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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia


Jan 19, 2018
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To reiterate, I'd like everyone to claim who they think they'd target tonight if they were the hider. I'm pinging people who have been active since I asked but haven't responded just to make sure they saw the question. Apologies if you did respond and I just missed it.

People who have claimed prospective targets since I've asked:

ExLight of Londor: Ragnarokio
Ragnarokio of Astora: KoD with Exlight as backup
Kreal of Carim: Seanzie

People who have posted since I asked but haven't claimed a prospective target since I asked
@Morbid Minish

People who have not posted since I've asked:
TL the legend of Forossa: ???
Isett of Catarina: ???
CynicalSquid of Astora: ???
Killjoy of Forossa: ???
DawningWinds of Astora: ???
Kreal of Carim: Seanzie
Eli, Psycho of Mirrah: ???


Jan 19, 2018
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EBWOP: Kreal obviously shouldn't be in the bottom list


Jan 19, 2018
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it would be unusual for scum to bus on such a slow day 1. The only instances you're likely to see scum bussing on day 1 are when you have a particularly bad team (ie: it has me on it) and what starts as some simple shade-throwing ends up snowballing into a wagon that the scum then feel too shy to back off of which results in a lynch; and when both leading wagons are scum and so one or both candidates makes a show of attacking the other as a means of making the other look better after the lynch.
Jul 7, 2021
Just because you're posting reads doesn't mean they're good. Some people can generate tons of content and it can all be flawed.

An info flip isn't opportunistic. It's what I usually go for d1 if I don't have any strong scum reads. And it's honestly what anyone should go for if they don't. As long as they're voting someone they actually can see as scum. I'm townreading a lot of others, so that along with me disagreeing with your logic makes you the most scummy to me. I've said more about you being scum than I have anyone else, so it would be weirder for me to vote someone else at this point. Number's post was explained numerous times but yet you still seem to see it as scummy despite it not being so for the reasons you stated. I feel like latching onto something like that early on, ignoring the explanations for your own explanation, and continuing to read it as scummy is reaching yes.

Also you calling me scum off of one post seems pretty reachy too. Especially when that post wasn't just an easy pop in post to say that I was catching up or anything. It was a post trying to parse my thoughts on what I had read. It is fair to say that I didn't give any alignment reads but it was also my first post and I was trying to digest what was happening and how I felt which was obvious from what I posted. Town me is always more hedgy than scum me. Because as scum I know how to form fake thoughts on people.

Also, you being strong town also means being strong scum. So if you're scum here it would be better to lynch you early on. I don't agree that KoD is being anti-town (which says a lot coming from me), and I never tend to go for inactives on d1 unless it's like absolute last resort. Either Mikey will find a replacement or modkill them so it resolves itself. Going for inactives is a cop out to me because we get no info from their lynch.

An info flip taken in a vacuum is not opportunistic, no. But, pushing to flip one of the most active players that has other people voting him without reason in a game with very few active players with your only reason being "info" is opportunistic. At least now you're "disagreeing with my logic", which is a bit better I suppose, but that isn't what you said originally.

Very few of the points I made were ever addressed. Instead, KoD just sat there and argued semantics with me. People have agreed that Number saying they were going to base their reads off how people talk about the setup was sus (no one refuted this point). No one refuted the fact that wolves tend to make posts that look helpful and ask questions without really doing anything as first posts. So, where exactly are these explanations that I should be swayed by? Can you quote them? Because this smells of garbage.

Overstating early reads to push the game out of fluff is a pro-town tactic that I do every game regardless of my alignment. "reachy" or not, it gets the game going, and how people react to those reads helps me form better reads. For example, you seem to be quite bothered by me calling you scum off your first post. Almost salty... kinda like you feel caught for the wrong reasons.

This is not an excuse. The first post is the hardest post for a wolf to make, and where they are at their most vulnerable. I don't see why town!you would expect me to forgive you for it being your first post; why would it being your first post matter if you weren't feeling pressure to enter the agme in a non-suspicious way?

Minish is salty I caught them off their first post. Fairly certain Minish is a wolf here. If y'all decide to kill me today, take this as a legacy read and kill Minish tomorrow.

Vote: Morbid Minish


Jan 19, 2018
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An info flip taken in a vacuum is not opportunistic, no. But, pushing to flip one of the most active players that has other people voting him without reason in a game with very few active players with your only reason being "info" is opportunistic. At least now you're "disagreeing with my logic", which is a bit better I suppose, but that isn't what you said originally.

Very few of the points I made were ever addressed. Instead, KoD just sat there and argued semantics with me. People have agreed that Number saying they were going to base their reads off how people talk about the setup was sus (no one refuted this point). No one refuted the fact that wolves tend to make posts that look helpful and ask questions without really doing anything as first posts. So, where exactly are these explanations that I should be swayed by? Can you quote them? Because this smells of garbage.

Overstating early reads to push the game out of fluff is a pro-town tactic that I do every game regardless of my alignment. "reachy" or not, it gets the game going, and how people react to those reads helps me form better reads. For example, you seem to be quite bothered by me calling you scum off your first post. Almost salty... kinda like you feel caught for the wrong reasons.

This is not an excuse. The first post is the hardest post for a wolf to make, and where they are at their most vulnerable. I don't see why town!you would expect me to forgive you for it being your first post; why would it being your first post matter if you weren't feeling pressure to enter the agme in a non-suspicious way?

Minish is salty I caught them off their first post. Fairly certain Minish is a wolf here. If y'all decide to kill me today, take this as a legacy read and kill Minish tomorrow.

Vote: Morbid Minish

i just read back through your and minish's interactions and it seemed kind of like this

1: you make one or two aggressive reachy cases on people and push them pretty hard.
2: minish hops on your bandwagon because she dislikes your aggression
3: you vote minish for what basically reads as OMGUS.

I don't think your case on minish has any actual meat. Could you reiterate why you think she's scum? For what its worth you're probably the strongest townread i have in thread because i feel like aggressive play on d1 is a strong towntell and paranoia is also a towntell, though a weaker one.
Sep 27, 2021
In Pendio's game Rag posted and was scum

In JD's game Rag no-posted and was town

Rag is now posting


Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I disagree


An info flip taken in a vacuum is not opportunistic, no. But, pushing to flip one of the most active players that has other people voting him without reason in a game with very few active players with your only reason being "info" is opportunistic. At least now you're "disagreeing with my logic", which is a bit better I suppose, but that isn't what you said originally.

Very few of the points I made were ever addressed. Instead, KoD just sat there and argued semantics with me. People have agreed that Number saying they were going to base their reads off how people talk about the setup was sus (no one refuted this point). No one refuted the fact that wolves tend to make posts that look helpful and ask questions without really doing anything as first posts. So, where exactly are these explanations that I should be swayed by? Can you quote them? Because this smells of garbage.

Overstating early reads to push the game out of fluff is a pro-town tactic that I do every game regardless of my alignment. "reachy" or not, it gets the game going, and how people react to those reads helps me form better reads. For example, you seem to be quite bothered by me calling you scum off your first post. Almost salty... kinda like you feel caught for the wrong reasons.

This is not an excuse. The first post is the hardest post for a wolf to make, and where they are at their most vulnerable. I don't see why town!you would expect me to forgive you for it being your first post; why would it being your first post matter if you weren't feeling pressure to enter the agme in a non-suspicious way?

Minish is salty I caught them off their first post. Fairly certain Minish is a wolf here. If y'all decide to kill me today, take this as a legacy read and kill Minish tomorrow.

Vote: Morbid Minish

I never said voting for you was completely for info and you're misrepresenting my position on you completely. I even said before my vote that I disagreed with your logic, so it is what I said originally.

People have refuted that Numbers post was sus. I even mentioned why it was sus, KoD explained how you were reading it wrong, Numbers explained how you were reading it wrong, and I believe there were others who didn't see it as sus. Even DW originally townread him for it until you posted your interpretation of it saying that it was scummy. I'm on mobile right now so it's hard to go back and search for stuff, but you said something like Numbers should have made a certain argument about his post rather than saying it was to generate discussion, because town sees how the post is helpful in a different way or something another. But that's not what Numbers was going. He asked for ideas on plans (good), gave his own idea (good), and stated that how people replied would determine how he read them (also good). Just saying that how people reply will determine how he reads them is a good play, because you don't even have to actually care about their plans, but you can read into just how they reply on the basis of thinking that their response will determine how people see their alignment.
Also you keep talking about how you've generated a ton of discussion, but Numbers post also has as well.

I'm not salty. I'm saying that you were reachy which you disagreed with, but now seem to also be agreeing with. I disagree that it's a protown tactic. Sure it can get reactions, but looking for any little reason to call someone scum is also a scum move.

It being my first post matters because I don't always just jump in with full on alignment reads right off the bat because that's not how I play. I wasn't feeling pressured to enter in a non-suspicious way and tbh my first post should actually reflect that. Lol. If I were, then I would have been less hedgy, and given more concrete content which ironically is what you're calling me out for not doing. Like even if I were scum here I wouldn't be salty because your reasoning didn't make much sense and you've called so many other people scum that of course odds are that one is right so it's not like some big deal. Lol.


Jan 19, 2018
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In Pendio's game Rag posted and was scum

In JD's game Rag no-posted and was town

Rag is now posting


i have played more than three games

also i can barely remember JD's game but i think i forgot i was in it and by the time i remembered it i was already dead? I was only like 10 hours off the same thing happening here
Dec 28, 2020
Well I’m already voting them but I want them to die today is basically what I’m saying.

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