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Majora's Mask Ladder Behind the Southern Swamp's Potion Shop?

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The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I've noticed it too and have also wondered that... Unfortunately I don't have an answer for it :/
Aug 6, 2010
Thanks. That's odd, i never noticed it was there. I wonder what the game designers thought about when adding it to the game.


Zelda's Kid
Nov 15, 2010
To me, it looks like the developers wanted to add something even more above, but decided against it and forgot to remove the ladder. Or maybe it is just BEN o.o

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
To me, it looks like the developers wanted to add something even more above, but decided against it and forgot to remove the ladder. Or maybe it is just BEN o.o
Your on to something maybe they were originally going to put a Heart Piece up there makes since doesn't it.
Jan 24, 2011
thanks god I read this, I was about to spend several hours of my life trying to get there xD


Angry Megaman Fan
Jan 24, 2011
Behind you
To me, it looks like the developers wanted to add something even more above, but decided against it and forgot to remove the ladder. Or maybe it is just BEN o.o

You shouldn't have done that...
Nice comment by the way xD

About the ladder... I've also always wondered about it, but now we know it has no purpose :)
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