I've often thought of writing stories, but when I start most of them, they are never finished! They just lie there, half finished and eventually, the ideas die away so I can't go back to finish them. :embarassed:
Dark Princess said:
I actually had to type out a short story for English.
I also had to do something like this. We had to write a story in no more or less than 50 words! D: After writing them, we sent them off to a publisher, and yesterday, I got a certificate back in the mail. My 50 word story is now being published! (Even though it wasnt that good. I actually wrote it in less than four minutes...)
Anywho, back to the topic at hand. If I am writing stories, they'll most likely be Sci-Fi, Fantasy or Horror Stories, i'm not very good at writing Murder mysteries and definitely not romances! :xd:
My most recent story was about an ancient civilisation whp was at war with a demon that was released from its prison. They defeat it, and seal it in a Stone Heart which is then sealed away deep underground. Years later, two young boys are playing and are digging holes to "find treasure". One of the boys comes upon a stone wall and begins to whack it with his shovel. Eventually, it crumbles and he falls inside.
He walks over to the middle of the room and finds a box *which he opens*, he takes out the stone heart and accidentaly drops it, releasing the ancient demon which promptly feeds on the boy's soul, thus turning him to stone! The demon then runs rampant, eating people's souls to regain its energy so that it may once again rule over the land! (I better not spoil the rest. It is Zelda Related so...I may post it in the Fan Works section one day [If I actually finish it...])