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If You Got the Chance to Live Anywhere in the Zelda Series Where Would You Live?

Nov 29, 2010
This is a very hard decision.
Do not think i could pick just one place.
Here are a few places id live.

Ice cavern.
Death mountain.
Windfall island
Great bay
Zora's domain.
Kakariko village.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Oooh, that is a hard question. There are so many lovely places in the Zelda series. A part of me wouldn't mind living in The Lost Woods, just being able to run around in mazes, in the woods with that little echoing tune. Sounds nice. Ordon looks nice too, but not as peaceful as some places. I'd love to visit the Gorons, maybe not live there, but stay there. XD I think if I had to pick one place out of all the oppertunities in the series it would be...

In the Picori library. I love the Picori and I would love so much to be able to shrink down to their little size and stay in the library with them, living amongst books and helping out the humans. The Picori are all peaceful and cute, and reading is great so we could all read, repair the books and help the humans out when they're not looking. Ah, they joy of being able to be tiny. And then I suppose if I changed back to normal size I would live on the Ranch with the horses and help with the animals. Oh, and I would ride the horses throught the meadow. :3


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
Even though I mentioned this in the favorite island thread, but my choice will still be Outset Island. It is possibly the most serene place in Hyrule so far and definitely my type of setting. As I love a nice tropical area, the ocean, and I can easily spend days on the beach. It is just the right size and has all anyone will need. Pus it is not too far away from the rest of civilization, any of the other islands are about a day's sail away. So one can easily travel to Windfall for any needs. Plus with the Rito mailmen flying to the island on a daily basis there is always communication between the islands. Outset is not closed off from the rest of society.

It is a reasonable distance away from the forsaken fortress and any moblin towers that there is no immediate threat. As well as stranger things like odd fire and ice spewing islands or monster filled forest havens.

Visually it looks like a beach resort that just so happens to be in Hyrule.


Jan 27, 2011
Even though I mentioned this in the favorite island thread, but my choice will still be Outset Island. It is possibly the most serene place in Hyrule so far and definitely my type of setting. As I love a nice tropical area, the ocean, and I can easily spend days on the beach. It is just the right size and has all anyone will need. Pus it is not too far away from the rest of civilization, any of the other islands are about a day's sail away. So one can easily travel to Windfall for any needs. Plus with the Rito mailmen flying to the island on a daily basis there is always communication between the islands. Outset is not closed off from the rest of society.

It is a reasonable distance away from the forsaken fortress and any moblin towers that there is no immediate threat. As well as stranger things like odd fire and ice spewing islands or monster filled forest havens.

Visually it looks like a beach resort that just so happens to be in Hyrule.



wow i love that HD Outset render you put up here, it makes it look more inviting
Aug 18, 2009
It is between Outset Island and Windfall, but I will go with Windfall Island, just to hang out at the docks and watch the sea, enjoy the sun, talk to the ladies, lolz, and play games with the game-dude, lolz (I don't recall that guy's name, the one where you have to sink a ship) Yeap, it sure would be a blast if I could be a character and live there, maybe then I could even join Tetra's pirates. :P


Depends in Hyrule Lon Lon ranch Termania Romani ranch. I live in the country now so im used to it and ive worked on Ranches alought so its easy work now plus if was always there I would get to meet link and defend the ranc form Them.
Nov 26, 2008
Haha, this thread again. Always nice to see this one crop up every once in a while; it's a good subject. :bleh:

Basically I wouldn't want to live anywhere in particular. Not strictly, anyway. If I lived in Hyrule (or any kind of exotic setting), I would probably want to live my life in a way where I could see a lot of it. The idea of a traveling merchant actually would appeal to me a lot in such a case. I'd travel around collecting and/or buying rare or unusual objects, and selling them for profit.

If I had to pick somewhere to actually live while not traveling, I'd probably live either somewhere really busy, perhaps in Hyrule Castle Town itself, or somewhere really nice, probably in Faron Woods or something like that. I just like forests and if I was going to live somewhere, I'd probably live somewhere like that. :)
Dec 11, 2009
If I was given the chance, I would probably like to live in Clock Town from Majora's Mask. Clock Town is pretty much the central city of Termina. It's bordered by the four other areas. It would only take a couple hours to get to the other places by foot. Also, Clock Town has plenty of attractions to keep people in it. They have the Town Shooting Gallery, the Honey and Darling's shop, and the Carnival of Time. Lodging is also readily available at the Stock Pot Inn, so there's no worries about not having a roof above your head.


I would love lo live by Lake Hylia, if I got the chance. It's always so peaceful when you visit it. Like you could waste an afternoon there and not regret it at all. Plus there's a cool temple underground if I get bored.

And if it was possible to live in the Lost Woods/ Sacred Grove I would SO do it.


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
I would definitely live in Ordon Village, but I would travel all around Hyrule every month or so (see: If I were in the zelda universe). I would choose Zora's domain or Faron woods for the music, but I don't feel like the music actually exists in that place. My personal theory is that the music we hear in the game is Link walking around whistling or humming. Yes. Exactly.

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