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Lego Zelda Set Ideas

Jan 25, 2010
Before I start, I would like to point out that the Lego Zelda project is NOT to create a Lego Zelda Video game, but rather, a plan to create a series of indivisual Lego sets. I just wanted to clear things up because I know there has been confusion in the past.

So anyway, this thread is dedicated for us fans of the Zelda community to open up our imaginations and come up with some possible ideas for Lego sets that could end up being created, which I am absolutley possitive will happen. It's too bad I did not know of that Cuusoo site, otherwise we would already have a Lego theme. I thought of Lego Zelda years ago...

First things first, All Lego themes as major as this almost always have sub-themes, such as Lego Star Wars for example. That said, I will first come up with the possible sub-themes for Lego Zelda. Please note, there is more than one possible division, but for this threads sake, I will come up with one division. Now, lego Star Wars has six sub-themes, so I will stick with that.

The first sub-theme is obviously accessories, so there are five left. Those five will be Skyward Sword, because it is the newest release, The Adult time line, the Child time line, Pre-Ocarina of time, and the third time line split, what ever it's called. Please note, I am basing the categories based on the new "official" released timeline.

Now, for the actual topic of the thread. To keep things organized, I advise you to write you post the way I will show you. Also, please keep a limit of two or three set ideas. This way, the thread is open to several ideas (as if there is not enough Ideas for sets anyway, but still).

Please take note of the following abbreviations and their descriptions,

UCS- This stands for Ultimate Collector Series. This mostly applies to Lego Star Wars, but who's to say it can't apply to Zelda too. UCS is usually around 3,000 to 5,000 pieces. They are really big sets that, well, Ultimate Collectors go after.

BP- This stands for Battle Pack. Again, Battle Pack mostly pertains to Star Wars, but it can still be Zelda. A Battle Pack is a small, $10 set that can be easlily purchased to well, build your army. They usually come with minifigures that do not have a name, that can be purchased over and over. An example is Clone Troopers, for Star Wars. A bad example is, say, a set with Anakin and Obi-Wa. See what I mean?

R- This stands for your good old regular set, nothing special.

MM- This stands for Minifigure Magnets. They consist of 3 different Minifigures that can be used as magnets, or, you can take them off the magnets and use them as a cheap way to get your favorite Minifigure.

With all the terms above, Format you post like the following example,

Set Name - Game set is featured in - abbreviation - Minifigures to come with the set (this includes enemies) - Items to come with the set
Description of set: this includes why you want the set made, and great detail of what is in the set. Piece count as well. When I say great detail, take death mountain for example. Will it be the entire mountain so it takes up your whole living room, or small enough to fit on your shelf. what is special about the set? Any play features?

Here are three select sets I would like to see created,

1.Hyrule Castle - OoT - UCS - Young Link, Young Zelda, Ganondorf, 5 or 6 Castle Guards, King, Impa - Kokiris Emerald, Ocaina of Time, Sling shot, and a few rupees.

I want this set made because I felt that the castle in OoT was a dissapointment, With a Lego set, Lego can use their imagination to creat what they think the inside of the castle looks like. What better way to make a castle than a UCS set. I'm talking 5,000-6,000 pieces. A huge castle. I am refering to the time period when Link fist meets Zelda in the court yard. So of course, you can preety much imagine what the outside of the castle is like. The inside it just to add a play feature to the set.

2.Kakariko Village - OoT - R - Adult Link, Sheik, all residents, some guards, Dampe, Skultulla, Cukoos' - Lens of truth, Hookshot, Rupees.

I want this set just because I think it would fit great with the lego theme. If you have ever seen a classic Lego castle village, you would know what I mean. I would say the piece range is about 1,000-2,000. This would include every house, the grave yard, and and the Wind Mill. So maybe more towerds 3,000 pieces.

Those are my top two. I want to know what you think. let your imaginations expand. Also, I know Axle the Beast is a huge supporter of this project, I wander what kind of sets he has in mind. :dry:

Let me know guys, I am really curious.


Well let me me level with you here,
If I saw a zelda lego set in a store, I would totally buy it.
Jan 25, 2010
I just had another set idea.

Bokoblin - SS - BP - 5 or 6 Bokoblin - Tons of Bokoblin weapons and some treasure

A small, easy to get battle pack with a lot of Bokoblin. Blue, red, Electro, and cursed Bokoblin.


All Hail Shadow
The Final Room from the Great Palace-R-Zelda II-Minifigures: Link,Shadow Link and the Triforce Gaurdian
Just a large yellowy orange room with a few large plllars and arches with a flat "Battle area" and a high up platform for the Triforce gaurdian and some pieces to make the triforce of courage

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