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Majora's Mask I Believe There Should Be a Sequal to Majora's Mask

Jan 27, 2011
i'm a huge fan of Majora's Mask despite the fact that the whole game ran on a time limit that makes Dead Rising seem more pleasant to tolerate, and i would love to see a sequal to this game, maybe not a direct sequal considering Wind Waker alreaady takes place sometime after Majora's Mask and it wouldn't make sense for the same Link to have to go through the same thing, but that's where my plot idea comes to play, imagine what it would be like if Ganondorf put the mask on, that would make for some intense story and it would make for an awesome set of boss fights if excicuted correctly, and Ganon putting on Majora's Mask should be very self explanitory in terms of story, now in terms of gameplay they should have five transformation masks (yes i know there were technicly five in the original Deku, Zora, Goron, Oni, and Giant but i mean as in five masks you can use anywhere in the game for puzzle solving purposes) they can keep the original three masks ya know, Deku, Zora, and Goron, and the fourth transformation can be of the bird people from Wind Waker, i mean there's no doubt that they'll be returning to another game smetime soon so might as well and it would be great for travel, here's what abilities it would have, as an attack it could have something like what the zora ability has where he has a small combo, though change it up a bit we don't want it to be too much of the same, like make it have moe kicks involved, Link relied too much on punches and balet in terms of the transfomations in the original, now as the bird Link's A button command would be a gliding command, i say gliding because of course if you flew the game would be too easy and you can only use it after you jump off of a ledge, kinda like how the leaf works in Wind Waker only i think the physics for the gliding for this form should be more similar to the flight physics in Banjo Tooie where you learn that one ability that lets you glide when you play as Kazooie alone.
Now the fifth mask is Oni Link, but it should only be avalable as an unlockable for after you beat the game 100% and you can use it anywhere after that. and i also think Oni Link should have an extra portion of the game for puzzle solving because those disks that he shoots out of his sword should be able to be aimed and can be used for puzzle solving, and you get a special ending for beating his portion of the game, and of course you could be able to play as him during the regular game, and of course it wouldn't be a Majora's Mask game without several other masks, as in of course the ones that don't transform you but affect you in some sort of way, two of them t bring back would be te bunny hood for extra speed when you needed it and the the bomb mask cause it would make for some puzzle solving purposes (don't worry i'm aware of the damage thaat is taken after exploding, what can be done is whenever you finish those kinds of puzzles there could be nearby pots with health) i'll leave the mask ideas to you guys to decide i wanna give a little interaction to this idea think of as many as you like and if they have an affect please share i would love to read what you got.
In terms of how the game will play i think it would be good to make it a time limit like the original but with some differences, i think it should be a little more like Dead Rising where they give you time to do everything you need to do, though it would make the days go by longer but it's better than what we had to deal with the first tme we played through Majora's Mask (i was too careless to realize the game was a time limit so i ran out just by screwing around and exploring cause that's what i always do in Zelda games before i do anything, i explore as much as i can so that i can memorize where everything is and i play Majora's Mask, i wasn't used to having a time limit to explore, and i'm sure you all can relate. What i'm trying to say is for the days to last longer so that you have more time to exlore and figure out where everything is, or better yet at some poin in the game you can get some sort of melody on whatever can be used as an instrument (feel free to give ideas about that too, personally i want to see the ocarina come back) that could be like the one in the original where it made time slow down but instead it could stop time giving you the time you need, of course this wouldn't be a free pass to beat the game you could pick to either stop time and do what you need to do, OR you can do it scedually, here's an outside dfference, if you beat wat you need to beat on the first day then there will be certain side quests that you can't do unless you play through with all three days going, and instead of the genaric three days idea make it five days so you'll have all the time you need.
so far those are my ideas about it, i actually plan on updating this thread so yea what do you guys think?
Dec 11, 2009
This is one giant mess. You may want to make this into more paragraphs so it'll look better organized. Proper grammar and punctuation would also be appreciated. I apologize if that came out harsh. But anyways:

ZoraDeadpool said:
i'm a huge fan of Majora's Mask despite the fact that the whole game ran on a time limit that makes Dead Rising seem more pleasant to tolerate, and i would love to see a sequal to this game, maybe not a direct sequal considering Wind Waker alreaady takes place sometime after Majora's Mask and it wouldn't make sense for the same Link to have to go through the same thing, but that's where my plot idea comes to play, imagine what it would be like if Ganondorf put the mask on, that would make for some intense story and it would make for an awesome set of boss fights if excicuted correctly, and Ganon putting on Majora's Mask should be very self explanitory in terms of story
If I'm correct, the Happy Mask Salesman says that the evil was released from Majora's Mask after Link defeats Majora's Wrath. So unless Nintendo somehow finds a way to make a way for that evil to get back into the mask, I don't see your plot idea happening. One thing they have to do is make it interesting, then it also needs to make sense. Also, you have to take in to consideration that Ganon/dorf has only ever taken an interest in finding the Triforce. Ganon/dorf probably has no need for the mask.

now in terms of gameplay they should have five transformation masks (yes i know there were technicly five in the original Deku, Zora, Goron, Oni, and Giant but i mean as in five masks you can use anywhere in the game for puzzle solving purposes) they can keep the original three masks ya know, Deku, Zora, and Goron, and the fourth transformation can be of the bird people from Wind Waker, i mean there's no doubt that they'll be returning to another game smetime soon so might as well and it would be great for travel
Honestly, I doubt we'll really see the Rito again. The Rito to me just feel like one of those races that are used to help explain part of the story for the game and then dropped as soon as it's told. Seems like Nintendo's doing just that, too.

here's what abilities it would have, as an attack it could have something like what the zora ability has where he has a small combo, though change it up a bit we don't want it to be too much of the same, like make it have moe kicks involved, Link relied too much on punches and balet in terms of the transfomations in the original, now as the bird Link's A button command would be a gliding command, i say gliding because of course if you flew the game would be too easy and you can only use it after you jump off of a ledge, kinda like how the leaf works in Wind Waker only i think the physics for the gliding for this form should be more similar to the flight physics in Banjo Tooie where you learn that one ability that lets you glide when you play as Kazooie alone.
Why can't we have the Rito be the same as the Zora? The Zoras evolved into the Rito before the events of the Wind Waker, so it shouldn't really matter if they had the same moves. Also, you seem to think that Nintendo won't put in any kind of mechanic for flight. If flight were allowed, it's quite obvious that Nintendo would see it making the game too easy; that's what a flight meter is for. If Nintendo wanted to put flight into a game, then they would only allow it for a very limited amount of time.

Now the fifth mask is Oni Link, but it should only be avalable as an unlockable for after you beat the game 100% and you can use it anywhere after that. and i also think Oni Link should have an extra portion of the game for puzzle solving because those disks that he shoots out of his sword should be able to be aimed and can be used for puzzle solving, and you get a special ending for beating his portion of the game, and of course you could be able to play as him during the regular game
I see no point in letting Fierce Deity Link run about everywhere whenever the player wanted. There was a reason Nintendo limited his transformation. He's too powerful. Nintendo would have to lower his abilities in order for him to roam free. The sword beams fired from Fierce Deity's sword already seek onto whatever was Z-targeted in Majora's Mask, which did give the beams some accuracy.

and of course it wouldn't be a Majora's Mask game without several other masks, as in of course the ones that don't transform you but affect you in some sort of way, two of them t bring back would be te bunny hood for extra speed when you needed it and the the bomb mask cause it would make for some puzzle solving purposes (don't worry i'm aware of the damage thaat is taken after exploding, what can be done is whenever you finish those kinds of puzzles there could be nearby pots with health) i'll leave the mask ideas to you guys to decide i wanna give a little interaction to this idea think of as many as you like and if they have an affect please share i would love to read what you got.
Avoiding the damage given to Link from the Blast Mask was easily doable in Majora's Mask. All that was needed to avoid it was hold the shield up when one was about to detonate it. Also, considering that the difficulty of games keeps dwindling, those pots might not be needed.

In terms of how the game will play i think it would be good to make it a time limit like the original but with some differences, i think it should be a little more like Dead Rising where they give you time to do everything you need to do, though it would make the days go by longer but it's better than what we had to deal with the first tme we played through Majora's Mask (i was too careless to realize the game was a time limit so i ran out just by screwing around and exploring cause that's what i always do in Zelda games before i do anything, i explore as much as i can so that i can memorize where everything is and i play Majora's Mask, i wasn't used to having a time limit to explore, and i'm sure you all can relate.
You may want to elaborate some more on your plot. Why would there be a time limit is the first thing you might want to explain. Ganondorf having Majora's Mask is the only thing said about your plot, which doesn't give us much to go off of.

What i'm trying to say is for the days to last longer so that you have more time to exlore and figure out where everything is, or better yet at some poin in the game you can get some sort of melody on whatever can be used as an instrument (feel free to give ideas about that too, personally i want to see the ocarina come back) that could be like the one in the original where it made time slow down but instead it could stop time giving you the time you need, of course this wouldn't be a free pass to beat the game you could pick to either stop time and do what you need to do
If Nintendo gave Link the actual ability to stop time, then it would definitely be limited in the amount of time stopped. This somewhat relates to your Rito idea. Nintendo would know how to do this. They wouldn't let the player just stop time whenever and however long they please.

OR you can do it scedually, here's an outside dfference, if you beat wat you need to beat on the first day then there will be certain side quests that you can't do unless you play through with all three days going, and instead of the genaric three days idea make it five days so you'll have all the time you need.
so far those are my ideas about it, i actually plan on updating this thread so yea what do you guys think?
I don't see how scheduling would do any good. It seems like it would be more of an annoyance than anything. Also, again, elaborate on the plot so that we know why we have five days to save the world.


Well Pocket I think just because the evil left the mask dosent mean its gone for ever and it could find a new host like by posetion, so if Nintendo really wanted to they could go by that explanation. Also I personaly thought it would be cool to use Majoras maskfor a transformation.


Yeah, that's right!
Aug 21, 2010
Majora's Mask is a great game. However, I don't think it will get a sequal for some of the reasons specified above by Pocket Asian.
Nov 7, 2010
some one has to agree that what we need is prequel with the origins of the MM, what would happen in that game?, surprise me ;)

Demon Link

Why should there even be a sequel? The game was good enough. But I would like to see Termina again.
Feb 1, 2011
I wouldn't like a sequel to this game.

I don't think it could match up to the awesomeness of Majora's Mask.

Why should there even be a sequel? The game was good enough. But I would like to see Termina again.

I don't think we are going to see Termina again, even though that would be cool. Because Link was just passing through looking for a friend, and he got interrupted by skullkid and the whole apocalypse thing.

I don't know why he would ever want to go back.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
First off, PA is right. This needs some organization.

With that being said, the concept of Majora's Mask left us as gamers with many mysteries in our head, which was great as Link is a stranger to this world. If Majora's Mask were to get a sequel, prequel or any kind of quel, it would diminish from the entire conception of mystery that Majora's Mask instilled. MM was like a filler world where us Zelda fans could take a side trip from the norm of Zelda games while still enjoying ourselves. To go back, would make it less unique of an experience.

Now if Nintendo found some way to do this and do it right, I don't think it would be your way ZoraDeadpool. Your game is WAY to similar to MM. A Zelda game has to bring new features that the audience can enjoy while still incorporating classic Zelda feels. Masks, especially transformation masks, aren't classic Zelda feel. They are things that were put into the series that made some games interesting. This also goes with having a day to night time limit. We've done it before and it isn't a classic Zelda feature. Thus, the gameplay would feel dull, as though we had played this game before, which in reality, we have.

Some of your concepts don't really make sense. For example, the Rito did not exist in the child timeline and Majora's Mask does. To have a Rito mask, especially in Termina where Zora's exist, would not make sense. Also, as mentioned before, the whole Ganondorf wearing Majora's Mask thing just doesn't cope. Ganondorf wants to rule the land, not cause chaos. He always believes himself to be the most powerful thing ever, so there would be no need to get something like the mask. The only exception to this is the triforce because that is known to be the most powerful thing ever.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
Aside from the many strange mysteries of Termina, majority of the actual loose ends were all wrapped up by the end of MM. There is very little else to revisit when it comes t the main story. Majora was defeated, the skull kid was stopped, the giants returned, the moon was placed back in the sky, the four temples were cleared of monsters,and a great many individual Terminians were helped with their own troubles.

So I do not doubt that it is possible to have a sequel take place in Termina, it would have to be something similar to the various Hyrules seen in the main series sequels. Enough time would have to have passed for the landscape to not look exactly the same and all traps and dangers would have to resurface, since Link solved all previous puzzled, defeated all the greater enemies, and helped nearly everyone out in a significant way. And so that players would not know exactly where to go and what to do, they would have to explore the new world all over again, while recognizing old landmarks from MM.

Now when you mention things like more transformation masks and using the Fierce Deity mask more often, it sounds like you would rather have a remake with added content more than an actual sequel. Even is a sequel is made, I cannot think they would go the same route and have Link use the Fierce Deity mask to accomplish the same goal. That would be too much repetition, although I would like another Zelda game where you could play as a Goron and Zora again. Not necessarily as Link transforming into them, but I like the characters. And I also believe the Rito would not be appearing in a future game, their origin requires them to remain in the same location in the great sea near Valoo at all time to exist as Rito. Maybe we will see a future flying tribe in Hyrule, but I doubt they will be the Rito again.

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