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Hyrulean Civil War RP [Game Thread]


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
"I can guarantee no harm will come to anyone. and our presense will boost the economic and militaristic advantages. " rasul says as he attempts to adjust his clothes


The game is on!
"Well, I have no real reason to trust you, Rasul, but as long as we do not catch you doing somehting harmful I will inform the elders of Kakariko that you are no threat to us and that you may enter our village as you please. If you wish to side with us in this war you are welcome to do so."


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Rasullays a sheet of brown paper on the table, stuffing it with a purple grinded leaf. he licks the edge and rolls it up, then pulls out a match and lights the end
" Now that is quite the Proposition. perhaps you can inform me, a non-native about your skirmish and the advantages of siding with your elven kind in this endeavor"


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Celica, Will, and the one who has to be named(probably Joe Bob or something) are now behind the Goron Army. She waits for Will's signal


The game is on!
"Well, unlike our enemies we have shown you hospitality. Should you side with one of the other factions I am afraid we can no longer allow you within our walls. We Sheikah specialize in stealth and are able to surprise our enemies in ways no other people of this land can. Many of us are also exceptional shadow mages and users of dark magic, which can be devestatingly powerful if used right. And in addition to that we have a very good plan that will help us win this war and bring peace to the land."


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
" well, as you are the closest to my kin, I suppose I shall side with you. any feats of Loyalty I must achieve to cement my place amongst you?"


The game is on!
Cornea leads Rasul to the biggest house in the village. That was where the Kakariko Village Elders were usually gathered. Due to Cornea's high status in the village he opened the doors without knocking and entered with Rasul.

"Elders," he spoke to them. "I have brought to you a traveller from a far away land who is interested in helping our village in the war."


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Rasul slowly enters
" Ballo... Mi..kele"
"Your arrival was fortold ages ago. An elf from the South. Eyes like the moon, and dressed in Azure. I take it you weild a Hammer forged in Sunlight and bathed in Moonlight?"
"These things are True, Anisazi"
" your Future is clouded from us, as if your fate is not set in stone. I sense all those you touch though, and i see all good. I see no harm of this Warrior joining our cause. Kornia! To further his pledge he must be made one of us. Get the initiation Ready"


The game is on!
Cornea made a fire in the fireplace in the room and procured a metal staff with a metal Sheika symbol at the tip. He holds the symbol in the flames for a while. "This is going to hurt for a few seconds, Rasul," he explains. "But I'm sure you're aware of that." Cornea then takes it out of the fire and turns to face Rasul. Another man who had been in the room the whole time grabs Rasul's right arm and holds it firmly in place. Cornea then lower the burning hot metal symbol onto Rasul's forearm close to the elbow. He holds it there a few seconds before removing it. The mark has been left. "Welcome to the tribe," he says calmly.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Rasul winces, and feels the Lingering burn of the emblem left on his Forearm
" so what now, Kinsman Kornia?"


The game is on!
"Master Impa wanted to see me today," Cornea tells the elders. "She asked me to meet her at the graveyard and it's almost time now. She did not tell me what she wished to see me for, but it sounded important."

"We know what Impa is about to do because we gave her the mission," one of the elders says. "Bring Rasul with you, Cornea. This will be his first service to the tribe."

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