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Breath of the Wild Likelihood of a companion


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
I honestly dont really care either way. I would have no problem with having one, cuz I rarely pay any attention to them anyways. It would be a nice change of pace to go without one though. I mean they proved they can still do it with ALBW, just dispensing information about areas through Hilda, and little bits of Information from sages, and Sahashrala in the beginning. Not having a companion would give NPC more use, having to resort to talking to NPC's would make it more likely to find side quest and what now.

I'm guessing there will most likely be a companion, and i dont really care if there is or not. I'm still just waiting to get any kind of information about the game.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
A companion could be very helpful in this game. They could help you explore the vast terrain and tell you useful hints. I for one think companions are useful, and they really can have a great impact on the game story-wise, like Midna did, if that's the angle they go for. Remember, Link is silent (I hope that never changes), and information needs to be conveyed to the player and NPCs. I'd rather have a character do it than generic text boxes. It makes the game unique and adds depth. Plus, Midna and Navi are very interesting and popular in the Zelda fanbase.. KoRL is an enjoyable and helpful friend. Fi is annoying to many, but is still memorable in her own robotic way.

Give me a companion Zelda U!


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Although some companions are annoying they can give fun information about your enemies. I often use Tatl to z target and then talk to her for information. I don;t mind a companion at all. As long as it's a good companion and not an annoying one. A companion like Linebeck, Tatl or even KotrL are okay. They don't interrupt you all the time and let you do the fights. Midna did help out a lot. Even though I disliked her personality I liked how she was one of the few companions who was really active in the final boss fight. I like companions who are more than just items to give you information but also actually do at least something.
Do I expect Zelda wii-u to have a companion? Oh yes. Because we didn't see one doesn't mean there won't be one.

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