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Ghirahim in Smash Bros.

Would you like to see Ghirahim in Super Smash Bros.?

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Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.
Yes I would but if you put him in ssb you would have to put Demise in it also.

No you wouldn't. Actually you couldn't. Maybe as Ghirahim's Final Smash, but not as a playable character, he's almost 3 times the size of a normal person, he's just too big.

Anyway, I am ABSOLUTELY ALL FOR THIS. And one of his taunts would totally be licking his sword. Can anyone else see that and how awesome it would be? I would prefer if he wore his cape, partly because I would like to see how he fights while wearing it, partly because he looks cool in it. His Final Smash could be either Demise or his final form. His Special could be shooting one of those evil-magical knife things, his Up-Special could be teleporting (like Zelda and Shiek), and he could be one of the main villains in the storyline. It would be awesome if, instead of taking out the characters in Brawl, they kept them and added almost twice as many, including Ghirahim. However, if that didn't happen, I would prefer to replace Ganondorf, sort of reluctantly, sort of not, I just want to see him in the new Smash Bros. THAT badly.

This would be awesome. :)
Dec 21, 2011
All around
I don't think so, I can't think of too many unique abilities that he has that could be different from those already present. Honestly, Ganondorf was a HUGE disappointment to me when he was first introduced because of the ridiculous similarity in abilities he had to Captain Falcon. I know he was heavier, but that's not enough to base an entirely new character off of, IMO.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I don't think so, I can't think of too many unique abilities that he has that could be different from those already present. Honestly, Ganondorf was a HUGE disappointment to me when he was first introduced because of the ridiculous similarity in abilities he had to Captain Falcon. I know he was heavier, but that's not enough to base an entirely new character off of, IMO.

Ganondorf was a beast in Melee and his moveset was more electric to say the least. Brawl just slowed him down too much though all changed his sideways B move. :)


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
I don't really play Smash Bros. that much, but I do think Ghirahim would be an interesting character to have in the game. The question is whether he's popular or well-known enough outside of Zelda circles like ours to ever be added into the game.

I think that if Ghirahim somehow makes it into a second or third Zelda game, it would definitely be worth adding him to the next Smash Bros. game. I'm not sure that his debut in SS is enough justification for adding him to a series like Smash Bros, with all kinds of characters that compete to be included.

All that said, if he were in the game, I'd probably enjoy playing as him. His ability to block attacks could be useful, and he could teleport. Also, he's fast. There might be a need to balance him, but he has the right size and type of abilities to go into the game.
Jan 6, 2012
I would like to see him in it. I would also like to see SS Impa in it. I think she ha been in enough games to be recognized by others and would just fit in.
Jun 14, 2011
Ghirahim would make a really good addition to the Smash Bros. Series. I reckon his Final Smash could be his final form which makes him overly powerful and invinsible for a short amount of time, like Wario's Final Smash.

Sorry, but he's only been in one game, not important enough to be played.

Lucario appeared in one game and yet he made it into Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Because of this, I can't see why they couldn't put Ghirahim into the next SSB.
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Viceroy of Area 11
Dec 24, 2010
I clicked no but then thought about it for a while...and changed my mind to YES! His attacks could include showering FABULOUSNESS on people and licking their ears. And of course a sword, but that's not as exciting as throwing FABULOUSNESS on everyone, is it?


No, only because it would be the first step to Nintendo overusing him, and I would like him to appear in maybe one more Zelda game, but anything else would ruin the character in my opinion.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
No, I'd hate to see Ghirahim in Smash Bros, 'specially since he's essentially a one time villain for the most part. However, I can easily see his super move (final smash) being his final form in which he gets Super Armor among other things (similar to Giga Bowser). We'll see who gets selected for SSB4 in a little while :yes:

"He also has a wide variety of moves, such as a dash attack, jumping high and landing, teleporting, and magical throwing darts..."
How? No one in SB has those kinds of moves. (The darts is the only exception.)
Dash Attack: All of dash+A attacks for the most part. I assume what you mean is his "stance – dash – swing". Given that SSB is traditionally a 2D fighter, that'd be translated to his dash attack (Dash + A).

Jumping high and landing: Link, Young LInk, Toon Link and many characters have a Dair. TL's is a Stall-then-fall, Link and YL is just a fall. Nothing unique about a jump high then land. I'd expect Ghirahim's Dair to be a stallthenfall anyway.

Teleporting: Zelda.

Darts: Sheik, compared to Link's arrows, Mario's fireballs and many other projectiles.

Point is, with Ghirahim's SS moveset, he isn't unique to the SSB series outside of his flamboyant looks. He'll need some heavy expansion to make the roster.
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Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.
(Idea for his special knife move thingy-mo-bob that would make it different from other projectile moves)

You hold the B-button (or whatever the special move thing will be) and as you hold it more knives begin to appear and fly around him, with a max of 4, making a sort of slight temporary defense (when someone attacks him, it hits one of the knives instead), like in SS, and if someone hits one it falls to the ground and disappears. Once you release the B-button, the knives will fire forward and have a slight heat-seeking effect on enemies within 3 feet of a knife (I'm talking compared to the characters, not actual measurement, of course). He also wouldn't be able to move or anything else while using it, that wouldn't be fair (or he'd move very slowly).

There, now you can't say anybody else has it.
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