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Twilight Princess I Think It's the Weakest Zelda


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
I disagree completely, but you know, friendly debates won't hurt. :)

I LOVED Minish Cap and even though I haven't completed it, I am not happy with Twilight Princess. The reasons for me are: It is dark. So dreary and dark. I don't like the controls, the nunchuck wire gets in the way a lot. I like the characters, Midna is awesome, but I think the Tears of Light thing is sooo stupid. Doing it over and over and over again is tedioius and frustrating. It isn't the worst game ever, but for me, for a Zelda game it didn't live up to my expectations.


Gone (Wind) Fishin'
Jul 16, 2010
Montreal, QC, Canada
This debate has come up a lot of times and involved lots of people, including myself. Since there was really great debate going on about Twilight Princess in that previous thread, I think merging this thread with that one would be a good way to revitalize the discussion. There are a lot of pro-TP points in this thread, so they would add a good bit of balance to the old thread. The old thread (and destination for the merge) is titled "I Think It's the Weakest Zelda."
Dec 23, 2010
Twilight Princess-overrated?

I firmly believe this was one of the worst games in the series, to be frank, in spite of the critics, who these days give out perfect 10s like candy, e.g. GTA IV (a good game but no OoT), etc. I thought wolf and his howl were a sad attempt to respawn OoT/MM but make it cliche and lame. The music was not memorable nor were any of the new tunes good. Previously, the temples were so hard I needed players guides the first few playthroughs before I remembered enough to try it myself: this game I did the temples I did in no more than 1.25 hours, the highest amount was 4 hours before selling the game after the water temple. The game takes after the worst flaw of modern video games: that is telling you exactly where to go and dictating what you do, whereas in LTTP, OOT and MM you had to figure it out, albeit with clues but no game mandated system. This game is a rehash of everything past, whereas even Mario Galaxy had new things.

What did you think?


Oct 4, 2010
It sounds like you are trying to compare Twilight Princess to the other games, and not to itself. Most people rated Twilight Princess highly, because of the awesome graphics and its epic experience. Since this was one of my first Zelda games, I believed it was really good. It also keeps you really occupied, but I found that a pro because I love the Zelda experience I get from it.
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luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
I don't even remotely understand why people think TP is a rehash of OoT. Did OoT have Link turn into a wolf? Did OoT have a Twilight Realm? No, no. Did TP have a present/future feature like OoT? Did TP have you collect the sages' amulets like OoT? Again, no, NO. Admittedly, TP's difficultly level... was nonexistent. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a good game. I thought exploring the Twilight was a fun part of the game, as the name says.... Twilight Princess. Even if it wasn't too hard, it was fun to me.
Dec 23, 2010
I also have never seen how it's exactly like Ocarina. In fact, It's my third favorite game ever (would be second but got beaten out by Fire Emblem: Path of Radience).
the zones literally feel the same but with better graphics, as do the Temples. At least from LTTP to Ocarina, they all felt much different. From Ocarina and MM there is a world of difference. TP tries to recreate the zones of Ocarina, from the feel of Hyrule Field to everything else but they are inferior to anything in OoT, MM, LTTP, or for that matter Zeldas 1 and 2.


Dec 15, 2010
I'm now sure if any of you haven't noticed, but both games take place is the same country, so it's going to have the same freaking "zones".


Yeah, that's right!
Aug 21, 2010
I don't think its overrated, But it may benifet becuase its the latest console zelda. We'll see how it stands the test of time.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I'm now sure if any of you haven't noticed, but both games take place is the same country, so it's going to have the same freaking "zones".

This is exactly what I thought. TP takes place in the same kingdom populated by the same peoples as OoT. Of course there will be some similarities. Unless you want a completely radical departure from the normal style of gameplay such as Wind Waker, then you will clearly find many similarities between Zelda titles.

Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks have received more complaints from people not happy with the different style. So I think it is a bit odd when I see some complaints on how two Zelda titles are too alike. However I can see where Nintendo is coming from. quite a few people did not like Wind Waker, the setting of an ocean instead of Hyrule, different style of movement in the overworld, a lot of the basic elements from every Zelda game before was left out. So they tried making a more traditional game set in Hyrule, with a princess instead of a pirate, Ganondorf, gorons and Zora, Epona, the enemies we all know and love, in the mechanics set up by the N64 titles. Nintendo saw that people liked OoT more so they decided to make another in the same style as OoT. Now instead of being another sequel, it is considered copying.

So I would not consider it overrated myself. But I assume if you are looking for a completely new and amazing experience with each new title like you have never seen before, then TP might not be for you.

Majora's Cat

How about that
Sep 3, 2010
Twilight Princess is overrated? I don't believe so. First off, the game is beautiful (beyond that of any previous Zelda title). In my opinion, having played it a few times, Twilight Princess is nothing short of what Nintendo intended to make it. It's a current-gen Ocarina of Time with a glossy cover. Old locations and gameplay mechanics were touched up on and made better. I don't think fans should be complaining. TP is probably the most lengthy Zelda adventure yet and gives Link and Ganondorf more detail in their facial expressions and features. Who knew that a Zelda game could look so fantastic?

Even though TP was a standout video game, perhaps one thing lowered it in the eyes of loyal fans. Nintendo promised an adventure as legendary and memorable as Ocarina of Time, so fans expected nothing less than one of the greatest games to grace a Nintendo system. While Twilight Princess may have been all this and more to some fans (myself included), it certainly did not live up to the hype. The promise of a new Ocarina of Time (it is a new OoT, so I guess fans thought it would be just as revolutionary) was certainly an exciting one, and it's understandable that many would be disappointed when Twilight Princess wasn't the revolution that we all expected it to be - nonetheless, TP was a great game. Just as IGN and many other critics have stated, Twilight Princess was nostalgic but didn't change the game like the N64 classic did.

I firmly believe this was one of the worst games in the series, to be frank, in spite of the critics, who these days give out perfect 10s like candy, e.g. GTA IV (a good game but no OoT), etc. I thought wolf and his howl were a sad attempt to respawn OoT/MM but make it cliche and lame. The music was not memorable nor were any of the new tunes good. Previously, the temples were so hard I needed players guides the first few playthroughs before I remembered enough to try it myself: this game I did the temples I did in no more than 1.25 hours, the highest amount was 4 hours before selling the game after the water temple. The game takes after the worst flaw of modern video games: that is telling you exactly where to go and dictating what you do, whereas in LTTP, OOT and MM you had to figure it out, albeit with clues but no game mandated system. This game is a rehash of everything past, whereas even Mario Galaxy had new things.

What did you think?

A rehash of games of the past, true, but what else could Nintendo do? Twilight Princess was complete and utter fanservice after all. This is all that we wanted, and the difficulty was lowered to match with the new standard of video games. We may not realize it, but more straightforward games keep gamers playing while more frustrating ones can cause gamers to take week-long breaks from the game. To this day, I still haven't attempted to tackle one of the later dungeons in the original Legend of Zelda due to the 16 horrific darknuts in the same room. Although we might not appreciate it, TP was most likely crafted with a different idea in mind - to reach out to a newer generation of gamers who might not be as accustomed to the brain-bending puzzles of the franchise.

Twilight Princess sold a whopping 6.5 million copies, falling short only in comparison on OoT. The reason? Well, basically everything I stated above. Just like Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, I believe that the time will come when Twilight Princess is finally to seen universally as one of the greatest Zeldas. Like MM and WW, TP has had some trouble at the hands of fans. WW was ridiculed for its cartoonish graphics and sailing while MM wasn't entirely liked because it didn't feel much like its predecessor. When TP first emerged on the market, it was the hot game of the year. Barely anyone had complaints for it and just about everyone adored it. Afterwards (again, like WW and MM), it received some suffering at the hands of disappointed fans. But the two Zeldas released in 2000 and 2003 bounced back and were wholeheartedly embraced by hardcore fans. I have no doubt that Twilight Princess will have the same fate.

TP's not refreshing and not very liked. If you're like many fans of the series, you'll complain about it when there really isn't anything to complain about. The length of the game, vastness of the land and several unique dungeons will probably make up for any issues with difficulty.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I firmly believe this was one of the worst games in the series, to be frank, in spite of the critics, who these days give out perfect 10s like candy, e.g. GTA IV (a good game but no OoT), etc. I thought wolf and his howl were a sad attempt to respawn OoT/MM but make it cliche and lame. The music was not memorable nor were any of the new tunes good. Previously, the temples were so hard I needed players guides the first few playthroughs before I remembered enough to try it myself: this game I did the temples I did in no more than 1.25 hours, the highest amount was 4 hours before selling the game after the water temple. The game takes after the worst flaw of modern video games: that is telling you exactly where to go and dictating what you do, whereas in LTTP, OOT and MM you had to figure it out, albeit with clues but no game mandated system. This game is a rehash of everything past, whereas even Mario Galaxy had new things.

What did you think?
Well, I can see what you mean with the rehash aspect, but you have to remember that this game is only a few 100 years ahead of OoT. Locations would have to be the same, a hundred years isn't enough for a radical change in a medieval setting like Hyrule.

The game was TOO easy because of the dungeons and their linear layout, enemies don't deal anywhere near "enough" damage to even warrant a POTION; the AI wasn't nearly as "smart" as it was described back then. Yes, it can detect Link at longer ranges (that was hardly implemented at all.), but the enemies don't block your attacks, they rarely if ever dodge them, and lastly they have so little variation that all is required is "use gimmick item and then hack and slash your way through". And don't get me started on the bosses.
That is comparing TP to other Zelda games, not other general games. The reviewers rated TP so high because the graphics were new for Zelda (and extremely good I must say), the sound was more than amazing, and the gimmicks (wolf-form, almost ALL of the items, etc) felt like they were part of the adventure (first time through, anyway), not actual gimmicks. That's all I can think of from a first-time playthrough, but I still say that the graphics and sound ARE great.
Dec 18, 2010
Idaho, USA
I firmly believe this was one of the worst games in the series, to be frank, in spite of the critics, who these days give out perfect 10s like candy, e.g. GTA IV (a good game but no OoT), etc. I thought wolf and his howl were a sad attempt to respawn OoT/MM but make it cliche and lame. The music was not memorable nor were any of the new tunes good. Previously, the temples were so hard I needed players guides the first few playthroughs before I remembered enough to try it myself: this game I did the temples I did in no more than 1.25 hours, the highest amount was 4 hours before selling the game after the water temple. The game takes after the worst flaw of modern video games: that is telling you exactly where to go and dictating what you do, whereas in LTTP, OOT and MM you had to figure it out, albeit with clues but no game mandated system. This game is a rehash of everything past, whereas even Mario Galaxy had new things.

What did you think?

I'm sorry, but if you sold the game after the third dungeon, your argument is completely invalid in my eyes. Playing one third of a game and then saying you hate it is, again, not valid in my eyes. You gave it a chance, apparently hated it, and sold it when the rest of the game was still a mystery to you. I think the entire game is stunning in every aspect: Gameplay, Graphics, Music, and Story, much like its spiritual predecessor, Ocarina of Time. Stunning in gameplay, graphics, music, and story. You may think otherwise, but I, in all honesty, don't really care since you decided to get rid of the game 1/3 of the way in, and then proceed to smash, mangle, and tear at it with a verbal club.

And the worst of the whole series? Now that's going too far. The Legend of Zelda is one of the very few series where there is no worst. All Zelda games are amazing and there is no denying that. Many other series have their flops, failures, and unpopular games. I might think Reach is the worst of the Halo series (though I still love it) Many think that Other M is the worst of the Metroid series (Can't say, haven't played it) but Zelda has no worst. Some may think AoL is the worst of the series, some think Majora's Mask is the worst of the series, maybe you think Twilight Princess is the worst of the series. But we all know that any Zelda game made by Nintendo will not be a failure, but an epic, stunning masterpiece.

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