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General Zelda Linear Limited or Open Free Rome

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
Well, I would rather it not be set in Rome. ;)

But, ahh, it's a tricky one. I'd have to say open and free roaming, honestly. Usually games are made more linear so they can provide a better storyline, and offer more exciting set-pieces and stuff. A lot of linear games instead offer non-linear storylines, like Witcher pre-3 and Deus Ex. Free roam, more sandbox titles, usually have less story and narrative, it's trickier to balance, etc. I do like all types of games, linear and non-linear, they work better for different games. But, Zelda doesn't really have this amazing story or set-pieces that they really have to offer us, but they do have an amazing, fantasy world full of great, vast, and varied scenery that it seems a shame not to let us go around and explore it. So I'd rather Zelda be free roam in that regard.
Those saying that linear games instantly offer better narratives are neglecting games like Deus Ex and Knights of the Old Republic.

While its true a linear story, can be more structured with twist, and intrigue, betrayal and so on, but frankly Zelda games aren't at this level of story writing that it isn't an issue.

Perfect example of a free roaming and yet still very structured story is the Knights of the Old Republic. Not counting Deus Ex because it was much more linear, even if you were allowed to wander around town when you were there, you weren't exactly free to come and go when you please. Knights of the Old Republic allowed you once you got your ship, to go to one of a handful of planets and come and go.

Infact KOTOR, follows a very zelda like quest, you know, go find the x number of important thingies, hidden deep with in dangerous places.

A linear games isn't inherently bad, I'm just not positive Zelda gains its benefits, and honestly It would do the series a greater justice to move away from it, and perhaps closer to what games like KOTOR , and Ocarina of Time did. Set before you a number of goals, and you're free to go about doing them in mostly what ever order you choose.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
Honestly I didn't even realize that there was disagreement among fans about this, I say free-roam all the way 10000%

The linearity and design of SS's overworld is what I hated most about the game. It felt like I was trapped inside of a maze in hallway after hallway, forced puzzle after forced puzzle. save that for the dungeons NOT the overworld.

exploration is the whole spirit of LoZ. The original was solely based off of exploring and finding new things. We need more of this in the Zelda series pronto

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