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Most Creative Nicknames

Aug 18, 2009
I do rename Pokemon at times. Like in this new play through that I am playing in HG I have given new names to my team and other Pokemon. The names would be from peeps that I talk to or have befriended here on ZD/DGN.

My list as of now with ZD user names. It will prolly grow:

Butterfree: Nerdy
Ampharos: HoT
Noctowl: Meego
Bellossom: Rainy
Nidoqueen: Annabeth
Jynx: Veeka
Feraligatr: Rishian
Ponyta: Din

Quite creative, eh? :P
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Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
Here is my current Black 2 Team. The games came out shortly after I started watching Doctor Who so a lot of my names in Black and White 2 are from that.

Samurott - Mickey
Leavanny - Lily
Magmortar - Leela
Crobat - Adric
Eelektrik - Sparkle
Haxorus - Nyssa (Made more sense when she was an Axew)

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
In my first play though of Black 2 my team was

Emboar - Ryoga (After Ryoga from Ranma 1/2)
Dragonite - Amelia (Sort of named after Amy Pond, but I have a little fic going on in my head where River and the Doctor have a daughter named Amelia Song.)
Golduck - Ricky (Named after Mickey's Parallel world counter part.)
Whimsicott - Flora
Sigilyph - Pharow (Whoops spell check is telling me I spelled it wrong and I can't change it as I have already traded it to my white 2 game)
Magnezone - Maggie
Nov 26, 2008
Oh, man, I nickname my Pokemon all over the place. I love nicknaming them and will spend hours leaving the game paused and thinking about or researching the perfect nickname... if I haven't already done that ahead of time. Let me organize the notable ones here along with my logical reasoning for them. :P

-My Best-

Serperior: "Ouroboros" - Symbol of a serpent eating its own tail that signifies the cycle of nature... thought it fit the grass snake.
Hypno: "Nietzsche" - Unusual name, and the name of a dude that fits Hypno, so I thought it was perfect.
Sandile: "Kremlin" - Play on the Kremlings from Donkey Kong, but I preferred the spelling of the Russian building, so I went with it.
Magnemite: "Viktor" - Metal and electricity make me think of Victor Frankenstein, but it also just sounds hilariously fitting on its own.
Woobat: "Valentino" - Self explanatory if you know anything about Woobat.
Pidove: "Wright" - Sounds fitting to me, plus Wright Brothers and airplanes and whatnot.
Vanillite: "Häagen-Dazs" - Based on the brand of ice cream. I don't use Vanillite though.

-Mythology References-

Houndour: "Barghest" - Named after the monstrous black dogs of English folklore.
Yamask: "Ah Puch" - Often mentioned among Mayan death gods, though not actually a proper name for one.
Arceus: "Grigori" - Named after the angels who came down and became infatuated with human women.
Elgyem: "Voronezh" - Named after a city in which there was an alien encounter story that I feel describes similar creatures.

-Pop-culture References-

Trubbish: "Wreck-Gar" - The Junkion character from Transformers.
Blitzle: "BrightEyes" - A classic My Little Pony character.
Duskull: "CandleJack" - From Freakazoid.
Liepard: "Panter" - Based on Panter Flauclaws from Mega Man Zero 2.

-Other Notables-

Venipede: "Atropine" - Just named after a poison that comes from a plant. Thought it sounded cool.
Maractus: "Chalina" - Sounded... "ethnic" and like it fit my female Maractus. =P
Porygon: "Foobar" - Programming term that I thought sounded perfect for the derpy-looking little guy.
Watchog: "Vanguard" - He looks ready for some serious ****, so I wanted him to have a bad*** name.
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Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
I've only played Pokemon Black (still haven't finished it by a longshot. Prolly should pick it up again soon.) and so far I've named all my Pokemon after countries.

My Oshawott is Sealand.
My Blitzle is Poland
My Sewaddle is England
My Pansage is Spain
My Cottonee is Belarus (because I hate Cottonee)

And etc. To be perfectly honest, I'm naming them after Hetalia characters. So far only half the names truly fit their Pokemon, but it gives me a kick to read "Go, Sealand!" at the start of each Pokemon battle.

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
Here is my white 2 team, though I plan on starting over after I beat a few more things because I want to beat challenge mode. I literally got this game right after finishing the new Doctor Who series for the first time.

Serperior - Lanayru (After the light spirit from Twilight Princess)
Azumarill - Rose (After Rose Tyler and I thought the name sounded cute for an Azurill at the time)
Ampharos - Amy (After Amy Pond)
Flygon - Rory (After Rory Williams)
Arcanine - Romana (I thought this name sounded cool for her and I love the character from Doctor Who)
Swoobat - Sarah (After Sara Jane)

(Axel you are worse than me and that is saying something, because I thought that I was bad by going onto babynames(dot)com and researching my names by meaning.)

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
The most creative thing I could ever come up with was naming my Lugia "Ho-oh" and naming my Ho-oh "Luigi." I also named my Samurott "Hellsing" and my Zekrom "Bidoof."

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
Here is my current White 2 team

Serperior - Ayame (After the snake from Fruits Basket) I have only used him to beat the first gym really.
Garchomp -Groose (From Skyward Sword)
Dewgong - River (After River Song from Doctor Who, yes the rest of the nicknames are from DW)
Skarmory - Ace
Galvantula - Jack
Leafeon - Wilfred (After Donna's grandfather)
Chandelure - Clara


May 22, 2013
I always name my Dragon Pokemon after different types of candies...At least since I got HG.

Dragonite: Skittles
Altaria: Marshmellow/Dove (as in, Dove Chocolate)
Fraxure: Starburst
Hydreigon: Hershey

Even the legendary dragons get this treatment, but I can't remember exactly what I named them...still, yes, this is pretty much my craziness coming through...xD


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
I usually name my pokemon with a name that starts with the first letter that their species is called and usually related somewhat to the species name.

Like I named my Magikarp "Maggie" :cool:

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
I got my first type metal in White 2 and it was for poison Pokemon so here are their nicknames

Arbok - Jake after Rattlesnake Jake from Rango
Nidoking and Nidoqueen - Remus and Tonks
Tentacruel - Squishy after the jellyfish from Finding Nemo (Gotta love Dory)
Muk - Gelth after some gas aliens from Doctor Who
Weezing - Shell after the gas station
Crobat - Stellaluna
Qwilfish - Jolene from Phantom Hourglass
Swalot - Texaco after the gas station
Seviper - Nagini from Harry Potter
Drapion - Moldarach from Skyward Sword
Toxicroak - Slippy from Star Fox
Garbodor - Oscar from Sesame Street

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