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Hyrulean Civil War RP [Game Thread]


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Tahr's body went momentarily limp as the energy filled his body and he collapsed at Will's feet. Rasul's hammer whizzed through the space where Tahr had been just a moment earlier, by pure chance saving his bones from likely being shattered by the huge metal weapon he otherwise probably wouldn't have been able to dodge.

Tahr had never been damaged by a magical attack before and the experience proved to be fairly disorienting. He found himself coughing violently and in extreme pain, but a rush of adrenaline filled his body. Without an ounce of technique—like a cornered animal—he drew his concealed dagger and swung it wildly at Will, hoping to make even a shallow cut on him.


The game is on!
Rasul had found the Bath House. he kind of saunters in, only for a group of Gerudo to charge him, naked, with Scimitars
" Not how I wanted to die, but it will do"
Rasul swings his hammer at the nude maidens

((Storm, either you take this game seriously or you don't play at all. You're very welcome to join the ongoing battle, so please do that. I think I've made it quite clear to you in the past what I think about "Rasuling" in my games.))


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Rasul didnt do that, instead, Outside in the courtyard, he tackles Tahr
" Hey there, my pretty. now why did you have to go and do that? We just wanted to talk, but now we're gonna have to hurt you guys"
Rasul raises his fist and punches Tahr in the shoulder


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Tahr is successfully tackled by Rasul before he can get to Will. Against this dwarf, he'd clearly lose in a contest of pure strength—it was vital that he never let it get to that point. Tahr quickly grabs a handful of sand with his left hand and throws it in Rasul's eyes and tries to use the opportunity to either cut Rasul's face if he continues his followup punch, or his arms if he instead reflexively tries to block himself while blinded.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Free from the Gerudo who had attacked him initially, Will considered his options. He wouldn't be able to get anywhere near the armored knight from this side. Between her guards and her weapon, he would have a hard time even touching her armor. But if he could come in from behind...
He jumped towards the nearest Gerudo, drawing his sword. It was unfortunate that his opponents hilts were wood - metal hilts would've made his life so much easier, but this would have to do.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
before Tahr could grab the sand, his handwas swallowed by the stone below it, pinning Tahr in place. Rasul grabs Tahr's Other arm and tries to do the same to it


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Tahr struggles, his left arm encased in stone was preventing him from escaping. He spins the knife in his right hand into a position where it can reach the arm that was attempting to grab his own and contorts his arm in a way that should allow him to cut Rasul's arm if he doesn't pull back on his attempt to grab him. He maintains a distance between his right arm and the ground so that it doesn't get swallowed by the rock.

If this battle were taking place elsewhere, Tahr would have felt helpless right now, but this close to the Gerudo Fortress, reinforcements were inevitable. As long as they could hold out, there was no reason to doubt the outcome of the battle. No matter how strong these enemies were, there was no chance they could withstand the entire Gerudo garrison stationed within the fortress.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Rasul sees the knife
" oh Honey. you dont want to do that"
The Hammer, which had been hovering over Tahr moves Over Tahr's Head
" one false move and I drop it


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Tahr didn't give Rasul time to say anything more than the word "oh" before rapidly spinning the knife in an attempt to inflict even the slightest bit of damage on his opponent's still outstretched arm. His opponent was strong and apparently capable of using some sort of magic, but when it came to speed, Tahr had a clear advantage against the dwarf. It would be unlikely for his opponent to emerge completely unscathed from the attack, but it was also unlikely Tahr would be able to do any meaningful damage to him. He was confident he'd at least be able to scratch his opponent, even if it meant being subdued or disarmed in the process.

He notices the hammer floating towards him, having kept its position in mind since it had been thrown at him. It wasn't yet above him, but he knew he didn't have much time to get an attack in. Even if he lost the battle, he'd be willing to accept the Pyrrhic victory of having at least damaged his enemy once in the process.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
the slash on Rasul's arm stinged, abd in reaction he kicked Tahr in the mommy/daddy button, his feet having been eaten by the ground as well


The game is on!
Linora, still holding the Gerudo archer in place with her tomahawk to the Gerudo's throat, wished she could somehow stop the battle diplomatically. But as she was thinking, the Gerudo she was keeping grabbed Linora's hand that was holding the tomahawk and forced it into her neck. She then fell dead to the ground. Linora freaked out internal and hoped that it wouldn't show on the outside (but it probably did). She rushes into the middle of the battlefield and shouts:

"We're not your enemies! We're not with any of the factions! Please believe us! We just want to stop the fighting!" Deep down she had a really bad feeling about this, however. She had no clue about how the warriors around her would react.


The game is on!
The battle between the Sheikah army and the Hylian army on the Castle Town drawbridge was in full swing. Thanks to the help from Rhuk the Sheikah were doing great, pushing back the Hylians. Cornea had knocked down the Hylian field marshal and was now taking out many of the Hylian soldiers. However, it seems the Hylian field marshal had been able to get back up on his feet and he managed to make his way to the canons and fire two of them simultaneously at Rhuk, causing him to trip and fall right over the edge of the bridge down into the deep and narrow chasm below. Cornea noticed it right as it happened and rushed over the the edge that Rhuk had been pushed over. When he looked down all he saw was darkness. The Sheikah's hope of winning the war was lost. Cornea looks behind him and sees that the Hylian field marshal has lit the fuses to the canons again, so Cornea leaps out of the way and is able to avoid the canonballs just in time, but the explosion they caused still injured his back a bit. Very shortly thereafter the battle ended with the Sheikah army retreating after having lost many good men.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Rhuk lays at the bottom of the Castlew Town Moat. he tried to get out of the water, only to sink deeper and deeper into the Mud

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