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Breath of the Wild Likelihood of a companion

We havent seen much of Zelda U but so far Link doesn't seem to have an irritating companion... of course, like TP's wolf surprise, there's still plenty of time for Link to be partnered with something horribly annoying, perhaps the companion is already there in the footage we've seen and like Fi and Midna it just cant be seen all the time.

If there was no companion however, how would you like the relevant information delivered? scattered NPCs? Some sort of mailing system? Timely updates via some sort of item or would you simply just like to find out for yourself?

Azure Sage

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I love having companions as long as they're nothing like Midna. Assuming there isn't one, though, figuring stuff out through hearsay would make the NPCs matter a lot more, and hopefully that would mean more NPCs that have depth like in Majora's Mask. I would like that.


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
It's very possible Link could have some kind of companion(s). We could be surprised and find out that some Dark Link like figure is Link's companion and could explain the use of Link's cloak, you know kinda like how we had Ravio and Ravio's bracelet from ALBW. Just imagine how interesting it would be having a true Dark Link like figure as an ally, I mean, we already had Midna from TP who was kinda like Dark Zelda type figure.

Midna hid in Link's shadow, so I bet a Dark Link inspired companion would do something similar for a method of hiding, like hiding in the shadows of Link's cloak for example. That could explain the importance of Link's cloak and the return of actual magic.

The Dark Link inspired companion could have a similar sarcastic like personality like Midna, only in a masculine, twisted, shady kinda way, where he's all cryptic about things. Then, later, when Link accomplishes the main goal objective for him, he eventually betrays Link, when he has all that ever wanted, a certain threat killed and perished, and all power in the world. Then it's up to Link to go stop him. That interesting plot twist to have another situation where Link has to fight a companion of his like in PH, only this time, the companion actually betrays Link of his own free will of choice with no higher power as a cause. I think it would give Zelda U a very dark feel and high sense of emotion and passion. The game already looks like it could have a dark story. I can already imagine this game being rated T for Teen.

Though, unfortunately, Nintendo will find some way of having the same old usual Princess Zelda, Demise/Ganon, the Triforce, and having the game rated E 10+, yet again. *sigh* :dry: That's never going to end is it? *sigh*


May 18, 2013
I prefer just regular NPCs, but the likelihood of a companion very high, every console Zelda game since OoT had one except FSA and Lin's Crossbow Training.


Feb 16, 2015
Maybe Epona is the companion and Link can talk to animals. Legend of Zelda the Horse Whisperer.
I mean, she's smart enough not to run into trees this time, why not smart enough to strategise and tell Link where to go? And if the over world blends into the dungeons, as has been stated, maybe you can even take your horse into the dungeons.
May 4, 2014
I'd rather not have a companion, some are good, some are blah. I'd prefer to get my info from NPCs and finding stuff out for myself and if I'm really stumped, I can ask for advice on the net.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
It's extremely likely that Link will have a companion in this game since he has in so many of the recent games, including all of the console games. It's become a staple for Link to have a traveling partner who gives him hints and develops some sort of emotional connection with him.

I'd like for this game not to have a companion, since, like I said above, they've been used a lot recently and we haven't really had a lot of instances of being able to figure things out for oneself. I'd like it to be a game like the original, in which there are only vague hints given here and there by scattered NPCs, leaving almost everything up to the player. Zelda is supposed to be about exploration, so let us explore instead of walking us through the whole game.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
We havent seen much of Zelda U but so far Link doesn't seem to have an irritating companion... of course, like TP's wolf surprise, there's still plenty of time for Link to be partnered with something horribly annoying, perhaps the companion is already there in the footage we've seen and like Fi and Midna it just cant be seen all the time.

If there was no companion however, how would you like the relevant information delivered? scattered NPCs? Some sort of mailing system? Timely updates via some sort of item or would you simply just like to find out for yourself?

'Well there is one tradition we don't need to change'
I can imagine Aounuma saying that a lot until it turns out Zelda U has actually got very few differences from past titles.
Jan 30, 2015
under the moon
Considering the fact that companions is pretty much a general thing now, especially on the console games since OoT, it wouldn't be a surprise if Zelda U gets one. If it does get a companion, then it should be one where they help you out in more than just telling you information. They should actively help out just like what Zelda did in ST.

However, I personally prefer no companion, as it makes the overworld exploration more fun, challenging, and rewarding once you get to the next point. In terms of hints on where to go, I like what the OoX games did. The Maku Tree helps you on giving hints on where the next dungeon is. If Zelda U gets no companion, they should have someone (or something) give out hints on what to do next, or a mark(s) on the map, just like ALttP/ALBW.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
Do I think it's likely to have a companion? Link has almost always had one, even if that companion is just Epona or another mount, and we know Link has a horse here, so he definitely has at least one. But I think OP meant something like Midna, Navi, Tatl, or Fi.

I would like to have a companion as long as it's not like Fi. I found Tatl to be one of the best ones, making a pleasant chime when she has something she wants to point out, but you can ignore her if you want to figure it out yourself. I want a companion to be around to offer tips when I might be stuck and need them, or offer some information about the monster I'm facing, but I don't want to be forced to listen if I don't want to. Plus, I like the dynamic of a companion to a silent hero. But, since we haven't seen one yet, I can't say it's likely we'll have one this time around.
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