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Let's Play The What If? Game

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012
....Then Link would teach his son to use a sword.
What if Cookie Monster steals your Cookies?
Feb 5, 2011

You need to post an answer... also

They would get really beautiful kids! eewwwwwwww!

That question was already answered, wait until it is asked again.

I shall start a new one, please put your own next time after you make a response.

What if Link had a new rival for Zelda's affections who was the opposite to Link in personality, cynical and logic minded?
Feb 5, 2011
Then I'm picking Coca Cola before it gets crowded and I gotta go with RC Cola mines.

What if Peter Jackson, Stephen Spielberg and even JJ Abrams got together and made a Legend of Zelda film?

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012
Then the movie will be VERY awesome,everyine will watch it and the Zelda Fans will all collide.
What If My imaginations were real?
Feb 5, 2011
Then my life would be epic, fast paced and catchy.

What if Groose was more like Gaston, as in more of a bad guy and went to extremes to make Zelda love him, even try to kill Link?

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