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If you could give Redeads a makeover a la Gibdo in TotK, what would you change about them?

Jul 12, 2023
Since the Gibdo got an instect-hive mind makeover. How would you redo redeads?

Personally, I'd go the plant/fungi route. Something akin to a clicker or a bloater, but less gross.

Or, I'd make them completely out of clay.

What about you?

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
I'd make it more obvious that they're physically decaying corpses. Zelda games have always played pretty loose with whether they're really the reanimated dead, so make them fall apart. Give us Redeads with visible spots where bones and organs can be seen peeking through.

Mikey the Gengar

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Give us Redeads with visible spots where bones and organs can be seen peeking through
china moment

Or, I'd make them completely out of clay.
I like this idea
redeads are an effigy of some kind, a physical humanoid container for a soul to inhabit after death. Clay, wood, straw, whatever the effigy's creator had on hand at the time. Some kind of evil magic corrupts the soul and animates the redead. When link defeats the redead, they collapse into a bundle of material in a sudden and off-putting way
Jul 12, 2023
I'd make it more obvious that they're physically decaying corpses. Zelda games have always played pretty loose with whether they're really the reanimated dead, so make them fall apart. Give us Redeads with visible spots where bones and organs can be seen peeking through.
Sadly, I don't think we will get any real dark designs for a while. We had it good with Twilight Princess.
Jul 12, 2023
china moment

I like this idea
redeads are an effigy of some kind, a physical humanoid container for a soul to inhabit after death. Clay, wood, straw, whatever the effigy's creator had on hand at the time. Some kind of evil magic corrupts the soul and animates the redead. When link defeats the redead, they collapse into a bundle of material in a sudden and off-putting way
I like that! What if redeads try to possess you once they've paralyzed you. The corrupted soul ever longing to have a real body once more.
Apr 20, 2023
I would like to see a giant redead, I suppose as a boss. Could vomit blood at you, or something.
Personally I was disappointed with the new Gibdos. Not redead enough, and not that scary.

But I've always thought that Redeads were golems made out of clay by the Shieka, so make more varieties perhaps.
Or evil corrupted versions of them made from corpses, so more like actual zombies.

Different colours might be nice, like a grey redead.


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
I thought they were dead people who were buried in a cemetery nearby and just happened to be used by the evil sorcerer to kill Link or whoever.....


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
If we're talking BotW/TotK, I think I'd lean towards the direction Wind Waker went with their tribal-like design. Maybe it's because I played Shadow of the Tomb Raider, but I'm kinda digging the idea of Aztec/Mayan zombies. Especially with how similar Zonai clothing and architecture is to those tribes. We get glimpses of Hylian servants in the ancient past in similar getup, so it wouldn't be a stretch to see them come back as zombies/redeads in the Faron region.

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