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Breath of the Wild Hopes for Zelda U


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
My favorite time in the gaming history, the speculation and hopes following a LoZ reveal. I love seeing peoples hopes and interpretations of a Teaser Trailer! I haven't checked this thread since posting and really didnt read much of the post. so i Just now have a couple Replies.
I'm just tired of the simple beginnings for Link. We've seen him start off at such simple places in the past installments of the series and I would really appreciate it, if for this game, Nintendo went "HEY BOOM, LINK IS STARTING OFF IN A DESERT SETTING!"

I agree, a sleeping boy, who just realizes he has all this responsibility is getting old. Which is why I ask for a sequel, a grown up version of a Link we have played as (AoL don't count, too old, story wasnt a big deal). I'm ready to play as a Link that is already known as a hero, and has continued to become more of a worrier. I have literally been playing Zelda since the first game on NES and now that I'm nearly 30 I'm ready to play as an adult Link who is more of Man/Worrier. Obviously im not getting that here, as far as Links "Look" but that is the most aggressive i have seen Link in a reveal ever. So even though he's so skinny you would think hes been strung out on heroin, he does seem too have a more.... aggressive nature i guess, as far as expressions and actions. I hope that wasn't just for Hype!

Very unique dungeons… and LOTS of them. I can't stress this enough.......I would like an amount similar to ALTTP and sizes similar to Ocarina of Time.
Yes, a million times yes!

I'd prefer that items won't use the touchscreen, but gyroscopic aiming and the like is a must. I can imagine them using the touchscreen to cycle through arrow types, but I feel as if L and R would still be superior in that regard.
I cant agree with this. the Gyroscopic aiming yes, but the touch screen inventory and map in WWHD is currently my favorite new thing in LoZ. It was Kinda cool in ALBW, but you still kinda had to pause the action. Seamlessly changing Items, and having your map at your finger tips without having to pause is Genius. Its something im guessing we will never know how awesome it is unless it were taken from us! Dont get me wrong L and R is also Seamless but those button are already spoken for really. They tried it with Mega Man X and it was cool, but at the same time, you had to "Cycle" and your wasting time, and theres too much room for mistakes.... That and i always change R too my dash button in Mega Man so I'm Bias!
talking about sword techniques, I would love to have something similar to the secret techniques from TP.
or Zelda 2 (what the TP techniques were based off of), but yeah, i feel these should be in every Zelda game, but its not. Capcom made MC so it was really their idea to bring the Techniques back, and Nintendo did it with TP. But that neither here nor there, the fact is, that those techniques felt like you were progressing as a worrier, a fighter, because you learned to fight better, Not because you got better items than had before. That to me is what defines the fact that it is an Adventure!

and thats all i care to cover for now!
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The Diplomatic Dinosaur
Jul 1, 2012
Early Cretaceous North America
Skyward sword was a great game in my opinion, but I will not lie it had many flaws (the motion controls were not one of theses flaws it was actually the best part of the game). My hope is for Zelda Wii U to fix all of Skyward Swords flaws and build on some of the great ideas presented in the game (although the motion controls are not necessarily needed). The flaws from SS that Zelda Wii U needs to fix are a constricted over world, scarcity of any good side quests, absence of a proper day/night cycle, Fi giving you obvious info especially stuff you know already, long tutorial to begin the game with and lack of reference to other games (Old lore was not explained or expanded on, at least not enough). If Z-WiiU fixes these flaws then I will forgive SS.

As for the things that SS did correctly (excluding motion controls) like bug and treasure hunting, item upgrading, adventure pouch related things, over world bosses, more story emphasis (like making Zelda a character you cared about), info on treasures and bugs, Fi acting like Navi (scanning people and enemies and giving you info on them), link can give multiple answers to characters in cutscenes, on the run item screens, shields that can break, Stamina gauge, Z-WiiU must reuse and improve on these innovations from SS as well as it's own new innovations.

Later I may speak more in this thread about what I want from Zelda Wii U.
Feb 7, 2014
Here's a little list
1. Previously established Link and continuation/conclusion to his story
2. Skippable cutscenes
3. Return of older characters (Dampe's good and all, but where's Malon?)
4. Hero Mode available from the start
5. Customizable character (at least clothes)
6. No more Dark Link or Ganon
7. Greater emphasis on continuity
8. Bigger roles for other characters (especially returning ones)
9. More memorable dungeons (like those of MM)
10. Fishing
11. Link having a more interesting background

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