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Breath of the Wild Hopes for Zelda U

Jun 11, 2014
@VitaTempusN92 As you said, the three words are equivalent. What does it matter if I prefer the word antagonist to villain? I simply think that the connotations on these words differ. Villain is more negative, this can be shown in the very definitions of these words you posted. An antagonist is a person or group who opposes the protagonist. It in no way implies that the person has malicious intent whereas your definition of villain does. In the end the wording doesn't matter, the purpose of this thread is to discuss our personal hopes and wishes concerning the elements that will be present within the up and coming Zelda Wii U title. Arguing over semantics is somewhat derailing this thread from it's intended purpose. For this reason I ask you to not be so concerned with the choices of words I've used in my previous posts within this thread.
Nov 30, 2009
My biggest hope for this game is that I want to be able to spend hours finding new things in the fields of Hyrule, without getting bored, and without finding everything. I want to find new hidden stuff for years to come! Bomb-able walls that aren't obvious, like in the original game would be amazing with the new size of Hyrule, and would be very hard to find. A shovel, or digging item would be awesome considering exactly how much area the game has to let us dig around.

Take it to the Shadow of the Colossus level, where there are huge areas that have nothing to do with completing the game, but are just beautiful to discover and explore.

There should be optional dungeons that are extremely hard to find, areas that are not as obvious as the most of the field, etc. I'm hoping for more Secret Grottoes, like in Oot/MM/TP. Day/Night transitions, with rain, snow and windstorms, thunderstorms depending on the location. The field looks like such an alive world already, I want to be completely sold in the breadth of the land.

I think the Land of Hyrule itself will be the make it or break it for me in this game.


May 18, 2013
Despite the vast world that was shown at E3, I think it will be better that all that space be utilised for something rather just be transportation from one area to another like in TP and WW. Aunouma did say that something about you can enter an area from any direction or something, he was very vague I have no idea what could he be talking about.

As for side quest, I wish they will focus on rewards that actually help you in the game, like extra items, upgrades to current items, etc.

I wish they increase the dungeon count to a number not seen before in the series, also I wish the dungeons are more hidden rather than having "obvious" locations as in the past, by that I mean the game "guides" you towards it and I think you guys know what I mean..

I want a really short tutorial phase, really either make the tutorial fun, or make it short, otherwise it will be dumb.

I don't want a huge focus on long cuscenes and dialogue, please if you must have these things, give us a skip option.

I want a real master quest, not just increasing damage and stuff, no I want a master guest that's like the second quest from the Original Zelda.
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Nov 30, 2009
I want a real master quest, not just increasing damage and stuff, no I want a master guest that's like the second quest from the Original Zelda.

Wow, I didn't think of that. I do very much want a Second Quest akin to the original game. It'd be awesome to play the same game, with everything moved around again!


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
@VitaTempusN92 As you said, the three words are equivalent. What does it matter if I prefer the word antagonist to villain? I simply think that the connotations on these words differ. Villain is more negative, this can be shown in the very definitions of these words you posted. An antagonist is a person or group who opposes the protagonist. It in no way implies that the person has malicious intent whereas your definition of villain does. In the end the wording doesn't matter, the purpose of this thread is to discuss our personal hopes and wishes concerning the elements that will be present within the up and coming Zelda Wii U title. Arguing over semantics is somewhat derailing this thread from it's intended purpose. For this reason I ask you to not be so concerned with the choices of words I've used in my previous posts within this thread.

:facepalm: They are NOT different! I have had it with arguing with people who don't understand common sense and logic. Anyone who antagonizes others, whether or not it's for specific reasons, is considered a villain/bully/adversary/nemesis. So by your logic, Zant, Hilda, and Majora/Skull Kid were never villains at all? Again, this is last time I am arguing about something that shouldn't even argued about in the first place.

Anyways, back on topic, two new additional hopes for Zelda Wii U is that:

1) That this game is not a reboot

2) Link is not customizable. Yeah, I know Nintendo wants him to be like the player's avatar but truth is that Link already exists as major important character in the history of Hyrule, therefore, you are not really Link, you are just simply stepping into his shoes filling in the role of whatever particular Link plays in certain Zelda games.

There you are have that.
Feb 3, 2013
I was pretty happy to read that there are more members wishing for a brand new and unique story. No Triforce, no sages, not the same story with a different twist all over again. This is what I meant when I said, this new Zelda seems a bit like a reboot. There are features that never made it to a 3D Zelda (like the open world aspect and the sense of freedom you get, when you feel like you can make your own decisions without just going, where you are told to go). I hope this fresh take gets reflected in the story as well.

I would wish for a unique story and experience. It could it to be like in Majoras Mask or Links Awakening. A story that matters and is interesting with it's own story elements. If the developers want to tell a story that is bigger then the game itself, they could place this new game in the timeline far away from those other games in a new era, where they can introduce lots of new story elements. Those things can than potentially evolve in prequels and sequels.

I'm quiet optimistic, because we did see this obviously new item - the glowing arrow - and there weren't a lot of returning elements for the more nostalgic fans in this trailer. Even Epona looks different enough to be a new breed. My first Zelda was Ocarina of Time and because it's my first, it is also the best for me. So many new and unexpected things. I wanna have this fresh experience again and don't wanna be reminded about this old lore like I was so many times since then.

The other thing I really liked in the trailer was the cape thing Link was wearing. I really hope that this is a feature Aonuma wanted to show to us and not just an element to build up expectations ("how will Link look like?"). Maybe Link has to hide, because somebody is chasing him or blond hylians or whatever. A little bit like the Wind Waker story - I know. When you talk to villagers, their response would totally depend on weather or not you are wearing that cape. When you don't need to hide no more, because the one you were hiding from already met you, this feeling must be quiet liberating.

Another use for this cape could be to blend in with a certain tribe. It's quiet interesting playing a spy in my opinion. I liked those parts in past games, where you would hide from solders or gerudos. I would like this as a more prominent feature.
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Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
I just want it too be more action packed as teased in the trailer. that is literally the most aggressive Link i have ever seen, and i hope the whole game is like that. I also want Link to be a more Mysterious character, im hoping the cloke and the outfit play in to him trying to hide from something. cuz you know, a dude in a green tunic is kind of obvious. I dont know where i want it to fit in the timeline, either a direct sequel to SS, or Link grown up after MM! either one would be sweet.

But most of all, MORE ACTION! without sacrificing the puzzle that is.... had to throw that in!
Nov 30, 2009
:facepalm: They are NOT different! I have had it with arguing with people who don't understand common sense and logic. Anyone who antagonizes others, whether or not it's for specific reasons, is considered a villain/bully/adversary/nemesis. So by your logic, Zant, Hilda, and Majora/Skull Kid were never villains at all? Again, this is last time I am arguing about something that shouldn't even argued about in the first place.

Antagonists and Villains are different.

Protagonists and antagonists have nothing to do with good or evil, they have to do with who the story is focused around. In Zelda games, yes, bad guys are always antagonists. BUT, if you played a game where you played as a villain, you would still be the protagonist, because the story is about you. The good guys would be antagonists, because they conflict with your desires as a bad guy.

In short, the hero and protagonist are usually the same character, because the story is about them, but that is not always the case.


On topic, I'm really hoping for full utilization of the Gamepad. Here are some ideas.

Map notes, like the DS Games would be nice. Obviously anything that WWHD brought to WW, easy to view map, quick item selection, etc.

Maybe you could have options to have your HUD, (Health, Rupees, etc), displayed on the gamepad only. I say it should be an option, because for playing on the Gamepad only, you should still see your HUD on your main screen. I hope that it supports Gamepad play, but it isn't required. If they use the gamepad enough, I'll use the TV for it.

Bring back Roll Goal! It'd be a fun minigame for the Gamepad screen.

I'd prefer that items won't use the touchscreen, but gyroscopic aiming and the like is a must. I can imagine them using the touchscreen to cycle through arrow types, but I feel as if L and R would still be superior in that regard.


Aperture Test Subject #2
Dec 20, 2010
Aperture Laboratories
Unique story that doesn't have the Find three medallions or stones, than master sword than more dungeons kill ganon. NO TUTORIAL, that kinda kills the game
Jun 11, 2014
Unique story that doesn't have the Find three medallions or stones, than master sword than more dungeons kill ganon. NO TUTORIAL, that kinda kills the game

I'm not completely against tutorials, as long as it doesn't take up half of the game trying to explain every single aspect of it. Some things you can figure it out, but there are other things ( like sword techniques or how to use a specific item) you need an explanation on how to use it.

EDIT: talking about sword techniques, I would love to have something similar to the secret techniques from TP.
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Nov 30, 2009
I'm not completely against tutorials, as long as it doesn't take up half of the game trying to explain every single aspect of it. Some things you can figure it out, but there are other things ( like sword techniques or how to use a specific item) you need an explanation on how to use it.

EDIT: talking about sword techniques, I would love to have something similar to the secret techniques from TP.

I'd like to not have many tutorials, and if anything, keep them as short as they were in Skyward Sword. I mean, it took forever in that game to get to any action, but you left the house, BAM. Dude's like "Hey Link, here's how you run and climb and push." That's all we needed. No more sword tutorials, flying tutorials, etc. It's just old.

In regards to sword techniques, I'd like them to take the Minish Cap route. It's similar to TP, really, but just finding an old dude in a cave or something would be awesome. maybe you learn them from different people, that'd be fresh. It's weird how the Skeleton Link from TP didn't teach you everything at once, which would be preferred. Minish Cap made it so you had to find a bunch of different guys to learn, but they were all the same guy, basically. Different Swiftblade reiterations. I'd like completely unrelated swordmasters to teach you stuff. Maybe they won't even be sword masters! We saw farmers in the video, what if you learn the spin attack from a farmer early on, who uses it to cut his grass? It'd be a comical look back on the series, without destroying immersion I think.

Azure Sage

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It's weird how the Skeleton Link from TP didn't teach you everything at once, which would be preferred.

If you learned everything all at once, that'd take all the fun out of it and you'd be way overpowered pretty early on. That's not preferable at all, to me.

I do like the idea of learning new tricks from various different people in the land. Just by talking to random NPCs, you could learn something new. I would prefer them to be spread out across the land, though. If they were all grouped together it would be too easy. And the things they teach you wouldn't be mandatory, and would be typically relative to the area you're in.
Nov 30, 2009
If you learned everything all at once, that'd take all the fun out of it and you'd be way overpowered pretty early on. That's not preferable at all, to me.

Yeah, that's the point of all of the different people teaching you things. If TP were real, he probably WOULD have taught you all at once, y'know? but since it's a game, they need to spread it out, and make it feel reasonable, lol.

I can't wait for more info!


Jul 13, 2008
I have a few personal hopes for this game.

1) A new and unique background for Link. I say this because of his new look. Judging by the Gerudo themed wrist garments he's wearing, I can assume that he may have some type of origin tied to the desert or possibly even the Gerudo, which would be a major plot twist, in my opinion. I'm just tired of the simple beginnings for Link. We've seen him start off at such simple places in the past installments of the series and I would really appreciate it, if for this game, Nintendo went "HEY BOOM, LINK IS STARTING OFF IN A DESERT SETTING!" I mean, Skyloft was a great, unique place to start out… but a desert… Oh man, it gets me excited!

2) A major theme of technology. This is pretty self-explanatory. We see a lot of technology in the trailer including Links bow and the boss enemy, and I believe this can be widely expanded on and done perfectly! I believe technology may possibly have a large role in the new zelda considering how there is moss growing off of the boss enemy and this could suggest an ancient technology, similar to Lanayru technology in Skyward Sword. Whatever happens, the tech aspect is getting me really curious to see what Nintendo is going to do with it.

3) Very unique dungeons… and LOTS of them. I can't stress this enough. I'm ready for epic dungeons again. Think about this: You've been questing across the beautiful large open world for a long time and then you stumble across an ancient structure to find out it is the next dungeon. You go inside to find a dungeon that is unlike any other zelda dungeon we've seen yet. Guys… to me, that is pure Zelda bliss. Wih this new open world we're getting, I want dungeons to be EVERYWHERE. Skyward Sword only had seven and that was not enough for me. I would like an amount similar to ALTTP and sizes similar to Ocarina of Time.

Whatever Nintendo does, it is all very exciting and im sure Zelda U is going to be a phenomenal title in the Zelda Series. Now we just have to wait ;)
Jun 14, 2014
Aonuma did say that he's reinventing some of the class Zelda elements, but I do think that staples of the series, especially the Master Sword, would make a return. I think that now with the open world mechanic, they really need to get the lore, hopefully new, near perfect with this one. Just imagine entering a village with all these NPC's walking around, and when you talk to someone, they'd go on about how Hyruleans have long hears so they can hear the voices of the gods, or how they've heard legends of a deity that might be found in this province or this part of the desert. These kind of one-sided conversations you could have with these random NPC's would really make me feel so much more immersed in the world, and that's important for an open-world, maybe go-anywhere type of game.

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