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"Memory" Sign Ups

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Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Hey guys, Rainy here. I have NOT quit on The Sages Orbs, I just got this really great(or maybe not so great when I put it on paper) idea for another story and I didn't want to forget it so I just decided to write it while I'm stuck in The Sages Orbs. I think I know the reason why I'm having trouble with The Sages Orbs though, I can't handle too many characters and I put too many in it:sweat: so this one will be limited in that area.^^ So, here's the form you must fill out and I'll update the list of characters as time moves on.^^

List of characters:

Main character(F): Raindrop14
Main charcter's boyfriend: xmajorax
Main character's friend: theothernavi
Main villan: Myraidviper42
Helper to the main character: Wolf Sage
Helper 2: Josie
Role I haven't come up with yet: Atsuma

Yes it's a small list but I can't handle too many people. If you want to be like a side character you can, but there is guarantee that the character will be in the story.

Here is the form for everyone BUT the helper and main villan:

Hair color/Style:
Eye color:
Skin Color:
Instrument(if any):

Here is the form for the helper & main villan:

Hair color/Style:
Eye color:
Skin Color:
Instrument(if any):

Thank you for signing up.^^ And hopefuly I'll be posting a chapter of The Sages Orbs soon.:)
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Aug 2, 2010
I liked Sage's Orbs, so I'll sign up for this one. :)

Name: Serris
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Hair color/Style: longish black hair
Eye color: green
Skin Color: Caucasian
Clothes:a red cloak, with black pants and t-shirt with leather boots
Personality:quiet and mysterious, loves the ones he care about, is ruthless to anyone against him
Instrument(if any)flute.
Role: main character's boyfriend
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Aug 18, 2009
Use this character only if you need it. I don't care which position you use, I'd ask for the 2nd best role, but I will leave that up to you.
Good luck with the story. ^^

Name: Ao Kyonthe
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Hair color/Style: Brown with gold streaks here and there
Eye color: Brown
Skin Color: Light tan
Clothes: white t-shirt, black pants, black boots, and a black trench coat
Personality: Serious, shy at times, doesn't smile often but does.
Instrument(if any): Flute
Other: Use any position you need for the story. Oh yeah, and if you want to, you can make him look like the guy in my avy and siggy)

Btw, what kind of story is it? A Zelda one?
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Feb 23, 2011
Wow... It's been a while since I've done one of these, but here goes.

Role: Helper
Name: Naota Riba
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hair color/Style: Black
Eye color: Brown
Skin Color: Caucasian
Clothes: Dark
Personality: Nice, helpful, slightly introverted, but gradually becomes more open to others. He's a musical prodigy [with violin]
Instrument(if any): Violin
Other: It is up to you. I would have provided better details to suit the character, but I needed [story] details.
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May 9, 2010
Name: Ashie Tyzumi Kazicane
Gender: F
Hair color/Style:Long Straight silver hair(it's like the image I posted)
Eye color:Yellow
Skin Color:Tan
Clothes:Black and white outfit(like this https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/i...TwfexyWktME7X8Uh9fqfTFZm30rR7M0Z0w4BNrTikY0vX)
Personality:Nice, artistic,stubborn
Instrument(if any): Ocarina(White and Black)
Other: She likes to play on her ocarina everyday, she also likes to have blue raspberry icecream(popsicle
Role:Helper(if there can be two)
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Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Name: Cyto
Gender: M
Age: ?
Hair color/Style: Longish messy white-blond hair
Eye color: Grey
Skin Color: Pale, almost white.
Clothes: Buttoned grey fur coat with long backings, underneath, black silk shirt, black trousers and boots.
Personality: Cold, cruel, and sadistic to his enemies, but polite to his allies. Has a sarcastic sense of wit shown often.
Instrument(if any): Plays the organ.
Role: Main villain
Weapon: Double-bladed scythe
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Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Thank you for signing up.^^ But I forgot to add the role.:sweat: So I'll add that and you can update your form.:) Atsie, to answer your question, no, it's not Zelda, I know I forgot to put that on my little thread thingy but oh well.:sweat: But um, it's just a story, not a fan fic just a story from my mind.^^ So if your reading this update your form and let me know that you did.^^
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Name: Kesair Morine
Gender: F
Age: 14
Hair color/style: auburn, wears it straight down
Eye color: dark green
Skin color: pale
Clothes: short blue dress to the knees, leather boots
Personality: kind and loyal, but definitely quick to anger, stubborn, and especially fierce when need be
Other: None (for now)
Role: Main character's friend

Hope this works!


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Name: Serris
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Hair color/Style: longish black hair
Eye color: green
Skin Color: Caucasian
Clothes:a red cloak, has light chest, leg and forearm armor underneath it
Personality:quiet and mysterious, loves the ones he care about, is ruthless to anyone against him
Instrument(if any)flute.
Other: Prefers to use stealth over open combat,main character's boyfriend, has an iron dagger

Okay, so, there is just one little thing I'd like to change for this character before he's official. He can't have a weapon. That's all but if you still want to have the character with the weapon and all, I'm afraid this character can't have the main's bf role.

Name: Ao Kyonthe
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Hair color/Style: Brown with gold streaks here and there
Eye color: Brown
Skin Color: Light tan
Clothes: white t-shirt, black pants, black boots, and a black trench coat
Personality: Serious, shy at times, doesn't smile often but does.
Instrument(if any): Flute
Other: Use any position you need for the story. Oh yeah, and if you want to, you can make him look like the guy in my avy and siggy)

Btw, what kind of story is it? A Zelda one?

As soon as you add the role you want he will be approved.^^ Nope, it's not Zelda, just a story that came from the top of my head basically.

Name: Naota Riba
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hair color/Style: Black
Eye color: Brown
Skin Color: Caucasian
Clothes: Dark
Personality: Nice, helpful, slightly introverted, but gradually becomes more open to others. He's a musical prodigy [with violin]
Instrument(if any): Violin
Other: It is up to you. I would have provided better details to suit the character, but I needed [story] details.

As soon as you add the role you want he will be approved.^^

Name: Ashie Tyzumi Kazicane
Gender: F
Hair color/Style:Long Straight silver hair(it's like the image I posted)
Eye color:Yellow
Skin Color:Tan
Clothes:Black and white outfit(like this https://encrypted-tbn2.google.com/i...TwfexyWktME7X8Uh9fqfTFZm30rR7M0Z0w4BNrTikY0vX)
Personality:Nice, artistic,stubborn
Instrument(if any): Ocarina(White and Black)
Other: She likes to play on her ocarina everyday, she also likes to have blue raspberry icecream(popsicle)

As soon as you add the role you want she will be approved.^^

Name: Cyto
Gender: M
Age: ?
Hair color/Style: Longish messy white-blond hair
Eye color: Grey
Skin Color: Pale, almost white.
Clothes: Buttoned grey fur coat with long backings, underneath, black silk shirt, black trousers and boots.
Personality: Cold, cruel, and sadistic to his enemies, but polite to his allies. Has a sarcastic sense of wit shown often.
Instrument(if any): Plays the organ.
Role: Main villain

I forgot this but could you add a weapon to this character?:sweat: As soon as you do that he'll be approved.^^

Name: Kesair Morine
Gender: F
Age: 14
Hair color/style: auburn, wears it straight down
Eye color: dark green
Skin color: pale
Clothes: short blue dress to the knees, leather boots
Personality: kind and loyal, but definitely quick to anger, stubborn, and especially fierce when need be
Other: None (for now)
Role: Main character's friend



May 9, 2010
Eh, now there's only the villain(which I'm quite terrible at making), hey Rainy can there be two helpers?


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Eh, now there's only the villain(which I'm quite terrible at making), hey Rainy can there be two helpers?

Yes there can. I was actually thinking if I should have two or not, but since two people want to be the helpers then so be it.^^

Wolf Sage and Josie have been approved.^^
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