The Business Scrub, each time you walk by his flower and he flies down it takes so long and is very annoying
*groans* I forgot about that, yeah you're right. That one falls under the radar a bit.
dark link and tingle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dark Link? :O I love Dark Link! Why do you think he's annoying?
As for the obvious choices everyone keeps picking--
Navi: I love her actually. She doesn't bother me at all, and she's my favorite targeting partner, mostly because I think the sound effect for Z-targeting with her is the coolest, especially when accompanied by the battle music starting up in the background.
Kaepora Gaebora: Ok...I agree with people on this one. He is seriously annoying.
Tingle: Naaah, I don't particularly have a problem with him.
As a completely obscure choice, I think the dancing couple in OoT/MM is VERY annoying with the way they address Link as if he's not there.
"Honey, we have a customer. It looks like he wants to play! Oh look, he won't play. We've already won honey!"
Ticks me off and gets on my nerves. That being the reason why I love beating their game three days in a row in MM...they get completely speechless and grumpy