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Game Thread Mafia Emblem Gaiden: Scum of Valentia

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Jun 7, 2017
the present
Kay I have a lot to do and may asleep before I’m able to post this lateral so just FYI. I am going to be busy from dawn to dusk tomorrow. (Actually BEFORE dawn and AFTER dusk) so I’m not going to be able to post a lot and if I do I’m probably already going to be pre-stressed so that may come out a bit. Also I have work when day ends so I’ll completely miss around two to three of the last hours so that’s fun.

Kay Deku has descended from the heavens to give me the go ahead. I mainly didn’t want to test the line because it’s so easy to say I targeted so and so and then imply what it was for. Anyway I targeted Frozen Chosen and I literally almost typed an explanation why after typing how easy it is to go too far. Ask me on day three if we’re all still here.
Feb 17, 2015
Kay I have a lot to do and may asleep before I’m able to post this lateral so just FYI. I am going to be busy from dawn to dusk tomorrow. (Actually BEFORE dawn and AFTER dusk) so I’m not going to be able to post a lot and if I do I’m probably already going to be pre-stressed so that may come out a bit. Also I have work when day ends so I’ll completely miss around two to three of the last hours so that’s fun.

Kay Deku has descended from the heavens to give me the go ahead. I mainly didn’t want to test the line because it’s so easy to say I targeted so and so and then imply what it was for. Anyway I targeted Frozen Chosen and I literally almost typed an explanation why after typing how easy it is to go too far. Ask me on day three if we’re all still here.

Thank you for sharing. I’m obviously curious to know why, but that’s something we might have to wait on. Could you tell us how you felt about me going into night one?

I still believe Krow’s claim, and for now, my vote sticks.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
What if for today we forget about this funnier/Know drama and look into someone else? After hearing from funnier here, I'm suddenly cast into self doubt. I want to hear funnier role claim tomorrow (or someone claim a bus ability) rather than vote him today.

Also, @funnier6, why the previous vote on LG?


Jun 7, 2017
the present
What if for today we forget about this funnier/Know drama and look into someone else? After hearing from funnier here, I'm suddenly cast into self doubt. I want to hear funnier role claim tomorrow (or someone claim a bus ability) rather than vote him today.

Also, @funnier6, why the previous vote on LG?
Idk why you ask since I included my reason in that post and LG has mentioned it several times. I was voting her because I found it highly unusual that she had posted so little and I wanted to hear more from her. Like a lot more. I’m not 100% sure about her but I don’t find anything weird about her posts. I haven’t had time at all to go back and read though.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Whoever asks me why is a wolf
Funnier saying to put it off until overnight is typically wolfy.
Explain what and where.
My overconfidence speaking, this is not a play mafia makes as krow.
Don’t you mean krow makes as mafia?
If funnier flips wolf I have too many wolf possibilities at this point in the game :D
Disappointment imminent.
He's intentionally being more vague on that point than I believe a towny would be given the circumstances
Actually I’m intentionally being vague because if I don’t I’m going to slip up and soft like I’ve almost done five times already and me no want to die. Comprende?

Kay I had a few minutes so I actually got to look things over. I feel motivated to make a reads list (already pre planning the yelling) to better organize my thoughts because tbh I haven’t done any worthwhile thinking this entire game.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Gdi. I honestly feel like if I don't speak up we're going to be screwed.

I targeted Krow.

There you go. I'm probably going to be nightkilled, but I don't care. If players turn on me and I get lynched today, doesn't matter really anymore, I'd rather get us in a good direction moving forward than sit back and watch us lose the game.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Oh boy reads list time. Might as well start off by mentioning that I would love if everyone would make one of these with exact and precise thoughts. I absolutely do not want to hear any paranoid “but maybe that’s what the mafia wants me to think” or “I just can’t decide”. If ever you doubt yourself and that should be always I want your absolute gut feelings about which is more likely. Actually realistically most likely to you right now. Reasons why it is more likely would be greatly appreciated. (I’m mainly doing this for my own benefit so don’t start thinking this list is supposed to make sense)


LG- I was literally motivated to reads list because I was rereading and was like Gumball had better be town so that motivated me to articulate why exactly that was. She always posts sensible things I can understand and gives thoughts just because for starters. She was unusually missing for a while but if anything I think scum LG would’ve avoided doing anything obviously unusual.

Hero: Wait, the Innocent Child isn’t at the top of the list? Nope. If he wasn’t IC he’d probably be on the scum list just from how hedgey and paranoid all his posts are. I kind of get that this is normal but it seems so excessive this time that it pings me even knowing he’s town.

Just don’t know:

Frozen Chosen- I immediately noticed the same sort of hedgey posts from FC but I don’t know him at all so I don’t know what to expect. It could just be that he hasn’t played mafia in ages and is still getting the ol gears rolling, but I do feel like his way of posting is more stilted and unnatural in a trying not to be way. I also felt like his opening day two post was really oof to me, mainly because all the speculating on Minish’s missing vig kill and jumping to the conclusion that she forgot. It just gives me the idea that for some reason he wants to spread the idea she forgot. The strangest part of it is he saved his reasoning for saying she forget until after I typed a paragraph about it which makes me feel like he had to come up with it afterward. Maybe a teensy bit paranoid but this is my impression. I also really really dislike that he initially said I was probably cleared at the start of day 2 (with a hefty dose of maybe that’s what the mafia want is to think) then later said I was his main suspect the whole time, then said maybe I was town, then said maybe I was scum, and now I think he’s considering me being town again. I just ???? He’s way too go with the flow and only picks at issues that others have brought up without any original thinking from what I’ve seen. Now you say, “But funnier, don’t you want to lynch him?” Wellllllll I just don’t know. If I had time I’d go back and look at his old games but I’ve already put a ton of things I desperately need to do to type all this. @LittleGumball youve played with FC before right? If you have please give me wayyyy more detail than necessary on what exactly you remember and what you think about him now.

This is going to have to be a saga in two parts cause I see I have new things to respond to.
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