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Growing Up, Changes, Moving On


Staff member
Getting older and the passage of time often means some important things in your life must come to an end. Often, letting go of these things is quite a strong bittersweet feeling but it’s just a part of life.

When were some times in your life that you’ve been reluctant to let go and move on from someone, somewhere, or something? Perhaps you even have something happening now or in the near future that’s on your mind.


Leaving high school was one of these times for me (and for many others too I imagine) as I was going through a rough time and the uncertainty of going to University without all the friends coming with me every day as they had for the last six years was daunting.

At the moment as I’m readying to head off to Japan for 18 months I’ll be leaving my current jobs. I’ve been working at McDonalds since early 2010, it’s been a huge part of my life for the last eight years. While I’ve had very bad days and very good days at this job, it has been one of the most stable things in my life over the past decade and I feel like many of the long term coworkers have become like another family to me. Leaving this to follow my dreams is exciting, but my job at McD will always hold a place in my heart.



Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Honestly I'm not sure this has ever happened to me. I'm usually quite happy to move on from most things, and everything I've let go that was upsetting wasn't bittersweet, it was just bitter.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
I can't say I've really felt that way. It's not really been a feeling of leaving something, but rather a feeling of going to something better. The schools I've left, the jobs I've left, it's always been either because I was unhappy or because something better was waiting.


Zofian General
Jun 28, 2017
Ram Village, Zofia
I'm kinda still to young to really move on, but here's something. Recently I got into an argument with my closest friend, and we kinda didn't talk to each other. Now they just ignore me and I hate it. So I've kinda just forced myself to move on.

el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016
When I left school it was the happiest day of my life. No more homework, or grades to worry about. I didn't have many friends so that wasn't an issue. The ones I did have I could see relatively often. Though growing up is a bit harder, especially with Cystic Fibrosis. I've had to become way more health conscious, and more worried about money


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
I've had a few things that I've had to move on and let go from.

Somewhere: The first was my life in Florida. Long story short our house burned down, we lost everything, and my father used our insurance money for drugs. I had to drop out of college and work two jobs just to get us by, however I could not pay everything. I had to grow up fast. We got a foreclosure notice in the mail. My brother offered for me to move to Vegas with him to start a new life and it was the best thing I've ever done. I'll never forget walking away from my mother in tears to the bus stop to the airport. Luckily, shes been living with me the last two years after I purchased my first home. The change was the best thing that's ever happened to me. Within a few years I've gotten engaged, bought our first home, and have a great paying job that has given me financial security that we never had. My fiance is also realizing her dream of being a nurse, and seeing how happy it makes her, makes it all worth it.

Someone: During the course of my house burning down and Vegas, I had a girlfriend, her name was Nikita and she was from Rebourne England. Despite it being a long distance relationship, I would honestly consider her my first real love. We were always there for each other and we helped each other through our most difficult times. I loved her so very much, and I will never forget her. Our relationship lasted a little over three years. When I moved to Vegas, our time difference became eight hours, and with me working so much and her going to college, I could definitely tell there was a serious strain on our relationship. I started the process of breaking up, and I never felt so much heart break, however I felt it was the right thing to do, because in reality we were just starting our lives. Fast forward to now, she's happily married and doing well. I'm also engaged and very happy with my relationship and life now, but sometimes I wonder if she ever thinks about me, and wonder how she's doing. I'm happy the way everything turned out though. We are all doing very well.

I believe that sometimes that people and events are placed in your life to build and shape your character. Everything happens for a reason.

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