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How many times has your favourite Zelda game changed?

Oct 14, 2013
Yeah, there did seem to be a lot of bloom, but I think it didn't really negatively affect it too much. The graphical updates were merely a nice touch, as far as I'm concerned. The gameplay fixes were what really make the HD version the version of the game. The Quick Sail and the reduced Triforce Quest were just incredible. Plus, being able to run around in first-person view with boomerang/bow/grappling hook was a really nice addition. One small thing that maybe a lot of people didn't notice is that when you conducted a song, it didn't remind you which song you just conducted every time. It told you what song you conducted once, and the next time you conducted, it just skipped that secondary little screen. Not a huge change, but one that I really enjoyed.

So ... do you think you'll get TPHD? Or are you waiting to see what kinds of changes they make?
I do own WWHD, have not finished yet because XCX and a lack of time.
I have pre-ordered TPHD. The Amiibo looks amazing, and we shall if TPHD is indeed better on release day.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Three times.

It went from OoT to MM and then back to OoT in the same year. Then it changed to TP when TP came out. SS threatened it for a time because I really liked the combat....but all the flaws became overwhelming, so TP remained on top for me.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
A few times.

My favourite was Ocarina of Time until I first played Twilight Princess, when that game became my favourite. That was blind praise though as I only loved it for its graphics at the time, which I've since grown out of. Then my favourite became The Wind Waker when I picked it up again during my initial playthrough of Phantom Hourglass, and it remained my favourite until around 2010 when I first beat Majora's Mask, which then became my favourite. This changed, however, in 2012 when I beat Skyward Sword for the first time, and that game became my favourite. Then I played Majora's Mask 3D and I realized that Majora's Mask was my favourite overall (not the 3DS version). Majora's Mask has remained my favourite ever since with The Wind Waker close behind and Skyward Sword tagging along in third place.
Dec 16, 2015
Pretty much every time I got a new game, first ALBW, then SS, then WW, then ST, and now i don't have any favorites, I love them all.

(Except the first Zelda, not for me.)
Jan 29, 2016
Mine has changed four times. First my favorite was Ocarina of Time, it was the first Zelda I remember after all. Then it went to Oracles of Ages when I beat both it and Seasons. Then back to Ocarina of Time. Then after I had replayed Majora's Mask and was able to complete it 100%, it became my favorite and I have not switched since.

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