Hanyou said:
“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
― C.S. Lewis
This made my day. Great quote that I think plenty of people can relate to.
Anyway. looks like we have one of those irritating Call of Duty vs. Legend of Zelda fights to the death again. Not the first time I've seen one of these, and not going to be the last, I don't think. Now let's see.
willsfairysword said:
a lot of my friends and piers say the graphics are amazing but i tell them graphics dont matter and game play is the way a game is good but they say graphics do matter. so i say they have to look appealing they say the graphics of C.O.D are appealing.so i give them my definition of appealing graphics for graphics to look appealing in my definition is that they must be colorful and full of life and C.O.D just looks bland and lifeless in zelda the graphics are colorful and upbeat.
Not all Zelda games - recent ones at least; I don't want to single out the 2D games simply because they weren't technologically advanced enough to compete with Call of Duty graphics - are really colorful and upbeat. Majora's Mask is a pretty dark game, and the graphics do a good job to give off that feeling. Twilight Princess also aims to have realistic graphics, much like Call of Duty.
Call of Duty doesn't necessarily have bland graphics. It creates a feeling of war, that, well, is the point of the game. I think the graphics are as interesting as any other First-Person Shooter - a genre that I particularly like.
in zelda you find items like hookshots and musical instruments while in C.O.D all you get is gun that all feel the same in my favorite FPS halo all the weapons are different in they're own way not much else to say.
Halo is also an intergalactic game that takes place on an entirely different planet, with races outside of humans, and therefore new civilizations. New civilizations bring new weapons. We see this in our own world; the Byzantines fancied the sticky fire that is Greek Fire, while certain Native American tribes preferred tomahawks. The variety between the two people are on the same planet; imagine the difference in weapons in distant planets. Call of Duty can't use guns like Halo's, simply because the game aims to be realistic with weapons, and no guns like those in Halo exist on Earth.
most fans of zelda have opinions on other games they think some games are good or bad but they dont think there are "real or not real games"in most of the C.O.D fan base they often say if a game is "real or not" and a lot of they're definitions often say that a game must have shooting or killing other fans say zelda,sonic,pokemon and mario are for babies and have no contributions to the gaming industry and i often
think to my self what did C.O.D do.
Zelda fans can be equally obnoxious. They call for change, but the moment a game strays too far from the "Zelda formula," half of the fans cry out in disapproval. I've seen some vicious backlash from Zelda fans concerning First-Person Shooters as well. Plenty of Zelda fans don't want to even give that genre a chance, simply because of the big bad Call of Duty.
Call of Duty isn't better than Zelda, in my opinion, but the game has its reasons for being successful. They aren't the same reason why Zelda is successful, so comparing the two makes little sense. After all, the foundations of Call of Duty lies within its multiplayer - a game mode that Zelda doesn't even have.