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i want to collect the older handheld games

General Lee

Classic Gamer
Nov 16, 2008
Ebay would be better for some of the older games CIB, (Links Awakening) but Ive seen them go up to arround 50 bucks each o_O. or another thing you can do is just ask your friends/family or people you know if they have one. Sometimes theyl even give them for free :)


Former Hylian Knight
Jun 8, 2009
HAHAHA u are a true collector sir!!! i cant believe you paid that much for old games when there are ways to get them for free and all, im not trying to raz on you or anything i think its great that you would go to those lengths for zelda but sometimes you gotta draw a line you know?

anyway i was just thinking the same thing and found a used copy of OoA for $5. thats pretty sweet in my opinion, although there probably wont be a case or manual when i go to pick it up but unlike you those things dont bother me at all, i used to own OoA but forget what happened to it. I know that i used to own the case and manual and if i read it once thats good enough for me.

have you tried kijiji.com? it is a free advertisement site and the people there sell for great prices but finding games with the original boxes and manuals is way harder, though not impossible. keep on collecting man!


Soldier, Royal Family
Aug 20, 2009
Finding games with booklets is very rare, at least those older games. If you have a store called "Disc Replay", they have everything from all ages. Better than Gamestop, best buy, it's like a touchable ebay without the bargaining.


Jul 15, 2009
Nah, I agree with you about the box thing... the boxes are often beautiful things. But I think they mostly get thrown away because people didn't think they would serve any proper purpose- they're just packaging in a way xDD And most people don't bother keeping the instruction manual because half the time they've not even needed them o_o

Fortunately, my parents has the sense to keep the boxes on a shelf, so I've never really had your problem... but as people said, Amazon and Ebay are your best online bets, unless you can randomly find one in a store... I once found the GBA versions of TLoZ and AoL with boxes and manuals in Wal-mart o_O so anywhere's possible xD
Dec 2, 2009
Canada (Pfft, I wish)
anyway, i have a question about this game for GBA i saw in gamestop, i guess i didnt think much of it until just now, since i cant seem to find it mentioned anywhere...

it was legend of zelda four swords for GBA, but i cant find a four swords for GBA anywhere, only LoZ: a link to the past AND four swords... course, i cant be sure if that was it or not, since it didnt have a case [thats another reason i find cases useful and worth keeping]

so tell me, is the four swords GBA game the link to the past remake, they just didnt have the room on the cartridge to put the full name? i would guess thats it, but i just want to be sure, although i have link to the past on my virtual console, i might get that sometime too...

The A Link to the Past/Four Swords thingy is one cartridge with two separate games. I know this because I have it. So I'll confirm that when you play A Link to the Past, it's almost exactly like the original version, just with small modified things like Link's voice. The Four Swords part is unplayable unless you hook it up with a friend or something that also has the game, not to mention the link cable. So if you're looking to get this game, I recommend getting it for the A Link to the Past, since Four Swords is just a Capcom spin-off.

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