At zunaris shop you can buy joy flowers and put them on pedestals throughout windfall, i placed them on every pedestal i can find, is there something you get for this?
The flower things? No, but you do have to find gorons dressed up as tourists and trade flowers with them, and in return, the flower guy will give you magic armor! (this is a sidequest, so you don't have to do it)
Those flowers are a part of a trading sidequest, you don't have to do it, but as it was mentioned above you can get Magic Armor and a Piece of Heart from it.
You just start by taking the Town Flower from Zunari, and then you'll visit three isles several times.
Well, there is a man sitting on a bench by the Café--that's the place next to Zunari's shop--who will give you a piece of heart for decorating the town, but yeah, there's a trading quest that involves going back and forth between Bomb Island (F5), Greatfish Isle (B4) and Child Island (B2).
Ok thanks, it turns out i already did this sidequest then, i have the magic armor. I haven't played windwaker in maybe 2 years and i forgot about, i still need to get that heart piece from the man though.