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Game Thread Inception Mafia

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I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Rubik (1): funnier6
Ragnarokio (2): Bok Chan Sama, Doc
funnier6 (2): Moe the Moblin, Rubik
Not Voting: karu, Minish_Link, funnier6, Rubik, Doc, Ragnarokio, Ayano Keiko
Day 4 ends at 1pm PDT on Friday, May 4, 2018. With 7 here, 4 votes makes majority.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Hang on, I just thought of something really important
the dreamscape 1 dreamer got nightkilled, but that means there was still a dreamscape 2 dreamer, right?
If we have the dreamscape 2 dreamer claim (assuming they're still alive) we can narrow down the pool of suspects.
quoting because new page and I want to make sure everyone sees it

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
everyone else wasn't making sense.
I think forming reads on players who have and haven't flipped yet actually ended up being valuable because some of my town reads were [accurate]. Since this is a new meta that means I'm reading well.

Maybe everyone else wasn't making sense to you, but we all seemed to figure stuff out that way. Ragnarokio's post wasn't bad, but it was a bit of a contributing without actually contributing post, so the fact that you like them because of that doesn't look too great to me.

I didn't say that you can't do that, it can be helpful when you're subbing into a game. I'm just saying that you didn't have to post all your thoughts in a lot of posts back to back, when we've all been there done that.

okay, well bussing means there are 2 wolves left in a 13 player game. Pretty hard game to win from that point even if one of your wolves is universally town read (as they can still lose in final 3). Suggesting otherwise is just fearmongering and trying to keep a wider lynch pool open. The only situation(s) where bussing could've been a thing is an inactive ragnarok or funnier7 being scum (like rubik suggested). Rubik's option is more likely ofc.

2 wolves left in a 13 player game where scum can kill people at night while we're just lynching people back multiple dreamscapes. And yeah, pretty sure the inactive route had already been discussed before. That's why I'm not letting Ragnarokio off completely. I think Doc is unlikely to have bussed then, but it also came down to a coin-toss, so he could have been trying to place a vote on Storma so he looked better later thinking that Yiga(funnier) would get lynched (because Yiga is a super easy lynch) and then just got stuck being on the wagon when it came to a tie because unvoted at that point would have made him look worst.

maybe funnier can stop being a prissy pants and play the game lol
point blank refusal to do so is suspicious no matter now you look at it

I don't care if someone's not playing the game how you think it should be played, there's no reason for insults or name calling at all. IT'S A GAME. Stop taking it so seriously to the point where you feel you have to insult someone's character.

hey, he asked. I wasn't going to answer irrelevant questions because they were irrelevant, but he was being coy and childish and I fell for his bait. Note that he still hasn't reciprocated and answered my questions

How can you call someone's questions irrelevant when they obviously have a reason for asking them, and expect them to answer yours?

just calling it how I see it
even this post is generic because half of it is callling me out over attitude and the other half is town reading 3/4 of the players who are possible wolves :thinking:
ragnarokia's posts clearly show their mindset and what angle they're playing from and I'm getting a really easy town read from them based on that.
Your posts have no discernable thought process behind them (not to say you didn't think about what you were saying, just that it's not apparent) and I haven't seen any of this "softing" like I have with some other players unless your soft defense of rubik d1 was a soft seer claim (which it clearly wasn't, because now rubik is null for you). I'm forced to consider that defense of them at least mildly wolfy because of how inconsistent it is.

That's because a majority of the posts since I last checked were you being an ass to everyone, and quite frankly I don't want to deal with that in a mafia game. So of course I'm going to call you out because you obviously need it.

Do you just expect me not to town read anyone? Lol. That doesn't mean I completely throw away any chance that they could be scum. It means that there's 7 people left and 5 of them are town, so I gotta try and figure out who's town just as well as I gotta try and figure out who's scum. Town reading someone helps me narrow down that field, so I don't get how that's generic at all. Plus if I happen to flip at any point and other people see that I was town, they know they can trust my reads a little more.

You're crazy if you think that Ragnarokio's posts are showing a clear mindset and what angle they're playing from. They've barely posted at all (lol, and you're calling me inactive) and the first day their posts barely made sense to anyone so much so that people kept asking for clarification. They've made votes without reasoning, and they pretty much just post to vote and offer no other insight whatsoever. But maybe that's the only kind of posts you're able to understand if you think my posts have no discernible thought processes behind them.

Also, that's not my soft at all. I've already said a few times that I haven't completely softed because no one would probably figure out my role. And how is an inconsistent read on someone scummy? If I were scum I would stick to my reads at least because I know for sure what alignment people are.

it's possible, but hecka unlikely
who would even be the wolves at that point? That would literally make it rubik/bok3 by PoE who don't really look like compatible partners from what I've seen and there are more wolfy players around that you are randomly town reading
I am almost always town too, but very rarely I am not. The odds of you two being the same alignment are quite low all things considered and the fact that neither of you see this is noteworthy. In fact, it's more likely that you two are w/w rather than t/t, but even that's unlikely.

I guess it's okay that apparently you're in a strictly worse time-zone, but that doesn't make any of your posts look better.

Well I know I'm town, and I feel like funnier and Bok are town. So that leaves you (funny how you don't include yourself in a PoE), rubik, ragnarokio, and doc. So yeah, there's still choices left if two people are town together. Also, I'm not randomly town reading anyone. I'm reading them based of of their posts and how I know they usually play. You seem to be town reading people based off of how you expect people to play which is bad reading.

right, I was thinking that the dreamer would die when they suicided. My bad. The problem with ryu's suicide (it was clearly good as he was going to be lynched) is that after he claimed people were voting for him because his ability "could be mafia-aligned". I dunno how to express my thoughts into words but I would've insta cleared him after that kind of behavior. Props on making the right play and suiciding though

Yeah, weird that you would "insta-clear" someone based on the fact that he claimed a role that very well could be mafia aligned and multiple people explained why.

right so you think both wolves bussed their inactive partner day 1 and decided to win a 2v10. Makes sense.

On second thought, this post was good, cause it was pretty scummy.
Also noted that you're following along with funnier7's biggest suspicion after being "surprised" that ryu flipped town

not saying you're partners, don't worry about it
just saying there's too many coincidences for you to both be town

finally, don't call me out for attitude, I was throwing that crap right back at him, and if you defend him he can skate by without responding and just asking for a votecount instead. That's not how you play TWG my friend

I don't know why you think I think only Ragnarokio and Doc could be scum? Doc has been a bit scummy, but not enough for me to hard scum read. And I have given him the benefit of the doubt about bussing a teammate day 1. I'm still very undecided on Ragnarokio though and think she could be scum. But you just seem to keep completely overlooking the fact that I could find you scummy.

Also, how was me town reading two people scummy? Just because it doesn't align with your view of how the game should be played and who you think the only scum could be?

And yeah, don't tell me not to call you out for attitude. Funnier does get a little pushy sometimes, but he has never resorted to insulting someone's character like you did. He only gets pushy in regards to the game, you took it to a whole other level that I'm not going to just set by and let happen. Maybe funnier doesn't want to call you out for saying something like that because he's a better person than that, but I sure as **** will call you out. And don't tell me how you do and don't play mafia, because I'm well aware of how you play.

This is my favorite version of weeaboo avatar :^)

So once again, you like someone's post where it's literally just them explaining straight forward things about the game (no offense Bokky boy, I know why you posted that in the first place).

Quite frankly, you're moving pretty high up my scum reads list. Liking posts that only talk about the mechanics of the game/obvious stuff and not offering insight on people/events, completely clearing people based on how you think things should go, and the fact that you seem to be mildly defending Ragnarokio don't set well with me at all.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Rubik (1): funnier6
Ragnarokio (2): Bok Chan Sama, Doc
funnier6 (2): Moe the Moblin, Rubik
Not Voting: karu, Minish_Link, funnier6, Rubik, Doc, Ragnarokio, Ayano Keiko
Day 4 ends at 1pm PDT on Friday, May 4, 2018. With 7 here, 4 votes makes majority.
Okay, I just want to note here that, supposing Ragna is lynched and flips town, you can go ahead and ignore everything I’ve softed cause evidently everything my role has supposedly done is moot and tells me absolutely nothing about anybody. I have kind of lost faith in it already, but I’d still prefer Rubik.
@Bok Chan Sama @Doc

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
How can you call someone's questions irrelevant when they obviously have a reason for asking them, and expect them to answer yours?
because I answered them despite the answers being obvious. The answer to my question for him is not obvious (Who is partners with rubik) unless he considers me. So far, he hasn't and instead considers me partners with doc (?)

discussion today needs to be about funnier/rubik and we're running out of time

I would've preferred your flip probably because a mislynch on you gives relevant info (clearing rubik in my mind) whereas a mislynch on funnier only clears ragnarokio and doc, who I think are already clear based on the logical assumption that a day 1 bus sucks

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Also, if possible (and once we're done talking about funnier and/or rubik), can you keep your gigantic posts quoting everything at once to a minimum? I'll try to do the same. If posts get too big wolves can cherry-pick questions out and ignore things they don't want to answer.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Okay, I just want to note here that, supposing Ragna is lynched and flips town, you can go ahead and ignore everything I’ve softed cause evidently everything my role has supposedly done is moot and tells me absolutely nothing about anybody. I have kind of lost faith in it already, but I’d still prefer Rubik.

Funnier you're killing me right now. Haha. Is there any way you can make what you're trying to say a little clearer?

I'm leaning towards two of Rubik/Ragnarokio/Moe being scum. But Rubik is a little hard to read, Ragnarokio hasn't posted a ton, and Moe has just subbed in so it's hard to get a solid read on any of them.

You seem to be suggesting a Rag/Rubik team though, which I could see. Though I was getting more of a Rag/Moe vibe from him defending her a lot.

Also, if possible (and once we're done talking about funnier and/or rubik), can you keep your gigantic posts quoting everything at once to a minimum? I'll try to do the same. If posts get too big wolves can cherry-pick questions out and ignore things they don't want to answer.

Sorry, but no can do. That's how I post, and quite frankly it's easier for people to have everything in one post rather than spread out in a ton of small posts. If someone ignores something I just ask them again. They can just as easily ignore individual posts.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Funnier you're killing me right now. Haha. Is there any way you can make what you're trying to say a little clearer?

I'm leaning towards two of Rubik/Ragnarokio/Moe being scum. But Rubik is a little hard to read, Ragnarokio hasn't posted a ton, and Moe has just subbed in so it's hard to get a solid read on any of them.

You seem to be suggesting a Rag/Rubik team though, which I could see. Though I was getting more of a Rag/Moe vibe from him defending her a lot.

Sorry, but no can do. That's how I post, and quite frankly it's easier for people to have everything in one post rather than spread out in a ton of small posts. If someone ignores something I just ask them again. They can just as easily ignore individual posts.
are you fine with me ignoring flimsy logic and poor attempts to shade me in your posts? I'm doing so right now cause I'd prefer devoting all my focus to solving funnier7
according to YIGAhim, their flip will "give good info" lol

still hoping any potential DS2 dreamer will claim here, it would be immensely helpful


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Okay, I just want to note here that, supposing Ragna is lynched and flips mafia*, you can go ahead and ignore everything I’ve softed cause evidently everything my role has supposedly done is moot and tells me absolutely nothing about anybody. I have kind of lost faith in it already, but I’d still prefer Rubik.
@Bok Chan Sama @Doc
Funnier you're killing me right now. Haha. Is there any way you can make what you're trying to say a little clearer?
Oops. Should’ve proof read that before I posted it. @Bok Chan Sama @Doc Unfortunately I cannot, at least until tomorrow. I think it’s possible you can figure out what my role does but possibly not how it does it. It’s frustrating since I can’t be 100% sure.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
neither do I if I'm being completely honest
so how's about you stop focusing on the wagon and your role and tell us why rubik is scum besides "I don't need to point out why he's scummy"
because it looks like both of you desperately want to claim your role, but rubik is more frustrated that he can't claim his role and you're more "guys look at this info my role gives pls don't kil me"
so there's that

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
are you fine with me ignoring flimsy logic and poor attempts to shade me in your posts? I'm doing so right now cause I'd prefer devoting all my focus to solving funnier7
according to YIGAhim, their flip will "give good info" lol

Are you saying my logic is flimsy? Lol. And trust me, there's no "poor attempts to shade you". I'm just saying stuff how it is, and saying that I'm not going to put up with someone acting all high and mighty and insulting people because that's not how we play mafia.

Also, I don't give to much attention to Yiga when he says stuff like that because he likes to try and be cryptic and always looks scummy. And it's not great to focus solely on one person because then you get tunnel vision.

Oops. Should’ve proof read that before I posted it. @Bok Chan Sama @Doc Unfortunately I cannot, at least until tomorrow. I think it’s possible you can figure out what my role does but possibly not how it does it. It’s frustrating since I can’t be 100% sure.

Ah, okay that makes a little more sense. Do you want me to say what I *think* you might be softing, because I'm not sure if I've got it or not. Though I'm also a little hesitant to give scum info they might not be able to figure out on their own.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Are you saying my logic is flimsy? Lol. And trust me, there's no "poor attempts to shade you". I'm just saying stuff how it is, and saying that I'm not going to put up with someone acting all high and mighty and insulting people because that's not how we play mafia.

Also, I don't give to much attention to Yiga when he says stuff like that because he likes to try and be cryptic and always looks scummy. And it's not great to focus solely on one person because then you get tunnel vision.

Ah, okay that makes a little more sense. Do you want me to say what I *think* you might be softing, because I'm not sure if I've got it or not. Though I'm also a little hesitant to give scum info they might not be able to figure out on their own.
I mean, I don’t wanna devote much more time to what my role may or may not be but considering my current position and the chance it isn’t helping anyways I certainly don’t mind you guessing but of course I can’t confirm or deny. At the very least if I should die I think you can put the pieces together then.

I don’t want to throw everyone off a cliff with maybe so’s about Rubik I just want everyone to know that from what I know there is a really good chance that Rag is town. (Which is why if she’s not my role is useless)
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