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The Dashing Darknut

DD, the dashing one
Jul 7, 2021
Twilight Realm
Male, he/him/they/them
They're good movies tbh
They’re okay. Not great, but alright. Some jokes were good

The show, though, that was bad and I only watched a few episodes of it. The ones I watched (though I have a foggy memory of it) are about the chipmunks going to school with teenagers, which is a pretty boring concept in an of itself, and on top of that the designs of the chipmunks aren’t good. Literally just look like small, weird humans except with chipmunk tails, and the jokes are pretty bad and it’s just not enjoyable. It’s really not creative or interesting


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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i usually write the way i draw without really planning ahead but i am happy to say i have most of the major plot points set up for the story i'll be working on, and thats a relief. except my brainstorming doc is like 80 pages and bleh
Yes tho! I have all my major plot points planned, but then I'll start writing and I'll come up with so much great stuff on the spot, I've had a blast really fleshing out some of my OCs with stuff I've come up with on the spot, it's like just, hanging out with them.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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thats what my brainstorming doc has been for tbh. i write some samples and see what happens

my current project has been pretty spontaneous though. the entire third act was totally unplanned
Nice, it's always such a pleasant surprise when you can come up with more than you planned, my current project has had a lot of that


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3
i've had many ideas for the looking for purple pear apples at 3AM gang but i got something else to write and i have to send it in before a deadline
once i send in that tho i might make sumthin with them possibly
i still have Mary Zula in my basement tho, i'll take her out of it once i got the right stuff to make her story the best it can be

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