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If You Could Create a Villain

Feb 5, 2011
Okay, so we almost all agree the villains in Zelda could use a different motive than just straight up rule the world, but even if they do want to rule the world they need a more reasonable reason, like Ganondorf saying he was envious of living in the desert where there was death 24/7 whereas Hyrule was decent.

So, for now, let's hear YOUR ideas for a villain.

Is he getting hijacked by Ganon and if so is he aware?
Thoughts on Link and Zelda
When is he faced?

Okay, let me give an example
Name: Giloten the Wraith Knight
Species: Hylian
Personality: Aggressive, relentless, merciless, nihilistic, lacks any refinement or respect and is willing to kill to get his revenge.
Apperance: Black armor from head to toe, very much like the Temple of Time's Darknut armor but with a different kind of helmet and shoulders. Wielding what appears to be a corrupted version of the Four Sword.
History: A former Hylian knight that was once a rival to Link's father and uncle. Having grown up without a father and forced to fend for himself, Giloten grew very stubborn and lacking much social skills. He also would grow bitter whenever someone would outstage him, Link's father would excel in his skills while Giloten would become resentful, made no better that the woman he loved would eventually become Link's mother. As for the Royal Family, he would grow envious of a family of "fat, lazy rich people ordering those they see beneath them around" and viewing peace as cowardly due to his own vicious upbringing. Although he did eventually find love and received a daughter, the final straw for him came when the king banished him for his animalistic behavior against a simple pickpocket. Outraged, he attacked several villages, vowing to show the king of Hyrule his rage. However, on one such night, he burnt down a village, not knowing until it was too late his wife and daughter were in the village. Feeling that the king had manipulated these events and did this on purpose, Giloten reached an old shrine, deciding to end his own life since he can't take revenge. However, he found a darkened sword with a voice calling out, saying that its power will grant him revenge. Upon taking the sword he is given dark armor and can summon monsters. He decides to use this opportunity. The first thing he does during his assault on Hyrule castle with his army is kill Link's uncle, his last known relative.
Motive: His motive is to kill of the royal family of Hyrule as revenge and turn the kingdom into a wasteland where one must kill to survive.
Hijacked?: Yeah, he gets hijacked by Ganon. Unlike the others however he's aware of it and does what he can to prevent Ganon from replacing him, voicing his own hate for being someone's puppet and refuses to be disposed off until he gets his revenge.
Opinion on the heroes: He has the upmost hate for Zelda because she's the heir to the throne and views Link as nothing more but a child who delays the inevitable.
Battle: Faced near the end, before the final boss.

I'm sure this topic has been done before, but because I'm sure more people join every week and they weren't here for it, I'll give them a shot. So, yeah, lets see your villain ideas.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
I'll just use the main antagonist of one of my fan fictions, The Hero of Spirits. His name was Malladus, so I'm not sure if you'd want me to change it since it's the name of an existing Zelda villain. Although, the name is basically the only thing in common, so I guess I'll just go ahead and use him.

Name: Malladus

Species: Demon, but in the shape of a Hylian.

Personality: Arrogant and merciless. He'll stop at nothing to accomplish his goals, and doesn't care who he kills or how many lives he takes. He also has a bit of a whimsical side to him.

Appearance: Pitch black hair, blood red eyes, and usually wears a black cloak and matching black armor underneath.

Backstory: Was born in the Demon World, and quickly rose to the rank of Demon King. A child prodigy with immeasurable power.

Motive: It'd be easier to just post the lines from my fan fiction that explain that.

Azure Sage said:
Malladus was quiet for a few seconds, then his smirk returned to him and he laughed breifly to himself. He turned around to face the serene beauty of this world that was laid out all around us, and as he did, he said, "Have you ever wondered why it is we exist?

"What is the reason for us to be alive? Have you ever considered that thought?" he asked me, still facing the oppisite direction.

"Not really, no." I answered. There was a hint of curiosity in my voice.

"I have." he said. "I came to what I believe to be a logical conclusion. I believe we exist as a form of entertainment for the Gods, the Ones who Rule Over the Spirits themselves."

"Entertainment?" I inquired.

"Yes, entertainment!!" Malladus said as he swooped around to face me again. He spread his arms out wide, and said, "I believe the whole world which we live in was created to entertain the Gods! They created beings of all kinds, and they were created to hate and detest one another, thus being constantly at war! And war is what entertains the Gods!

"It makes sense when you think about it! Have you ever noticed that, whenever there is a time of peace, it is always eventually disrupted one way or another and chaos once again veils the world? The answer is simple: the Gods created us to be at constant odds, so they can sit back and enjoy themselves as they watch us crush each other's windpipes and rip each other's spines out from our mouths!! We exist for the sole purpose of entertaining the Gods! That is what I believe.

"You asked me why I'm doing this? It's because I'm trying to give the Gods a show they'll never forget!! That's all." he said at last.

Hijacked?: No. He's the main antagonist of the story.

Thoughts on Link and Zelda: Well, in my story, the protagonist's name was Alphonse, not Link, and his fairy partner's name was Zelda, so I'm not sure if I can answer this properly. But Malladus viewed Alphonse as a naive child who may present a decent challenge to him. He doesn't believe that the chance of him losing to Alphonse is a possible outcome, however. As for Zelda, he just thought of her as a weak, noisy fairy. (in a Zelda game, Zelda would be a princess instead of a fairy. I guess he'd view her as a weak little girl who thinks she can save her kingdom from him. He wouldn't care if he hurt or even killed her.)

When is he faced?: Alphonse encounters Malladus for the first time after he defeats Vaati, who was Malladus's right-hand man in my story. They did not fight, though; Malladus just wanted to meet Alphonse. Their fight takes place at the end of the story, in the Sacred Realm of the Spirits, on top of the Tower of Spirits. (in a Zelda game he'd be the final boss.)

I sure hope I did this right...


Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.

Name: StalKing

Species: Stalfos

Personality: Greedy, selfish, hateful of all things living, merciless, vain, deceitful, evil, takes advantage of anyone and anything he can, manipulative, although he prefers to be in charge, if ever Ganondorf comes into the picture, he will always choose to follow him.

Appearance: He looks like a living skeleton wearing a dark purple and black robe and an intricate black crown. He also wields a scepter that matches his crown.

Backstory: The ruler of all things dead, he served under Ganondorf until the evil king's plans of taking Hyrule were discovered by a mere boy and was taken to justice to be executed. He believed he could use this chance to take Hyrule in its weakened state, however the boy who had turned in the Gerudo King foiled his plans, and he was forced to go into hiding. One-hundred years later, Ganondorf returned and continued his plot to control Hyrule. StalKing came out of hiding and went back to serving his former master, seeing an opportunity to gain more power by helping him in his conquest. However, just when it seemed that Ganondorf would become the ruler of Hyrule, he was assaulted and slain by a boy with a distinctly similar appearance to the boy who had previously defeated both the Gerudo King and StalKing so many years before. Again, StalKing saw his chance to seize Hyrule for himself in its weakened state.

Motive: Under Ganondorf, he was just looking for power, but in his absence, he aimed to purge Hyrule of all things living and turn it into a land of death, with himself as King.

Hijacked?: No, in fact it's sort of the opposite...if you count the events of TP of course.

Thoughts on Link: At first, he is no more than wary of Link, seeing as how he was the one who beat Ganondorf. However, after awhile, he becomes more and more infuriated with Link as he gets closer to finding a way to defeat him.

Thoughts on Zelda: He believes her to be no more than an obstacle in the way of his conquest. One that will eventually be destroyed like all the others.

When is he faced?: The end of the game. He fights using powerful magical attacks as well as occasionally attacking up-close with his scepter.
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Nov 29, 2011
Name: Tyzur

Species: Sheikah

Personality: Broken, Machiavellian, Arrogant, Talented, Obsessive-Compulsive

Appearance: With the trademarked red eyes, Tyzur also has the symbol of his lost tribe, the Shiekah, tattooed on his palms. Wrapped in bandages, he removes these bandages from his palms to use the ancient power of his tribe. Although ageless, he has the appearance of youth with white hair akin to Ghirahim from Skyward Sword. His ears are pierced with earrings passed down from is tribe. His clothes are of a dark black, without any robes he is covered in bandages which, when removed, reveal further tattoos which have a variety of uses. Furthermore, tattooed under his left eye is a teardrop, similar to Impa from Skyward Sword. In response to his mood, the color of this tattoo changes. His body is lithe, and his clothes are symmetrical to eachother. He can be seen playing The Goddess's Harp, an artifact passed down from his tribe. He uses the power of the harp as an offensive medium.

Backstory: The last of the Sheikah alive in Hyrule, he has attained immortality through means unknown. As the remnants of his tribe have been sealed within the Twilight Realm, he placed himself in a position of trust to the Royal Family of Hyrule in order to achieve the re-reinstatement of his tribe. As a member of the Sheikah, he possesses the ability to freely flit between the Twilight Realm and Hyrule. His knowledge of Sheikan artifacts is vast, superseding that of the Royal Family's. Although a villain, his intentions are pure and feels guilt for pervading the innocence of Hyrule.

Motive: To bring the Twilight Realm and Hylia's Realm into one through the power of the Triforce. After manipulating Link and Zelda to reforge the Mirror of Twilight, a battle ensues within the Palace of Twilight resulting in the corruption of the Master Sword, and Tyzur's possession of the Triforce of Power. Eventually, he succeeds in recombining the Triforce, but is stopped before he can utilize its power.

Hijacked?: Yes, as an incarnation of Hatred appears as a spirit residing in the Master Sword, he is sometimes influenced by its aura. Near the end of this legend, The Hatred breaks free of its imprisonment in the Master Sword, and Tyzur is used as a puppet for the Hatred to use. Link's banishment of The Hatred kills Tyzur, halting the bloodline of the Sheikah.

Thoughts on Link: As Tyzur is aware of the cycle of Hatred, he is attempting to circumvent the inevitable, that The Spirit of the Hero will destroy a great evil. However, since Tyzur does not consider himself inherently evil, he does nothing to completely eradicate the Hero from Hyrule. After manipulating Zelda into ordering Link to locate the Lens of Truth, he ponders "getting rid of the boy." However, his attachment to Link as a friend does not allow this, and eventually leads to his downfall.

Thoughts on Zelda: Tyzur is aware of Zelda's possession of the Triforce of Wisdom, and attempts to retrieve it to make his plans come to fruition.

When is he faced?: Until his motives are realized by Zelda and Link, Tyzur is Link's guide to finding the Lens of Truth and reforging the Mirror of Twilight. He is fought when he trains Link in the art of Magic near the beginning of the story, and is ultimately faced near the end. However, Link must fight the Incarnation of Hatred that has housed itself in Tyzur's body as the final villain. Tyzur is killed as the Hatred is banished from Hyrule, leaving Link grieved at Tyzur's betrayal and death.


To Link, through the Gossip Stones: "Link, can you hear me? You have entered the Palace of Shadow, a place where my people had long resided. Hidden away in its depths are treasures guarded by an ancient power. Move carefully, friend."

To Link and Zelda, before entering the newly forged Mirror of Twilight: "That blade... It is the Blade of Evil's Bane. The Gods welcome us into the Twilight Realm; we shall eradicate its pervasive nature from the world."

To Link and Zelda, after corrupting the Master Sword, and obtaining the Triforce of Courage: "You will see what will come, a new world for all to live in harmony. But this peace can not come without bloodshed. The oppressive rule of the Gods has left Hyrule torn, divided in two. The Twilight Realm and The World of Light will become one once more."

To Link, in the Temple of Hylia: "It was never my intention to destroy this world. My people have long since vanished... I am lonely. I understand why you exist, why I do as well. We are to reforge the history of Hyrule."

To himself, in the ruins of the Shadow Temple: "The History of my people, has been written in blood."

To Link and Zelda, gesturing to the freshly cleansed Master Sword atop of Hyrule Castle: "There is much you two do not understand. That blade is the key to what must be done. That blade has defined the history of this world since it's antiquity. Only when the Blade is destroyed, will the Hatred cease to exist."

To Link, Mindara, and Zelda, after combining the Triforce into one: "It's here! Destiny has smiled on us. Zelda, you will rule what was once Hyrule. Mindara, you will rule what was once the world of Twilight. Link, you shall the heavens as the rightful heir. And I shall rule that which Shadow covers..."

To the Triforce, as his desire: "Gods! I implore you. Hear my heart, that which you broke off and banished to darkness, reforge it with the land you created. Melt Twilight and Light together, and make Shadow!"

To Link, as Link challenges him: "Don't do this, Link. Do not make me choose between my friends and my people. Do not make me destroy you."

To Link and Zelda, as he is being overtaken by The Hatred: "My only wish was to revive what rightfully should be... I'm sorry for being... too... weak."

To Link and Zelda, as he fades from existence: "The cycle of Hatred has been the story of this land. The Blade of Evil's bane has always been what drives Hatred away. But wasn't I good? Did I not try and right the wrongs my people made in the past...? But I fear that I have merely made them worse. Thank you, both of you. Thank you for being the good in this story... Separate the worlds again. Perhaps it is for the best..."
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D-Lo G

Author of Short Stories
Dec 22, 2011
I actually created this character for a book I'm writing, but I'm gonna Zelda-fy him:

Name: Sono

Species: Demon

Personality: Self-centered, creepy, agressive
Appearance: No one knows, because he is just a spirit that uses other peoples' bodies.

Backstory: He used to rule Hyrule, but everyone worked together to defeat him. They trapped him underground. He was about to die when he came across a boy's body. He posessed him and went back to Hyrule, posing as an innocent teenager.

Motive: All he wants is revenge on the King of Hyrule.

Thoughts on Link and Zelda: They are bothersome children who are just getting in the way of his revenge.

When is he faced? Link finds him in Hyrule Castle, ready to kill the King. The King tells Link the backstory just as Sono grabs him. He posesses the King and uses his strength as a weapon. Link uses magic to banish the spirit from the King.

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