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It's not really Ganondorf

Mar 23, 2013
I might make my own thread on this where I can go into further detail, but there's an alternative solution that I don't think has been brought up yet. As some have pointed out, it is indeed possible for a jet black villain to be an interesting antagonist, as there are many examples. Ninty clearly wants Ganon to be one of them, but I think I know the reason he falls short where the others succeed. Think of all your favorite baddies and why you love them; I'm willing to bet it's not because you were told how evil they were, but rather because you got to see them in action.

There's a theory based on unused sound files in WW that Ganondorf would have killed Jabun; that would have been nice to see in a game where he just stands and talks for 90% of his screen time. I believe this is the true reason Ganon is such a lame villain; Nintendo never wants to do anything but hide him until the end of the game, while expecting us to just hate him because they said so. If they could simply give him more presence in the story and let him carry out his deeds in real time, I'd be all for his Muahaha Mustache Twirling presentation.

Of course, villains like that get old after a while, so obviously they're going to have to give him some depth sooner or later, but I believe this could be the starting point for making Ganon... less of an embarrassment, at least.

This is definitely true for me. Perhaps Ganon's biggest flaw is that he just doesn't spend much time on screen. We don't see him doing stuff so much as we just see the apparent consequences of it and some NPCs who will opine about how bad the stuff he did was.
Nov 30, 2021
Ganon's biggest flaw is that he doesn't feel like a threat. IMO BOTW2 should bring back the blood moon but make it more deadly.

Majora's Mask did this so well. The moon constantly feels like a threat especially on the 3rd day.
Apr 22, 2020
Which brings me back to MY theory: Calamity Ganon is a corrupted Hero of the Wild. In which case, this entire argument becomes irrelevant, and we all agree to disagree. Eh?

So you think this theory is likely? Tbh, it's not that bad but rn, we cannot say much regarding Ganondorf. I guess we have to wait till mid June.

We really don't know the story behind this version of ganondorf, so I think it'd be too quick to assume that him turning not evil is out of the question

also it makes zero difference if this is the end of the timeline b/c they could easily hop to another one for a new game

Well, Ganondorf turning good means that he gets rid of his malice and tbh, BotW demonstrated the most malicious Ganon ever. It has to be a really good reason for him turning good, a "Ganondorf might turn good if the curse is broken" is the meh option which I would highly dislike.

If they can easily hop to a different timeline, I fail to realise why the end of this timeline might be necessary, especially since BotW takes place in all 3 timelines.

I feel like the misconception is that I just want Ganon to flip a switch and go full good guy protagonist right away. That's probably how Nintendo would write it, but that's not what I want. I'd like to see a developed Ganon who shifts from something less stereotypically and blandly evil into something more nuanced. Something more neutral-good. That development should be key to the story.

A more developed Ganon with more characteristics and, let's say, humane motives would easily fit as chaotic neutral as well. He doesn't have to be good to be a good antagonist. At least we players can feel his action. This dude is filled with malice, powerful and strong enough to form a specific mind to destroy everything in its path. The right direction would be to show why Ganondorf became this way.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Well, Ganondorf turning good means that he gets rid of his malice and tbh, BotW demonstrated the most malicious Ganon ever. It has to be a really good reason for him turning good, a "Ganondorf might turn good if the curse is broken" is the meh option which I would highly dislike.

If they can easily hop to a different timeline, I fail to realise why the end of this timeline might be necessary, especially since BotW takes place in all 3 timelines.
technically we did get rid of the malice didn't we? isn't the essentially what calamity ganon was? like I said, we really don't know the story behind this ganondorf so any of this is speculation

also whether this is the end of the timeline or not makes zero difference, plus I didn't even bring up breaking demise's curse=end of the timeline, that was a response

I REALLY don't want to get into this here but no, I don't believe it takes place in all 3 timelines, the best spot for it is the downfall timeline

edit: ignore the first paragraph, I completely forgot about the trailer

Daku Rinku

Substitue Person
Jun 1, 2023
It would be ultimate revenge not to destroy Link, but take his body and make him Ganon reborn; to turn Link into a host for Calamity.

That was the impression I got at the beginning of TOtK, when Ganon/Link grabs Link’s arm and corrupts it.


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
Unfortunately, my theory was only partially true; and that was the in-game reason as to why we are starting off at 3 hearts again.

But the good news is that this theory of mine has inspired me to make a zelda-script for a fan-game in which we see a incarnation of Link fail to save himself from such a curse and a future incarnation also being cursed in such a manner.
The Legend of Zelda: Curse from the Past

Daku Rinku

Substitue Person
Jun 1, 2023
Unfortunately, my theory was only partially true; and that was the in-game reason as to why we are starting off at 3 hearts again.

But the good news is that this theory of mine has inspired me to make a zelda-script for a fan-game in which we see a incarnation of Link fail to save himself from such a curse and a future incarnation also being cursed in such a manner.
The Legend of Zelda: Curse from the Past

I would love to read that. Lwt me know when you publish it.

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