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Majora, The Moon Hater


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
I always thought that the Song of Healing cured curses. For example, it was used on most the people that Skull Kid had tampered with, and returned them to normal. I don't think it would work to cleanse the evil from a person, like if it's natural evil. If it's a possession, then yeah maybe, but not a person that's naturally evil. Ganondorf for example, is about 98 percent evil. If it was used in that manner, he would be 2 percent good. That's not going to cut it. He'd be walking around with no personality.

The song of healing cures people of their curses and put's them in a mask. It turns troubled spirits into masks, thus allowing them to pass on while leaving their past behind. Look at Sharp, the composer from Ikana he might be like what you said with Ganondorf. He is unaffected by the song when you play it for him meaning he has to much malice in him to be cured.

(Ganondorf isn't all that evil if you got to the end of WW.)


I see it as the fact that the Majorahs Mask inherits the mask's wielder. When skullkid put it on, the Majorahs Mask felt the desperation of skullkid from when the gaints ditched him. He was lonley and lost, so by making the moon crash into Termina was just a cry for a attention that others refused to give him.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
I see it as the fact that the Majorahs Mask inherits the mask's wielder. When skullkid put it on, the Majorahs Mask felt the desperation of skullkid from when the gaints ditched him. He was lonley and lost, so by making the moon crash into Termina was just a cry for a attention that others refused to give him.

That is very logical, however the fact that Majora called Skull Kid garbage might have been showing that he was simply using him. I mean why abandon the thing that fuels your desire?

Even if Majora was to destroy the World, and all life, wouldent he die to? that would be stupid of him to kill himself. who knows what hes doing?

If you look at the apocalypse Game Over screen you'll find that Majora survived somehow. It is a dark power and evil finds many ways to survive.

Majora Mistress

Maybe Majora (And I am totally stealing this idea from another thread) is a demon that enhances what you want most tenfold. (Sound like something staring Jim Carrey? Eh? ^^) Therefore Skull Kid's despair of being left behind and being an outcast made him greedy for power and what not. Majora just enhanced that?
But Majora was a demon sealed in the mask. We do know that much.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Maybe Majora (And I am totally stealing this idea from another thread) is a demon that enhances what you want most tenfold. (Sound like something staring Jim Carrey? Eh? ^^) Therefore Skull Kid's despair of being left behind and being an outcast made him greedy for power and what not. Majora just enhanced that?
But Majora was a demon sealed in the mask. We do know that much.

It's plausible. The mask seems to try and grant Skull Kid's wishes. (I think he said somehthing about it granting his wish.) We don't really know Majora is a demon, she has yet to be reffered as a demon ingame and she has shown a human like appearance. Just because a creature looks evil does not always instantly scream demon.

master sword

everything is breakable
Dec 21, 2008
im locked in the temple of time
we seem to be focusing on the song of healing, it could not have anything to do with that

possibly Majora was a deamon in anchient times, who walked the earth torturing tormenting and killing. then the people had a maskmaker create a mask to imprison him in. the anchient sages imprisoned him but the mask was not forgotten.
the demon's followers took the mask and used it for the hexing rituals the happy mask dude talked about.
the demon vowed revenge on humanity for imprisoning him, "I will destroy you all one day and man will cease to walk the earth." or something

neat fanfic huh?


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
we seem to be focusing on the song of healing, it could not have anything to do with that

possibly Majora was a deamon in anchient times, who walked the earth torturing tormenting and killing. then the people had a maskmaker create a mask to imprison him in. the anchient sages imprisoned him but the mask was not forgotten.
the demon's followers took the mask and used it for the hexing rituals the happy mask dude talked about.
the demon vowed revenge on humanity for imprisoning him, "I will destroy you all one day and man will cease to walk the earth." or something

neat fanfic huh?

Neat fanfic however one part of it makes sense to me and has some evidence to back itself up. The part where it says Majora was imprisoned by the ancient sages has merit in it (more info in my Dark Tribes thread.) Majora being a demon whom was sealed away is plausible because of the Happy Masks Salesman's words for there being a great evil inside the mask. It could have been the evil of a demon or the suffering of a creature it could be thrown either way with the evidence we have.


Sep 15, 2008
It's plausible. The mask seems to try and grant Skull Kid's wishes. (I think he said somehthing about it granting his wish.) We don't really know Majora is a demon, she has yet to be reffered as a demon ingame and she has shown a human like appearance. Just because a creature looks evil does not always instantly scream demon.

It granted it's wishes, but distorted them to turn them the way it was most helping to it...

And it is must probably the Zelda version of Lucifer aka the devil, just look:

It is pranky, grants wishes, but wants something very great in trade(in this case, using SK as a host), and is very evil also


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
It granted it's wishes, but distorted them to turn them the way it was most helping to it...

And it is must probably the Zelda version of Lucifer aka the devil, just look:

It is pranky, grants wishes, but wants something very great in trade(in this case, using SK as a host), and is very evil also

Lucifer wanted power and was deeply evil. I have no recollition of him ever pulling pranks along the way.

Here's another comparison: Puck from Shakespeares Midsummer Nights Dream.

He is a mischevous character who does not have concern for others much like majora.


Gamer since age 2
Jan 18, 2009
in my house
Well I think Majora was just a ordinary skull kid, who's friends abandoned him in the woods. In the woods he came across Majora's Mask. Who knows, he may have just wanted to try it on. I don't think he ever knew the power of the mask. Then Majora transformed into a demon, and tried to destroy termina. Also Why'd the Happy Mask Salesman would carry a mask of the Evil?


Retired Super Mod and HK
Oct 24, 2007
Well I think Majora was just a ordinary skull kid, who's friends abandoned him in the woods. In the woods he came across Majora's Mask. Who knows, he may have just wanted to try it on. I don't think he ever knew the power of the mask. Then Majora transformed into a demon, and tried to destroy termina.

You seem to be confusing Majora with Skull Kid here. He wasn't called Majora by name. He was called Skull Kid. According to some things said at the end of the game, he's the same Skull Kid that you play Saria's Song with in Ocarina of Time.


Gamer since age 2
Jan 18, 2009
in my house
You seem to be confusing Majora with Skull Kid here. He wasn't called Majora by name. He was called Skull Kid. According to some things said at the end of the game, he's the same Skull Kid that you play Saria's Song with in Ocarina of Time.
o_O really, he is? I never knew that, but I haven;t beat the game anyway so, I have no reason to completly know. I also thought termina and Hyrule where completly diferent universes, and that link is different in every game and no game is directly connected to another.


Retired Super Mod and HK
Oct 24, 2007
I also thought termina and Hyrule where completly diferent universes, and that link is different in every game and no game is directly connected to another.

Termina and Hyrule are different dimensions, but, three characters from Ocarina of Time managed to get there. The Happy Mask Salesman, Skull Kid, and Link. Termina is a parallel universe, of sorts. Since all the same people are there, but they have no clue who you are. That's generally what happens in parallel universes. Majora's Mask is a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time, by the way.

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