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how can I become staff?

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Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Whenever a opening arises for a position forum staff gets together to figure out who would best fill in the position. Usually members who people like get promoted, it doesn't hurt to also be active in something like the Event Staff or the Article Editing group. That or go the easy route, - get banned, return nicer than you were and be very helpful, if all goes well you'll be a part of the Forum Staff by next year :P


Jul 1, 2012
I don't really know, when there's a position free, we just pick candidates who are well mannered, respectful, mature and have been around for a good bit. The new way is getting banned and then promoted though.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
The picks for forum staff seem to be pretty random. I've been her for a while, and have been told I have quality, on topic post. I have never had an infraction, so causing trouble does seem to help your chances. Branching out to all the different sections help as well.

I'm guessing finding a way to stand out in the crowd helps aka get banned or be part of something. This is where where I fail, as I just kind of blend in, and mainly stick to the Zelda threads, so most people here don't even know who I am. So get noticed.

Good luck to you.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I mean, I want to give you the typical advice and say be an active, outgoing member who has a long history of making quality posts and obeying the rules and setting a good example for other members. That's the answer I'd like to give and the one that I've seen given in the past. And certainly that has something to do with it. But being that kind of member doesn't guarantee you'll become staff by any means and plenty of the current and former staff have had a long history of serious conflicts with the forum and have been banned and have caused trouble lol. So I really just don't know.

Being a high quality member certainly helps your chances though.

I'd just like to say that being an upstanding member of the ZD community hasn't helped me in the slightest.

I imagine you have to make mischief around here if you want to get promoted.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
It's easy don'tcha know. You walk up to the biggest staff here and punch them in the face when they are down you then establish dominance by farting in their face. Thus earning you appreciation from other staff people and because you've shown them how precarious and weak the strongest is they will give you that position.


Jul 1, 2012
You can also donate £1 to the ZD marathon and ask Locke to promote you or someone else. I take bribes as well, but I'm not as cheap as Locke.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
Shameless, more serious, plug: The wiki is always open to anyone who wants to be an editor there. We need as many as we can get and there's no real requirements, just to know how to use a computer keyboard. All you have to do is sign up for an account there and confirm your email. If you wanna help the site and you're not sure that you can make it on the staff, that's a good place to go. who knows? People can get to know you that way and may love your work and can see where it goes from there.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I was honestly considering it along with a few others but when we saw how horrible and mean Kitsu the ZD forum admin was I decided against it and so did the rest of group. Sorry


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
I was honestly considering it along with a few others but when we saw how horrible and mean Kitsu the ZD forum admin was I decided against it and so did the rest of group. Sorry

but what if i told you people would ***** about your every decision on skype and throw all manner of passive-aggressive shade when you're around? doesn't that sound wonderful?!
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