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A Link Between Worlds Link - Should He Be Accompanied by a Companion or Ride Solo?


no text
Dec 16, 2011
I kind of agree with Vaati, I'm not too bothered in terms of Companions. Although, it would be cool if (like Majora's Mask), a companion you had from previous games, or maybe even through half of the game you're playing, went missing. Your task was to find it, and other things as well. That would be interesting.


Dec 31, 2011
New York
I think Link should go solo(except for Epona or temporary companions for quests, of course.) because all the more recent games seem to have some sort of companion.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Link's companions have wildly transformed over the years, from being very distant (distance-wise, like Sahasrahla), to being himself (Four Swords and Four Swords Adventure) to being in your face 24/7 (like Fi). Link has also ridden solo, but the last game that actually happened was Link's Awakening, to my knowledge. But I've a simple question: do you want Link to be accompanied by a companion in Zelda 3DS, or would you rather him go it alone?

I myself would love to see Link versus the elements of danger by himself once more. I miss him being a solo adventurer, although he was never really defined as such. That way, I won't have to read a text box every ten minutes, and I will finally be able to figure things out without interruption! :)
It would be nice to see Link complete a quest by himself again. If that were to happen, then what would I like to see is a format of a text box that shows Link that he's thinking to himself or something to that matter. :3


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
I would like to see Link ride solo this time. If there was a companion though, I would want to see someone like Sahasrahla return - a companion that is helpful, but keeps its distance.

Azure Sage

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I think Nintendo should do what they did in Spirit Tracks; have a partner that helps Links solve puzzles and fight enemies. The teamwork between Link and Zelda in Spirit Tracks really blew me away. I would love to see something like that again.

In terms of advice, it would be nice if the partner was as helpful as Fi from Skyward Sword. Fi gave excellent advice when you called for her, and she was a huge hep to me in the game. I would like to see another partner at her level.

Basically, a combination of Spirit Tracks's Princess Zelda and Skyward Sword's Fi is what I would love to see.

I would not like to see Link go solo. While the "lone wolf" theme would be pretty neat, there are limits to what a person can do on their own. And having no one around to help beginners out and give them advice wouldn't be very appealing, if you ask me. I've never played a Zelda game in which the partner character's advice didn't help me at least once. Even Midna, who I consider to be the least helpful partner character (as well as my least favorite) said a couple things that helped me out occasionally. If you ask me, partner characters are necessary.


Jan 19, 2011
I think Nintendo should do what they did in Spirit Tracks; have a partner that helps Links solve puzzles and fight enemies. The teamwork between Link and Zelda in Spirit Tracks really blew me away. I would love to see something like that again.

In terms of advice, it would be nice if the partner was as helpful as Fi from Skyward Sword. Fi gave excellent advice when you called for her, and she was a huge hep to me in the game. I would like to see another partner at her level.

Basically, a combination of Spirit Tracks's Princess Zelda and Skyward Sword's Fi is what I would love to see.

I would not like to see Link go solo. While the "lone wolf" theme would be pretty neat, there are limits to what a person can do on their own. And having no one around to help beginners out and give them advice wouldn't be very appealing, if you ask me. I've never played a Zelda game in which the partner character's advice didn't help me at least once. Even Midna, who I consider to be the least helpful partner character (as well as my least favorite) said a couple things that helped me out occasionally. If you ask me, partner characters are necessary.

I'm back!

I agree with Azure here, a companion that helped you in battle would be really cool. This could go wrong if the helper was stupid, but I'm sure Nintendo would get it right!
Jul 1, 2011
Tournament Of Power Arena
This was one of the reasons I really liked Midna. I like a companion character that is genuinely helpful for gameplay abilities and tricks while also takes a huge part in the story along with Link. And she was not just some Hyrule wikipedia for monster info. A character that follows Link around and is a part of the journey alongside him should be just as important as he to the overall story. Navi was for the most part a background character that only Link noticed on most occasions and Fi was only sometimes noticed. She hardly interacted with any other side characters,when she did it was rarely more than conversation. Midna had a huge personality that dwarfed nearly everyone else's at the same time. I enjoyed this especially since Link is commonly portrayed as having little to no personality of his own, has no speaking parts, and not much of a presence in the storyline. Midna took his place as the vocal main character that dealt with characters and situations, talked about what was going on and commented on various happenings. She had a deep history that involved the main villain, and grew as a character throughout the course of the game. On top of that she had several abilities that the player could exploit in the game such as her ability to circle an area so that Wolf Link could attack all enemies within that region, the teleport jump trick, and her ability to make portals.

Due to this I would love for there to be more companions that make a larger impact on the story and the gameplay. Having an information gathering character is nice but I would rather have one that is more useful in direct gameplay such as combat or getting around in the world more easily. Plus again I liked how Midna's personality mostly took the place of Link's lack of one. I would not mind seeing a bit more of that in the future as well. Some basic helper characters have always been something I liked whenever it has occurred in the series. The sequences in WW when you had Makar and Medli following you around was much more fun since it gave me different styles of gameplay as well as someone else to play as other than Link for a change. The helper character does not always have to be just a fight capable as Link, but someone who could fly or reach certain areas more easily than Link would be incredibly useful in a game that emphasizes exploration and puzzle solving as much as Zelda.

The information characters I would much rather have as someone that I could go to or consult later on like a fortune teller, Sahasrala, or the King of Red Lions. Not so much a constant companion that is always there commenting on how scary the red dragon you are fighting is or what percentage of the creature is vegetable.

addressing the last part: So, if you're having trouble figuring out how to fight some thing, you'd, rahter than pressing a button to hear some information that your companion doesn't, as you seem to believe, spout at any moment, but only when you ress a button, instead we'll trek out of thse dungeon an take a short stroll down to the village, consult someone, and walk all the way backto defeatt it?


What a fearsome beast!!
Dec 19, 2011
Oklahoma city, OK
I think he should ride solo dolo.. lol because then you are going to have to figure out the game alone like link. i just think that would be cool on a 3d game.


trollin for booty
Sep 29, 2009
i've always liked having a companion on the adventures no matter how annoying. if you were going on a quest like that IRL would you want to be doing it alone?


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
At this point, the story almost relies on having a decent companion to interact with the world for you.
May 2, 2012
I think he should fly solo, the game would feel more daunting and lonely. A lone adventurer seems more exciting than a companion to help in every game.


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
I want a partner. But I want one with lots of personality like Midna, enemy description ability like Navi and Tatl, and non-intrusiveness UNLIKE Fi. I swear, every 5 minutes in Faron Woods I was groaning "Fiii. Shaddap.". I liked King of Red Lions. He wasn't shoving himself in everything, yet he was interesting and important to the plot, AND he had a sense of humor. Make someone like him, that has an enemy description ability, and that would rock.


Dec 13, 2009
Should Link Be Accompanied by a Companion?

1) I will say yes if his companion will help him in battle, or give him great abilities/skills...

2) I will say no if he'll get companion that only give an information like Navi, Tatl, or Fi...

But, it'll be boring if Link is solo, without companion...:(

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