take it down now, so I'd suggest waiting until you build up your arsenal more.
Dec 12, 2019
@ spirit , Azure Sage : All right, that seems to me like a Good sane advice ( also in real Life)
I will avoid this thing for now ( I have 4 hearts and 2 extra stamina wheels upgrade).
yeah Okay, I will avoid this geezer for the time and come back with good weapons ( like what ?)

anyway thanks for the pointer and let me evade him for the time.
Dec 12, 2019
Thanks all , for these words of wisdom. I carry on with my quest ( and I will ignore this Lynel , like I never noticed him ).
It bruises my ego....but gotta save my skin 1st :p


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Lynels are no joke i'd say wait til you have access to Mipha's Grace, Urbosa's Fury, fairies, Dragon Horns, Mighty Bananas, Ancient and an axe from the strongest combat shrines, get a good bow if you can get it a duplex would be handy.

Start off by mixing 4 Bananas and a dragon horn for attack up +3 for 30 mins, equip that ancient armor and start firing at the lynels face, you can use stasis (stasis+) for a better chance at the head shot but it don't last long, once the lynels stunned climb on and whack like mad, you'll get thrown off this a chance to fire more shots into it's head, once landed if you press and charge a heavy attack you can use urbosa's fury for some great damage, rinse n repeat til dead.

{Edit} I messed up on the name the durians are good for as much health as possible bananas for the attack boost
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Dec 12, 2019
Oh..btw...what happens when my Photo album is Full ? do I need to go to that midget Gal with the specs and show it to her ( sorry cant get her name ).


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Oh..btw...what happens when my Photo album is Full ? do I need to go to that midget Gal with the specs and show it to her ( sorry cant get her name ).

any unique photos get saved to the compendium, you can just manually delete photos as well in the album section of the menu.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Without a doubt, no matter what anyone tells you, the most efficient way to kill a lynel is as follows:

1. Take out your bow and headshot the lynel. Easiest with gyros, easier with multishot bows, having attack boost is preferable (five bananas cooked will work)
2. This stuns the lynel long enough for you to get on its back. Whale away at the lynel with the strongest weapon you have. It won't reduce weapon durability.
3. If you aren't concerned about running out of arrows (ie having hundreds) then when the lynel forces you off its back go into bullet time and sink as many headshots in as you can. Headshots do major damage, and bows generally have higher durability than melee weapons, so headshots are your cleanest form of dps.
4. Repeat this. If your aim is good enough, you just will do this for about 5-10 minutes depending on how strong you are.

A lot of people try to go for flurry rushes, and while that's pretty safe, it's not efficient and uses weapon durability. I used this method to defeat the lynel that spawns on the great plateau without ever leaving it first, so you know this method works. Good luck.

Edit: ya ya jiro already mentioned this method consider this me expanding on that

Edit2: it is super worth taking down lynels! The treasures they drop are always valuable monetarily, and their weaponry is among the strongest available in the game.
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My first lynel I fought was the one I met in Faron, and I didn't know anything but I just stuffed my face with apples the entire time and prevailed. I think the best strategy with them can vary from person to person but don't be afraid to experiment. Just make sure you got a lot of food to give you a cushion while you figure out your best approach. Keep in mind that if you mount them and attack them during (you can mount by stunning them with arrows, or when they brake after they perform a dash attack, or just riding the updraft on their fire breath), your weapon won't take off durability because you're using the hilt of the weapon.

My best suggestion to be honest is just practice evading their attacks and learn the telegraphs for each attack. I spent a lot of time goofing around with them mid-game, not really on the offensive, just sort of learning their moveset and stuff and that helped a lot for lynel shenanigans later on.
Dec 12, 2019
well.... the conclusion here from the forum ,....... with just 4 hearts (guardian sword/shield & soldier armour) , no one can take the Lynel out.
so I will just have to wait till I get more decent weapons(mentioned above) and more heart containers.
Thx. all for the interest.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
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