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How Would You Spend Your Final Days?



Majora's mask. You've probably played it, Skull kid obtains a powerful mask, and then brings the moon down to the earth (Or wherever they are). You only have 3 days to stop him.

Now, many of the townsfolk leave in panic, but a few stay. This brought up a question...

So, how would you spend you're last 3 days, if you knew you were going to die by the dawn of the 4th? Also, you can't leave.

I personally would stay with my family for the most part and reminisce on old memorys, but I would like to die by myself. Be left in my own world before I leave this one.

What do you say?


didn't build that
I'm moving this, not because there's anything wrong with the thread, but because this fits in the GD much better than the MD. n_n

I would spend the time with my girlfriend, probably listening to music and writing lots of final thoughts for the people I care about. I don't like too much activity around me...it would be pretty quiet.
Jul 2, 2009
It seems like an odd decision at first, but I'd pretend like nothing was going to happen, and just chill out. You know, be laid back, listen to music, spend money. The less stress, the better.


Sage of Tales
I'd be sad that I couldn't leave my area, because my family lives 3,000 some odd miles away from me, and if I were dying, I'd like to see them once more - my parents, my sister, their children...

Assuming that it would just be me doing the dying/destruction was only going to be in a specific area I was not allowed to leave - that human civilization/the Internet wasn't going to be destroyed.... I could easily see myself spending a day/several hours madly uploading my two halfway-decent completed novels to my websites/space in their entirety (and possibly the other novel I don't like much anymore, too), then telling folks on message boards I go to/people I talk to on AIM to go read and to "spread my legends" after I'm gone. Posterity, baby.

I'd be spending time with my fiance'...

I'd probably be spending time in nature...

I would try not to sleep....

and I'd do a lot of praying, "getting my soul right," making sure I'd be going to the cieling and not the basement. According to my religion, I'm supposed to be going upwards, but ... given my insecure nature, I can never be too sure.


adjective spaceman
Feb 2, 2009
Pretty cool topic.

I'd make a bazooka out of paper and duct tape and blast Link to the moon to fight Majora. :)

No, but really, if I only had few days left, I'd try to spend as much possible time with my family and friends as I could. I'd try to remember good times and not be worried about dying.

If I could though, I'd try to stop the Moon from falling, even if it means dying (because I would anyway) to save everyone else that I care about.

I'd say goodbye to everyone I love and pray to god. I'd rather live a life believing in a god and finding out he doesn't exist, than live a life not believing in a god, yet finding out there is one.


Sep 20, 2008
If I was in this senario, I would try to spend as much time with my family as possible,
I'd stay indoors with them, and probably pray during this short time period, just so That my soul is "Clean" before I die.
I would probably not dwell on the moment of impending doom, too much, it would be better to just relax and try to continue on as normal.
I would try to make the most of my last moments, and savour the things I would only normally take for granted, such as my family and friends,


Sep 15, 2008
I would spend the remaining time with the people I love, doing our favorite things, and trying not to think about the impending doom.


Zelda On Paper
Aug 5, 2009
In my very own world
depending... if im on a hospital bed i would think of every person i met, i would think of how i did make good memories of my childhood, i would send letters to all my friends, i would listen to the nature,s sound (birds leafs etc), make my own big portrait so anyone could remember me. (i don,t feel any sadness about diyng)


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
This thread actually can be concieved in two ways: Apocalypse and just dying.

If it was an apocalypse, I would just try to live a life, if you know what I mean....

If it was me dying, I would bid everyone goodbye, and try to spend as much time as I could with the people for whom I love and care for (Friends and family). However, that would be if I died of illness. If I just got shot or something, there's not much I could do.

Deleted member 121

If just I was going to die then, first I'd probably call all my friends and family, and tell them what was going to happen, and how I love them and will miss them. Then I'd write a will. Next I'd go out and have as much fun as possible until the night of the third. On the last night I'd pray until dawn begging for forgiveness from God, begging him not to send me to hell.

If it were Armageddon I'd just go out and have as much fun as possible until the very end. (Which is what I plan on doing for the month of December 2012... Just in case)
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May 24, 2009
Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Hmmm...3 Days? Then I'd say everything and tell everyone the truth. I would tell and confess everything to my Girlfriend and ask her to be mine. (I ain't Kidding) I also would do the things that no one would dare to do while they know they are still living, Like Shaving a cat bald. XD

Other than that then I'd spend my days telling my story to my nephew, and I'd start praying that may my friends be sparred from the awful fate.


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
Sigh... more of that family and love stuff? People are so predictable. Why can't people be more... selfish? They'd be happier.

I would spend my final days looking over everything I had started out to do, but hadn't finished. I would then finish as many things possible, try to wrap up all the loose ends. So that I could die with as few things unfinished as possible.
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I'm an assassin.... sshhh
Mar 13, 2010
The shadows
I would spen my days doing everything i ment to do. and then on the final day id use 'oath to order' to keep the moon from compleatly crashing, and go TAKE the feirce deity mask and harshly slay majora

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