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Metascore Drops to 94, Two Mixed Reviews.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
So you think that motion controls were not a change for the better because the game has a metacritic score one percent lower than the previous few games? In the gaming industry today, things have become stagnant. Hyper realism and gritty violence are the status quo. Thats just the way it is. Games like Zelda could never be as well received today as they were back when Ocarina came out. The industry is in a different place.

And motion controls force gamers to play their games in a different way. Today, lots of gamers don't want this. They feel perfectly comfortable in the creative rut the industry has gotten itself into. We will not truly know how revolutionary or great this game is until we have time to look back.

With the industry the way it is today, Skyward Sword was at a disadvantage for GOTY awards from the start. If you expected it to get all perfect scores and be universally loved, you were just setting yourself up for disappointment.

They put motion controls in TP kind of, they just put more accurate ones in SS and they put them in some places where I thought they were not required and felt as though they were there for the sake of it, swimming for example, that was bound to annoy some people. The only instance the game was really improved because of motion control is the swordplay and the whip, which were fun to use and required directional control which would have been impossible to achieve with regular button pressing. Item use would have been easier without motion controls. Recalibrating was irritating, they could have just used the sensor bar for aiming like in TP, which I found easier. You say things have become stagnant, and games all try to look realistic, but graphics are advancing with every new release, and it is very noticeable. As for the industry being in a creative rut, traditional control styles I am sure will be the norm for 50 years at least. Look at Wii U, it uses a controller with buttons and analogue sticks and triggers, clearly you can see than Nintendo knows which direction to go in. 3rd party's will be making their games for that play style, rather than for wii motes. Yes, Wii U can use Wii motes as well but only Nintendo itself will probably make games that use them. When reviewers say Zelda is getting old, they don't mean about how it's played, they mean how it looks, they don't care about gameplay formula, they are just graphics wh***s hiding behind an excuse to give a game a lower score. That is the sad truth of the matter. If it had looked like skyrim and had voice acting, no problems would have arisen with those reviewers.

How can SS be lower rated then TP?! It just doesn't make any sense!
The reason is because TP appealed more to the mainstream, it had an art style that was realistic-ish so the mainstream accepted it and also it did not incorporate as much motion control, the mainstream generally like buttons and sticks. The GC version got a higher score for that reason.
Last edited:
Nov 27, 2011
the only thing that really annoys me about this is the various 10/10 scores that arent even in the list due to metacritic not tracking them (including famitsu)


The Garo Master
Jun 16, 2010
The thing is that Skyward Sword's ratings will never be balanced. There will be those that hate it, and those that love it. This is to be expected from a game that changes up the formula. There will always be people that prefer the old system, and that's why we got a game like Twilight Princess following the more innovative Wind Waker. Some critics didn't enjoy the new ideas that Wind Waker brought, so Nintendo made a OOT rehash, and then people started wanting a new fresh experience, just like Wind Waker again. It's a cycle, and as long as Zelda exists, the cycle will as well.

It's a shame really, how many people either can't accept new ideas or won't make up their mind.

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