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Gossip Stone:How Prominent of a Role Should Humor Play in Zelda Games?


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
I know this is two in a row, but two good ones were posted today. I recently realized that Gossip Stone has more than one writer who contributes to the column, and that this is going to be a little more frequent than I thought. But what ever, I'm willing to take this on. I will be as consistent as I can. If I miss an article here and there, which will not be because I think more of one author than the next, I just want that to be clear. I'm going with the flow right now, but I may have to resort to choosing which topics that I share here depending on which topics I feel will promote the best conversation; as to not spam the forum. I feel that this is a good one that is short and sweet, and probably the replies will be too. So for those of you who thought the last one was too long, then try this one! Lets get started....

How Prominent of a Role Should Humor Play in Zelda Games? by Jon Lett

Players constantly look forward to new epic story lines and fantastic journeys that come out of new Zelda games, and they are seldom disappointed. The games can have quite amazing stories to tell, often using very heavy themes. Just look at Twilight Princess. Sure, a great adventure, but not the most cheery of games. Of course, there are the seemingly happier ones, like The Wind Waker, but the only looks happier. When you really look at it as a whole, the momentary laughs are obscured but darker overarching happenings. Should there be more prominent happy and humourous games in the future?

When thinking of the funniest moments seen in a Zelda game, it is surprisingly difficult to think of a great many. There are obviously some great moments to list off. Quite a few occur between Link and his more mischievous partners. Midna, Tatl, Ezlo, Linebeck, and even the King of Red Lions have some good laughs at Link’s expense. In fact, Link is almost always the butt end of the best jokes, like in The Wind Wakerwhen Tetra launches Link off the ship in a barrel, or in Skyward Sword when Groose drops from the sky onto Link. There is clearly potential for a happier, more humorous game to be made, if more funny moments and characters were used, but should it happen?

In my eyes, the ominous, impending adventure is the more entertaining one. I always loved seeing the games’ larger-than-life evils gain power throughout a Zelda game. That being said, a funnier villain, or funnier adventure in general wouldn’t hurt. The large-scale, epic adventures we have grown to love are likely to keep their monumental and dark feeling to them, but some future games could feature some charming comedic gold throughout the game, and we could see if it is worth keeping in the series.

Let us know your thoughts! Is there room for more laughable adventures in future games?


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
My personal thoughts on this topic, are that I think the series is just fine with the humor it has. I love the funny parts. It adds a little relief to the pressing ongoing battle I am in on my adventure to banish the evil of Hyrule. But I don't want too much of it. I feel that where the humor level is now, actually makes the funny light hearted moments better and more funny to me cuz they are kind of unexpected. Soo yeah, keep it how it is when it comes to Humor.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
It's not a comedy series as such. The plotlines of Zelda are serious and I think they should remain that way. However the world of Zelda is full of lunatics from 35 year old men who dress in Lycra and should probably be locked up to a dude who sits under a tree at night talking about how everyone is disgusting including his own parents. Just meeting and speaking to some of these characters can be a humorous experience in itself. And I don't think Zelda's worlds would be as good without these...quirky characters. So I definitely hope for more of that.

Zelda also has funny moments in cut scenes as well but it's never over the top and always fits in with the games tone. My favourite being where Ghirahim strikes a new pose accompanied by the clash of cymbals whilst making comments about his own beauty. That was unexpectedly hilarious.

So I guess my thoughts are keep the level of humour the way it is now.
Jul 10, 2012
It's not a comedy series as such. The plotlines of Zelda are serious and I think they should remain that way. However the world of Zelda is full of lunatics from 35 year old men who dress in Lycra and should probably be locked up to a dude who sits under a tree at night talking about how everyone is disgusting including his own parents. Just meeting and speaking to some of these characters can be a humorous experience in itself. And I don't think Zelda's worlds would be as good without these...quirky characters. So I definitely hope for more of that.

Zelda also has funny moments in cut scenes as well but it's never over the top and always fits in with the games tone. My favourite being where Ghirahim strikes a new pose accompanied by the clash of cymbals whilst making comments about his own beauty. That was unexpectedly hilarious.

So I guess my thoughts are keep the level of humour the way it is now.

I really don't care for the crazy assclowns in Zelda.

One character that did stand out to me was Barnes from Twilight Princess. And I also liked Groose quite a bit.


May 18, 2013
It should be as funny as possible, they plot will ALWAYS be taken seriously, even Mario had serious stories, sometimes, but it had a lot of humour.


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
So I guess my thoughts are keep the level of humour the way it is now.

My thoughts exactly. Zelda has never been a comedy series; in fact, the overarching adventure and the underlying themes can be quite serious and dark. I've always seen humour in Zelda as comic relief, hence why it really stands out to me. In particular, I really like the amount of humour in SS and WW, and even MM and TP's humour because it stands out so much given the darker atmosphere of these games, and it's welcome.


The lazy Chaos Bringer
Mar 25, 2015
The reason why I believe the humor is fine being how it is without being to much into the darker plot. It is cause the humor brings a bit of light into the darkened area. Possibly spurring one on to continue forward even when they start to lose themselves into the darkened atmosphere. The key is balance which the zelda series already has.

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