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Link Vs. The Horde


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
all the bokoblins worked different, the common red bokoblins didnt block, the ones with the blue bandanna blocked, but they were able to take more hits than a normal red bokoblin. The blue ones used different attacks, and they were a lot more resistant to attacks. I think none of them run away from bombs, like they usually do

I thought once the True Master Sword was gotten that all normal red Bokoblins couldn't block.


Resident Netizen
May 10, 2010
Random house in Texas.
The red ones can still block, except your hits can now cause them to stagger, much like when you had the normal sword and it got blocked, you would stagger. Get blocked three times in one hit and you stagger. These bokoblins didn't block. They decided to pull a "Leeroy Jenkins Zerg Rush" of epic proportions. The enemies that blocked were the stalfos and the moblins (but they had shields), but none of the bokoblins did, and if you killed one of the blue ones that had a horn, under normal circumstances, the bokoblins would rush at it and defend the one who picked it up to call back up. Not so here. I stood right on top of one for several seconds while the bokoblins circled around me and literally did nothing.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I may be wrong, but I think they can block one hit, but they get knocked back, but I may be wrong
The red ones can still block, except your hits can now cause them to stagger, much like when you had the normal sword and it got blocked, you would stagger.

Ah, but those are the red ones with blue bandannas. The ones without bandannas can't block the True Master Sword anywhere. :bleh:


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
It is meant to weer you down like before. You just might be good at that part of the game. Every one has their strengths and weaknesses in a game. For me Demise is an easy boss but my friend struggles with it, but i struggle with some of the shoots you have to make with the bow but my friend excels at it.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
This is definitely one of the most enjoyable sequences of the game. It wasn't all that hard, I'll admit, but it was somehow very satisfying. Must've been all the enemies rushing at you, and all at once. Felt like I was in a true battle. And yes, the enemies were easier to bring down, but you wouldn't want to be overwhelmed by a group of them; much more strategical if you killed each swarm as they came upon you, since they probably were programmed to follow you all the way down (lest they'd go against Ghirahim's orders). At least the enemies varied, including a new type: Bomb-chucking Bokoblins.

"The Horde" did get harder as you went along. Barriers obstructed you from advancing further, and tougher foes appeared out of thin air. The Moblins seemed less a challenge; I'd gotten used to them in Lanayru Desert. It was the Stalfos that inconvenienced me the most, namely the four-armed warrior. Then I thought about tactically placing bombs in front of them and that cut them down one by one. Setting oneself in a field where the usage of various items can come in handy makes the battle seem like a puzzle in itself, and the diverse challenges that Ghirahim's forces presented allowed for this.
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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I would argue that this is a case of Nintendo's recent programming "laziness". For some strange reason, the once great gaming behemoth now contents itself with sitting on the sidelines as other developers make their games larger, more multiplayer focused, and filled with better AI. Skyward Sword may have been a huge step forward for motion controls but certainly not for Artificial Intelligence in gaming, Also, Rytex, if you've gotten there, what were your thoughts on the Horde in Hero Mode?


Bow Down to the Dark Lord
Nov 7, 2011
The World Of Darkness
I never really cared about having a horde of monsters, instead I look for really challenging monsters.

Yeah, same here. I really liked deku babas that were in the grass, then they would surprise attack you while you didn't know where they were. That is something i have always really liked from Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. But the horde battle was just really just too easy. I had the Hylian Shield so my shield wouldn't break, and I had the True Master Sword. So it never was that hard. The only part that I thought was kind of hard, was the part when the two stalfos come out. That was the hard part. I had another million (figure of speech) bokoblins on my tail and i could only swing in the direction the swords apart. (I mean if the stalfos was holding his swords | |, I would swing upward.)So that was pretty much the only hard part. Other than him it might've been a little hard to beat the Wooden Shield Moblins. They would charge at me when i broke their wooden shield. then I would lose a heart or two, depending on how many bokoblins I had on my tail.So for me it wasn't that challenging, the horde battle. it was more like, instead of a big hard massive battalion of enemies, it was more like a bunch of easy, not hard, enemies for me.
Jan 1, 2012
I wish SS had a Cave of Ordeals. I think that would have been more fun than the horde. In my opinion, there were only a few challenging enemies in the game, and there weren't really any difficult enemy combinations.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I wish SS had a Cave of Ordeals. I think that would have been more fun than the horde. In my opinion, there were only a few challenging enemies in the game, and there weren't really any difficult enemy combinations.

Indeed. Skyward Sword was the first Zelda game in awhile to lack any truly large enemies such as Dark Nuts or Iron Knuckles. Then again, the style may have hampered their inclusion.

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
When The horde battle was coming I was excited and just wanted to go through a big large battle. But as I ran down they were stupid enemy's who left hardly any damage and overall was pathetic. I just ran down the hill slashing like a mad man and guess what, I got to the bottom and only lost one heart. Nintendo! More challenge please!!
Jan 1, 2012
Whilst Skyward Sword had plenty of easy enemies, I think it would be wise to bear in mind that the Zelda franchise's difficulty rarely lies in it's enemies.

I like that the challenge of the games does not come entirely from difficult enemies, but I think that Nintendo needs to bring back some of the challenge that was present in early games. I died numerous times playing through The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II. Even after beating Zelda II a few times, I have trouble with the Fokka in the Great Palace. Ganon was actually difficult in A Link to the Past, and General Onox at least took me a few tries in Oracle of Seasons. In Skyward Sword, I did not die a single time, and I never really felt any sort of challenge (granted, I haven't started Hero's Mode yet). I get that many consumers don't like to be stuck, but for me, games are more fun when they are difficult.


Resident Netizen
May 10, 2010
Random house in Texas.
I would argue that this is a case of Nintendo's recent programming "laziness". For some strange reason, the once great gaming behemoth now contents itself with sitting on the sidelines as other developers make their games larger, more multiplayer focused, and filled with better AI. Skyward Sword may have been a huge step forward for motion controls but certainly not for Artificial Intelligence in gaming, Also, Rytex, if you've gotten there, what were your thoughts on the Horde in Hero Mode?

I'll put it this way. I left with two hearts less than I did in Normal Mode. I left Normal Mode's Horde battle at full health.

Indeed. Skyward Sword was the first Zelda game in awhile to lack any truly large enemies such as Dark Nuts or Iron Knuckles. Then again, the style may have hampered their inclusion.

I would and wouldn't say that. I would because Skyward Sword was already as massive as Wind Waker, coupled with the motion sensory programming. I wouldn't because they still could have put in a few extra-difficult enemies that are so good at blocking you that they even put Demon Lord Deborah Ghirahim the Fabulous (and his Floating Dance Floor and Moves of Doom) to shame at times. There was plenty of room to ADD them, but not so much to PLACE them to the point where they are an uncommon enemy and not a one-time deal.

I Love Ghirahim

I really hated the horde being in the Boss Rush. It's not even a boss! I think it's just stupid. -.-

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