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Spoiler Ghirahim: Your Thoughts?

What do you think of Demon Lord Ghirahim?

  • Awesome

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pretty cool

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Okay...I guess...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Disturbed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrible

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  • Total voters


The Drifter
Dec 30, 2011
You should know, before you dive into this thread, that it's possible that there may be spoilers relating to Skyward Sword. Ghirahim is definitely one of the best Zelda villains I've seen aside from Ganon. He's very weird, yet powerful and evil. The next-to-last boss battle was one of the best. Ghirahim, however, turns out to have a role similar to Zant in TP. Although he seems like a cool villain at first, by the end it's revealed that he is actually a lackey of a more powerful evil mastermind, who looks awesome for the first half of the game and turns out to be a psycho the next. What I want to know is, what are your thoughts on this Lady GaGa wannabe?

Speaking of Lady Gaga, this is what Ghirahim would sound like singing since it's the same VA.... apparently still crazy creepy.
In a way, his bizarre, sporadic personality is what made him so intimidating as a villain, similar to Zant and even more-so Majora. I felt that he is one of the best villains Zelda has had thus far. As a boss, he was pretty challenging. It was frustrating for me to try to evade that running sword strike he gives in the first two battles. The final battle with Ghirahim was insane, with his weird transformation in all. When Demise killed him...

Furious! Outraged! Sick with anger!

Overall, an amazing, creative villain that I'll never forget.

Hylian Pants

Nintendo Wench
Apr 11, 2010
America's armpit
I was kind of neutral on Ghirahim at the beginning, besides being slightly freaked out by his tongue waggling at Skyview Temple. But as the game progressed, I began to really appreciate his character. I think his eccentricity and flamboyant mannerisms were executed much better than they were with Zant. Also, he seemed more intelligent, he was quick to regain his composure whenever he had a burst of anger and had a cool and collected demeanor despite being obviously sadistic and evil. Of course, his final form was awesome too, and put a spin on his personality that we didn't see with Zant. The only thing I wasn't totally sold on was his character design..

I just hope these eccentric, overzealous underling-type villains don't show up in every single game.. I don't mind seeing them now and again, but there are more types of villains than just big burly evil musclemen and lanky flamboyant minions.


The game is on!
Demon Lord Ghirahim was awesome! Even though he wasn't the main main villain of the game I really loved his character. Unlike Zant, who was another villain who appeared much throughout his game but wasn't the final boss, Ghirahim did manage to remain awesome. He has become my new favourite villain from any video game!


Major SS and Oot fan!
Nov 28, 2011
New York
Ghiriham is FABULOUS!!!:D(i know theres a youtube video for it) He is what I think a model zelda villan is. He rocks!


Shows over folks!
Oct 27, 2011
Well, what can I say about Ghirahim, I like fighting him, the boss fights with him were really fun, but his character was just wierd. A lot like Zant, really the only Zelda villain I really respect is Ganondorf, fun to fight with an amazing character and he actually looks intimidating, Ghirahim looks like a clown and Zant looked like an elephant when he was sane and a syco when insane, Vaati well he was gender confusing, and just very wierd. And that's pretty much all the Zelda villains I've fought.


Bow Down to the Dark Lord
Nov 7, 2011
The World Of Darkness
ghirahim should start making more appearances in zelda future, so i think he should replace ganondorf. then ganondorf to ghirahim then ghirahim to demise! now that, would be totally awesomeness. :ganondorf:


I'm not the muffin man!
Funny story about him: The first time I fought him at Skyview Temple, when he threw off the cape...or whatever that is, I thought: Are you some kind of...dancer? Then, when he is casting the spell over Zelda before his final battle I thought: Oh, so you ARE a dancer!


Ghirahim was a joke. He was actually one of my favorite villains until I read his text box in Skyview Temple. So basically, he has a very cool concept but he's short lived just like Zant. The biggest difference? We knew at the very start that Ghirahim was a lackey whereas Zant never told us til the VERY END.

Going to have to go with Vanitas here. I was disturbed with him and his flicking tongue and cross-dressing. I find myself laughing at him because of how ridiculous he is. Sadly, Skyward Sword is a very bright game, almost a polar opposite of Twilight Princess, so I guess Nintendo felt obliged to put in a light-hearted villain in. That's my view on it, at least.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
"Awesome" should have been "Fabulous" as one of the poll options.

My likes and dislikes varied for this bizarre character. Some scenes with Ghirahim left me a little disturbed. But then I got to beat him within an inch of his life (see what I did there?), and that balanced my aversion toward him. An individual of this type always asks for a beating. How he practically begged each time--especially during our third encounter--could have only made Fi smile within the Goddess/Master Sword. Zant's loftiness made me pretty mad, and that only made the fight with him more refreshing. On the other hand, Ghirahim's aloofness made my gorge rise. I was satisfied to see him go, and seeing the revelation of his true purpose at the same to of his end was, to say the least, amazing.

As a villain Ghirahim carried himself pretty well. He was conniving and malicious, two traits that help sharpen a perfect adversary's character. Still he also showed he's capable of leniency in letting Link live, if only for the sake of time. He merely wanted to be reunited with his Master as it seemed and rushed through each skirmish in an attempt to track down and capture Zelda. Overall he tries to be courteous as a blade, but is more oftentimes sick with anger when defeated. Remarkably he isn't at all robotic like Fi, as he can form full-fledged and funny sentences which fills our hearts with rainbows.


I know that I am not going to get a lot of positive, but I really did not care about Girahim. He did not felt like a legitamate threat to me, his boss battles were of a pretty repetative nature and his behaviour felt more like a cartoon villian, than anything else


May 9, 2011
I praise Gihrahim's character.

The fact that he is always in contact with Link and conversing with him is what I wanted as an antagonist in this game. I love how he plays with Link and keeps his vanity in check after he finishes with Link.

The most humorous of scenes I found is that when he discovers the existence of the second Gate of Time he "wanted in on the fun."

Overall I really prefered him over Zant as you witnessed more of a development between the protagonist and antagonist.


Saranghaeyo Kevin Woo!
Jan 21, 2012
Seoul, South Korea
Ghirahim is my favorite Zelda boss of all time <3 He's sexy, clever, devious, and i just love his giggle xD He's so fabulous. I'd go anywhere with him. Did I mention he's flossy? :D Flameboyant aswell!

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