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Links Hat?


Sep 20, 2008
Links hat is what definitely makes him. In other words, this time the saying "don't judge a book by its' cover" does not apply. The hat and tunic are what make Link a key character, just from the striking appeal and the ability to attract attention. The size of the Hat has increased over the years, and Personally, i think if nintendo make it any bigger, it would ruin Links entire look. Eventually if the hat keeps increasing in size, it willl be trailing on the ground, Nintendo definitely need to rethink increasing the size of the hat.


Mmmmmmmmmh... BOMBS
Jun 14, 2009
France -Normandy-
This is obvious.
Link puts all his items in his hat.
So, in the latest games, he has more and more items, in consequence, he must have a bigger hat to keep them. :)

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
I think maybe as the zeldas go on the links obsess more about their hair getting bleached by the sun so the simply have larger and larger hats. really though it would be cool to use links hat as a weapon. and it would make brooms and dust pans a thing of the past. Also i have a link hat to but it is i quess the size of oot links hat. and i think it's made of linen. my moms ex fiance's mom made it for me.


The King
Aug 18, 2009
I didn't even notice that his hat was bigger than before, but I simply think that they made him a bigger hat in that game to goes with his overall look and also because he was older in this game. OOT's adult Link is older too, but his hat cannot change that much since he has the same as his younger form. :)

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