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Breath of the Wild Is the hype dead?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
The original hype is definitely dead, but if you're taking that to mean that people no longer care about the game, that simply isn't the case. The game may have fallen out of our immediate radar, but as soon as information starts leaking in again, the hype will be back to full-blast. That's a guarantee.

No I was just saying for the time being I don't feel like pondering on Zelda Wii U is worth the time since everything has practically been touched from the trailer and demo we've seen.
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Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
I think some people in this thread are overreacting. Yes, Nintendo announced Zelda Wii U too early and failed to provide follow up trailers to keep the initial excitement going, but what really matters is the hype just before release. There was no major news about Splatoon until a few weeks before release, and it's been selling amazingly well in Japan and North America since release.

Are you kidding me? Do you not have any idea how many times they over-hyped that stupid massive waste of brain power of a game that shouldn't have even been made that is Splatoon? Nintendo talked about it ever since e3 last year. Ever since E3 2014, last year, that, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Bayanetta 2, and other things is all they would talk about and hype from then onward. Every month, non-stop, people were constantly obsessing over Splatoon, Xenoblade Chronicles X, & Bayanetta 2, it got annoying.

Splatoon is over-rated, how was it not over-hyped?

The original hype is definitely dead, but if you're taking that to mean that people no longer care about the game, that simply isn't the case. The game may have fallen out of our immediate radar, but as soon as information starts leaking in again, the hype will be back to full-blast. That's a guarantee.

It seems that Nintendo has handled Zelda U poorly, but we really don't know anything about the game, why it was delayed, when it will be shown again, and what exactly they delayed it for. We really may never actually know why the game was truly delayed.

1) Then why isn't anyone caring whether or not the game should be shown at E3 anymore? You know what? I'll just answer that for you. It's because people do not care about the game anymore.

2) No it won't! People are impatient, don't like to wait. If you keep people waiting for more information on something for too long, eventually, by then, they would have already moved on to something else. People move on really quickly cause they don't like to wait, waiting bothers them. One moment they are hyped and anticipating, then later, due lack of info, they just don't care anymore and have already moved on.

3) Sad but true. :(

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Are you kidding me? Do you not have any idea how many times they over-hyped that stupid massive waste of brain power of a game that shouldn't have even been made that is Splatoon? Nintendo talked about it ever since e3 last year. Ever since E3 2014, last year, that, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Bayanetta 2, and other things is all they would talk about and hype from then onward. Every month, non-stop, people were constantly obsessing over Splatoon, Xenoblade Chronicles X, & Bayanetta 2, it got annoying.

Splatoon is over-rated, how was it not over-hyped?

I'm a fairly regular follower of Nintendo News, and I can say with full certainty that Splatoon wasn't extensively talked about by Nintendo in 2014. The Wii U had a packed schedule last year; a lot of time was spent advertising Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U during the holiday season.

I'm not going to argue with you about whether or not Splatoon is a good game. It's certainly not without its flaws as its 81 Metascore suggests. But that doesn't mean the idea doesn't have potential. The first Smash Bros. was also deemed mediocre by critics. In two and a half years time, the franchise became a staple with the release of Melee. It's also worth mentioning that Splatoon sales are fantastic in Japan and North America. The ink based franchise could certainly become a third pillar for Nintendo console multiplayer alongside Mario Kart and Smash Bros.

Anyhow, if you want to talk to me more about this topic, feel free to send me a visitor message. I don't want to derail this thread, since it's supposed to be a discussion about Zelda Wii U.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
No I was just saying for the time being I don't feel like pondering on Zelda Wii U is worth the time since everything has practically been touched from the trailer and demo we've seen.

Yeah, I agree with that. There's nothing left to talk about, because we haven't really heard much. And I also agree with whoever said that unless some more information is brought to light soon, the Zelda U area of this forum will probably go dormant, with the occasional "what ifs" thread popping up.

But I do think that when Nintendo starts releasing more information, the public interest will reawaken. The consumer is fickle. Quick to anger, but also quick to forget.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Yeah, I agree with that. There's nothing left to talk about, because we haven't really heard much. And I also agree with whoever said that unless some more information is brought to light soon, the Zelda U area of this forum will probably go dormant, with the occasional "what ifs" thread popping up.

But I do think that when Nintendo starts releasing more information, the public interest will reawaken. The consumer is fickle. Quick to anger, but also quick to forget.

That was me also, lol.

True, the fans will end up looking it's way again eventually. As for the general public let's face it, Zelda Wii U probably never caught their interest to begin with.


Jun 11, 2015
However, I almost guarantee you, that when we get some more information again, the hype will come back at full force
First, I think you meant "come back at full TRI-Force. Yes I know the cheese level of that.

However, I do feel the hype is over. Although I feel this was most certainly due to such an early announcement of the game. Think of it this way: You hear a new game is coming out and you get excited just for a moment, just a moment. You hear what kinda game and the world blows up with people trying to figure out what it will be like. For MYSELF I say let's just wait for them to release the game and quit worrying about it until Nintendo is certain they are done with it. By that I mean they have an EXACT date of release. If they say "some time next year" you can be almost certain it wont be done and similarly for "fall of this year".

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
First, I think you meant "come back at full TRI-Force. Yes I know the cheese level of that.

However, I do feel the hype is over. Although I feel this was most certainly due to such an early announcement of the game. Think of it this way: You hear a new game is coming out and you get excited just for a moment, just a moment. You hear what kinda game and the world blows up with people trying to figure out what it will be like. For MYSELF I say let's just wait for them to release the game and quit worrying about it until Nintendo is certain they are done with it. By that I mean they have an EXACT date of release. If they say "some time next year" you can be almost certain it wont be done and similarly for "fall of this year".

That is the thing, they never said Zelda Wii U was certainly going to be released late this year, it was a “projected release date”. Sometimes people take them a little too serious, I've learned really fast not to take them literally.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States

That is the thing, they never said Zelda Wii U was certainly going to be released late this year, it was a “projected release date”. Sometimes people take them a little too serious, I've learned really fast not to take them literally.

Right-o. And even "set" dates can change. There are a lot of pieces working together here. I certainly don't know everything that releasing a game entails, but if there's a hiccup or a bump in the road, it could potentially derail the whole thing.

I can't speak for the general public, but I will be excited again when there is more information about the game.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Right-o. And even "set" dates can change. There are a lot of pieces working together here. I certainly don't know everything that releasing a game entails, but if there's a hiccup or a bump in the road, it could potentially derail the whole thing.

I can't speak for the general public, but I will be excited again when there is more information about the game.

Thou art truly Spirit Cavalier, slayer of Sociology! The Scribe of Spirit is proud.

Anyway back on topic I think this new Tri Force Hero game is like their way to make up for Zelda Wii U's projected release getting moved up.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
Thou art truly Spirit Cavalier, slayer of Sociology! The Scribe of Spirit is proud.

Anyway back on topic I think this new Tri Force Hero game is like their way to make up for Zelda Wii U's projected release getting moved up.

I'm sorry, but if Nintendo think this is in any way shape or form going to make up for Zelda U's absence during E3 or projected release date moving, they are sorely mistaken. Most people are not going to touch that game with a 10-foot pole. It's nothing short of an insult.

Instead of making a stupid spin-off no one is going to get, they should have those assets working on Zelda U to make sure it comes out ASAP.
The hype for me is definitely dead now.

They did say that Zelda U wouldn't be at E3 but then they said it'd just be for 2015 titles and focus on WiiU titles... both turned out to be false so there was a chance we'd still see something of Zelda U but alas...

It wasn't E3 that killed my hype though, it was Reggie's recent press release which has to be the biggest pile of bull**** that has ever come out of that man's mouth. To summerise he said that Nintendo as a company didn't like to show off titles that are too far away and instead wanted to focus on titles releasing in the holiday season and early next year...

There's a few things wrong with this statement; firstly, Yoshi's Woolly World, Mario Kart, Bayonetta 2 and other Wii U and 3DS titles have been shown off at E3s in the past that have taken two years plus to actually arrive. In fact, I'm pretty sure that screenshots for Woolly World surfaced not long after the WiiU's actual release so that game has been coming for almost 3 years and its still not here...

Secondly he said this year's holiday season and EARLY next year... okay, so early next year means I'll be playing Fire Emblem Fates and Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei, lovely, that's fine. But not Zelda U, a game that was shown last year not only with a reveal at E3 but also a five minute gameplay video at a following event the same year, a game that was supposed to release this year and be playable at E3... If people didn't know any better when watching this year's E3 they'd probably believe that Zelda U didn't actually exist.

So for a game that has had almost 5 years worth of production already, that was going to be playable this year at E3, to now not being shown at all and releasing not early next year but god knows when (perhaps after the next E3 when they reveal the next home console...that the game is looking more and more likely to appear on even though i don't want to believe it).

So yeah, Zelda U has fallen so far down on the release schedule that its now ambiguous if its going to release on its planned console at all, or if there's going to be another version alongside of it with new features (or features that were ripped out of the U version to be exclusive on the NX) that I no longer have the hype for the game, in fact I no longer care about the game at all.

I haven't truly loved a Zelda game since 2003, and by the time Zelda U releases I'm probably going to be so jaded (and pissed off if two versions of it exist to flog a new already doomed [because its Nintendo] console) that despite the game's best intentions and quality I'm going to have negative opinions about it, because after so long, whatever it gives me won't be enough to justify the excruciating wait and the brass-necked white lies that Nintendo are now covering themselves and its production with.


Hey there, it's me.
Aug 7, 2010
Uranus (it's dark here...)
Non-binary cookie sheet.
Frankly my hype died the day that Aonuma joked that Link might be changed, since then the hole it's buried in has only gotten deeper. Likewise now that it's delayed and even more likely to feature some changed form of Link what with Koei Tecmo trying to force their fan character into the 3DS port, I'm not even sure if I'm interested anymore.

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