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Game Thread Little World of Gumball Mafia: Day 4 (Endgame)

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Player 6

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 1, 2016
If they are Poy, do you think the claim is true? Does Poy typically lie about claims? Or would you say they're more of a chaotic neutral/hard to tell
It sounds plausible, but I don’t tend to trust anything he says and the claim doesn’t make me lean any particular direction. I’d rather not worry about roles at this juncture

Player 2

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 1, 2016
It sounds plausible, but I don’t tend to trust anything he says and the claim doesn’t make me lean any particular direction. I’d rather not worry about roles at this juncture
So chaotic neutral type. Gotcha

Player 6

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 1, 2016
So chaotic neutral type. Gotcha
That’s not completely accurate. I can explain later when. I have time but he’s constantly putting on different personas and he’s also a bit of a ditz so sifting through how and why he lies is typically how I read him

Player 8

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 1, 2016
I don't think I should breadcrumb any further! I'm a weak hider who curls into a ball behind people I target, right? Trust me please, nya~

Player 6

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 1, 2016
I don't think I should breadcrumb any further! I'm a weak hider who curls into a ball behind people I target, right? Trust me please, nya~
how about DOING THINGS instead of relying on UR ROLE to save you nya~?!?!?!

Player 6

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 1, 2016
14 Players Possibilities
  1. Exlight
  2. Morbid Minish (probably)
  3. Funnier6
  4. Spiritual Mask Salesman
  5. Rubik
  6. Echolight
  7. Doc
  8. Little Gumball (maybe)
  9. Namira (m)
  10. Kirino (m)
  11. Rag (m)
  12. Naga (prob)
  13. PK (almost def)
  14. funnygurl (possible)
Also could be Tristan or Soneji but I don’t really think so. Moe may have invited people I don’t know. The 14 players in this game are very likely from this list, unless I forgot someone.

Ex hasnt posted, Echo hasnt posted, Rubik has posted if he’s here and is laying low, funnier hasnt had a breakdown yet, and Minish has posted if she’s here and is laying low. Sms and Doc are obviously here. I think it’s a little annoying to be completely in the dark as to who is even playing but whatever.

Let’s get this thing started shall we.
Oof forgot Johnny. Sorry friendo. :c

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Due to limits placed on alt accounts I am unable to send role information directly to them. Either PM me on discord (NocturneofShadow#6753) or log back into your main account when you are resolving night actions. So sorry for the inconvenience this causes, guys.

have fun!
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