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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia


Jan 19, 2018
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ok i'll explain

wolves ask others to make cases for them because then they don't have to construct cases themselves. for wolves, it's a burden to construct fake cases. townies don't ask for that because they would want to gather information for themselves.

i got caught as a wolf for doing this by macdougall in an mu turbo and ever since then that's been one of my rules

i've almost certainly done this as town

it sounds like a decent tell though


Jan 19, 2018
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its pretty easily to feel totally lost in mafia games, especially when you aren't familiar with most of the other players.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Cin Min, what is your take on Eli and DW?

Meant to reply to this yesterday and then got distracted with other stuff.

I just skimmed through their ISOs and...neither has done a ton to inspire me to town read them. Eli is interesting because he claims that he isn't following what's going on but on d1 he asked about hider CC, and then later said that it was to bait mafia into thinking he was the hider and RB/Attack him, but like if you're thinking of strategies like that I'm not quite sure how anything else we've posted should be too hard to follow. Especially with d2 and d3 not being

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Meant to reply to this yesterday and then got distracted with other stuff.

I just skimmed through their ISOs and...neither has done a ton to inspire me to town read them. Eli is interesting because he claims that he isn't following what's going on but on d1 he asked about hider CC, and then later said that it was to bait mafia into thinking he was the hider and RB/Attack him, but like if you're thinking of strategies like that I'm not quite sure how anything else we've posted should be too hard to follow. Especially with d2 and d3 not being

Wow that got posted before I meant to. Anyways...

Especially with d2 and d3 not being as crazy as d1. And the extension of this current phase. Maybe he wanted to set up asking about CC to use later on as townpants in that regard but then hider died too early.

Also, he claimed that KoD and DW were scum theatering d1, but has only voted for KoD and Ex this whole game. I don't know if DW is the type to bus as scum? Because if Eli/DW are scumbuds it would make sense for Eli to shade DW but never vote them. Though DW's vote on Eli was pretty dangerous and could have gotten him lynched. He also replied that he finds no one on the playerlist townie d2 but that seems like a cop-out. And if that were the case why is he only ever voting for KoD and Ex over and over? He also said that he voted Ex because his was a new CFD that had better odds of going over, when he could have voted Fext there and just easily secured a larger lead that would have been better at saving him. Especially when Ex's wagon didn't have a chance of actually going over there. And he said he didn't find anyone townie so why would it matter if he voted Fext there, unless he knew he was town and wanted to stay off the lynch.

DW started out strong but has kinda disappeared. I know he said he wasn't feeling well and that's fair. However, it seems to have started before then too. He went right out the gate giving reads on people with like 2 pages, and then once it seemed like he wasn't being overly scumread for it he backed off a lot. He also said if he's anti-town he outs himself by like d2 or d3, which doesn't look great for him not saying much now. He's been flip-floppy quite a bit. First town reading Numbers, then sheeping Seanzie's scum read, then back to town reading. Then scum reading Ex for lying about his meta, to town reading Ex for his eod2. Scum leaning KoD and then town reading him when he didn't care about DW's vote on him. He mentioned he had given Killjoy a soft town lean early d1 but was fine with the CFD on him because by eod he was just meh. At one point in d1 he said Kreaal was probably his biggest town read for very shallow reasons, but interestingly one point was that the felt that one of Kreaal's posts was trying to get a sense if the respondent was mafia roleblocker. Which, if he thought that then he could have possibly thought that Kreaal was hider and that's why Kreaal got nk'd n1. Also town reading him would be great if he thinks he's the hider because he would want to kill him at night and get 2 kills, instead of lynching him for just 1. D2 DW said that he didn't have much of a read on Eli either way. He mentioned that it was odd I said Ex should be the obvious lynch when I had been town reading him (which isn't what I said), but otherwise I wasn't pinging him. And then DW ends up voting for Eli, and when Numbers proposes a CFD on me, he says he can get behind it because something about my Fext vote didn't sit right with him. This was very close to eod when he had said nothing else about scum reading me before that. He also had agreed near the beginning of the day with Ex that me, Fext, KoD, and Rag should be the focus of discussion that day to get better reads on all of us. Yet doesn't list Eli in that group, but still says right after that that he has no read on Eli. I don't think DW mentions Rag any more at all after this really, which is interesting if they are scumbuds together.

So I could easily see either being scum. But I'm not sure if they are scum together? Only for the fact of DW's vote d2, but maybe he expected Eli to vote Fext at some point to self pres and push him in a large lead.
Mar 6, 2022
Meant to reply to this yesterday and then got distracted with other stuff.

I just skimmed through their ISOs and...neither has done a ton to inspire me to town read them. Eli is interesting because he claims that he isn't following what's going on but on d1 he asked about hider CC, and then later said that it was to bait mafia into thinking he was the hider and RB/Attack him, but like if you're thinking of strategies like that I'm not quite sure how anything else we've posted should be too hard to follow. Especially with d2 and d3 not being
no its just that i read everything too quickly

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