1. Adventure of Link - Don't need to say why especially when I'm playing the GC version
2. Legend of Zelda - Vague and unforgiving and not suited to the GC
3. A Link to the Past - A lot of unrelenting combat and a lot of cinstant damage when you get swarmed in small places
4. Majora's Mask - the enemies take a pounding in this game, especially the mini Dodongos, the sidequests can be a pain too
5. Phantom Hourglass - three bad gameplay ideas rammed together made this game very hard for me to get through
6. Oracle of Seasons - a lot of crappy combat and bosses
7. Oracle of Ages - annoying puzzles slowed me down and the constant meandering back and forth through time got old fast
8. Link's Awakening - bosses were hard and the dungeons hung me up from time to time
9. Minish Cap - not difficult, just hard to find your way a lot of the time, gameplay didn't feel tight enough
10. Wind Waker - not hard but being swarmed can get tense, especially if you're relying on the parry
11. Twilight Princess - not hard at all but some mini bosses came close to doing me in and i never got the hang of horseback fighting
12. Ocarina of Time - not hard for me now but bosses like Barinade gave me trouble back in the day, Bong Bongo and Volvagia remain annoying though
13. Spirit Tracks - not hard but the dark trains can get really annoying when they block your path
14. Skyward Sword - not hard, don't know what the game-over screen looks like, Imprisoned is irritating though