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Ideas for Getting Money by the 20th


Wielder of TheBakerSword
Aug 14, 2011
Where No Baker Has Gone Before!
Ok so i need help!
I want to go get the skyward sword bundle on the day it comes out. I have a 20 dollar gamestop gift card, im going to get 26 dollars from the chores i have done so far, and i have 7 dollars in cash at the moment. i forgot how much the bundle pack is but i know its more than 50.
Does anyone have any tips for me? i havent had a thing on the day or week of release before and i want to get this one. Does anyone have any ideas on how ro get the rest of the money by the 20th, and is the bundle availible for buy by not preorder?


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Get a job like everyone else. Rob someone. Sell drugs. Do stuff in exchange for money. I don't know I'm out of ideas....

Just messing with you man. Have you tried asking your parents for a little extra cash? Do some more chores or something. Maybe you can get the money from your parents first and then you could work it off by doing chores if they don't want to just flat out give you the money. But of course, try asking first then say you'll work it off if they don't go for it.


Wielder of TheBakerSword
Aug 14, 2011
Where No Baker Has Gone Before!
Get a job like everyone else. Rob someone. Sell drugs. Do stuff in exchange for money. I don't know I'm out of ideas....

Just messing with you man. Have you tried asking your parents for a little extra cash? Do some more chores or something. Maybe you can get the money from your parents first and then you could work it off by doing chores if they don't want to just flat out give you the money. But of course, try asking first then say you'll work it off if they don't go for it.

I actually did do that and all they could give me for my extra chores was 8 bucks, which added with my allowance is 26

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
No just jokeing dont do that. Find a small job like cutting the grass or racking leaves. It might not get you enough for the relese but depending on how good you advertise you might get it by December. Because hate to break it to you but I don't think you can get enough for the 20th.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Definitely ask if you could do yard work, like raking up leaves or trimming trees. Depending on where you live lawns probably won't need to be mowed, but there are loads of tasks you could do otherwise.
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
Well, first off, the bundle with the gold Wiimote is $70. But for extra money, hmmmm, try asking your grandparents or something. Usually, grandparents will let you borrow money if you work it off sometime. If not that, then just ask your parents if they'll pay off your game if you do some extra chores. Hope I helped!


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Is the bundle available for buy after release?

I'm also wondering this! since I don't wanna risk not getting SwS the 18th, but I wanna get the bundle too! (already have Motion+ though)

It probably will be on Ebay, Amazon, and various other sites like those. Plus you might find a better deal, BakerGuy, in case you don't gain enough money before this week's up. Much luck either way. ^^


Fallen Knight
Sep 1, 2008
From what I hear the local Media Markt (big electronics chain over here in the Netherlands) will have around 100 limited edition Zelda bundles. So, yeah, not sure if it's all that limited edition. The reason I was wondering about it was because I don't get my paycheck until the end of the month. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Things like this tend to be made limited edition, but aren't when it comes down to it.

As for your money problem... Hmmm. Try selling some of your old stuff you don't use anymore. Put it on eBay, craiglist... trade some old games in at GameStop, etc.
Sep 1, 2010
Just wait. That's what I'm doing. I have patience, and also a job. And I won't get my paycheck until the end of November, so I'm perfectly fine with waiting.

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